15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for hajjo

I have <a title="jjj jjj" /> it appears as jjj new line jjj in itnernet explorer. but in firefox it ignores new lines and replaces them with space. any solution for this on firefox?

Member Avatar for Admiral
Member Avatar for uselessninja

hi everyone i have 2 textboxes: when i enter a name on first textbox the first letter of what i have entered will appear on second textbox...is it possible for javascript? to make it clear: i will enter a name "COCOMARTIN" on the firstbox and the first letter " C …

Member Avatar for uselessninja
Member Avatar for Sop215

Hi All Anyone knows how do i store the selected value into a hidden field or variable so that i can use it for database insert ? Btw this is in ASP. I took the jquery sample code from: [url]http://www.ajaxshake.com/en/JS/232761/a-progressive-enhancement-to-select-multiple-form-elements-asmselect.html[/url] Here is my code: [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#Part_ID").asmSelect({ …

Member Avatar for jd2011

I am currently looking for a way not go get caught using an auto healing scipt for a text based game. Here is the script code. I will not give the website name. [CODE]// ==UserScript== // @name Auto eat script // @namespace // @author Private // @include http://www.xxx.com/game.php // @version …

Member Avatar for jd2011
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I have a page here [url][/url]. What I want to control is that for link on the left that is clicked I want the text to change to a particular color to highlighted it have been selected. And when another linked is clicked I want the previous linked …

Member Avatar for malini1211@gmai
Member Avatar for momonq1990

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Asiahome Trading Corporation (Server)</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function validate(){ var user = document.getElementById('username') var pass = document.getElementById('password') user.style.backgroundColor = (user.value.length == 0) ? "red" : ""; pass.style.backgroundColor = (pass.value.length == 0) ? "red" : …

Member Avatar for Amr87
Member Avatar for Aeterna

I'm trying to create a countdown timer that uses datetimes from a database. So far I have the endDate as a DateTime object. What I want to be able to do is pass this into javascript as a javascript DateTime, then find the difference between the endDate and Now, and …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for konradhoppe

Hi community, I am struggeling to get an ajax request to work. The main issue here is that I can't fill in a select box from jquery for some reason. I was working before without jquery and used the method innerHTML() to paste options into the box, which worked fine, …

Member Avatar for konradhoppe
Member Avatar for hajjo

I have this window.top.onscroll = function(){moveScroll(); } It works perfect in ie, but in firefox I get permission denied to get property onscroll. why? and whats the solution? on top of my page i have done this though var url = document.URL; url = url.substring(7,url.length); url = url.substring(0,url.indexOf(":")); if(isMoz) document.domain …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for Mona Ali

Hi to all i make an HTML page and after entering the data when user press the submit button the data stored in database. i also make validation that which text field is optional and which text field is necessary to fulfill.but the problem is that i have 3 text …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for Coyx

Hi guys! I'm back with more problems! I've tried everything... I just can't seem to get it to work. :( Okay, a short explanation of what the goal is. I have 5 buttons, and a list of records which are pulled from the database. Import CSV Create Edit Delete View …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for Arthi Raman

Hi, I need to pass the value of hyperlink to another jsp page. For eg., <a href="sample.html" id="myAnchor">[B]sample[/B] </a> Now, i need to retrieve the value, [B]sample[/B] and pass it to another page. Kindly help me on this. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for choboja621

My problem is, when you type an age, it always says "Invalid Age" w/c falls in the default condition. I dont know how to figure out this. Its my codes. Help me to fix this. Thanks! [CODE] <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var $age = Number(prompt("Enter Your Age: ")); switch ($age) …

Member Avatar for choboja621
Member Avatar for Xtremefaith

So I have a big goal I'm trying to accomplish but since I haven't gotten an answer yet I think its too broad and I realize I may be missing some Ajax/jQuery fundamentals so I want to start a fresh post here to get any help I can. I have …

Member Avatar for TomH.PG
Member Avatar for devindamenuka

hi all, i am new to javascript i was trying to passe text input to javascript. but code is not working here is the code [code] <script type="text/javascript"> function val(){ if(document.a.email.value=="" ||document.a.email.value==null ){ alert("sssss"); return false; } if(document.a.email.value!="" ||document.a.email.value!=null ){ alert("sssss"+document.a.email.value); return true; } } </script> [/code] and here is …

Member Avatar for TomH.PG
Member Avatar for sica07

I'm trying to include a widget in my page that looks and behaves like the Google calendar or Outlook calendar. Is there such a widget in Dojo? I have found [url]http://unscriptable.com/code/dojocal/dojocalTest.html[/url] but I don't know where to download it. I tried to contact the author but I got no answer. …

Member Avatar for bhob

hi there, i have a problem with the ui-state-error part using JQuery form validation. here's the code: [CODE] $(function() { // a workaround for a flaw in the demo system (http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4375), ignore! $( "#dialog:ui-dialog" ).dialog( "destroy" ); var name = $( "#name" ), email = $( "#email" ), password = …

Member Avatar for upmuthukumar

Hello Experts, Please any body help on how to implement multiple video using frames in webpages. For expample, if I click on hyperlink 1 then video1 should play and if I click on hyperlink 2 then video2 should play in the same place of video1. That video1 should stop playing …

Member Avatar for bizfreak22

I am a newbie, really need your help. I've been working on this for 2 days and can't get it to work correctly. I have a form that I want to submit to the database "New Lead" form. I am using the submodal feature for the customer notes. For some …

Member Avatar for ananthaninfo
Member Avatar for Shizuo

I'm having problem with counting some special characters on textarea every time I press alt+164 for example , it does not count the character unless I press another key. heres my code: HTML [code]<textarea style="resize:none;" rows="15" name="tarea" cols="45" onkeyup="count_chars(this);" onkeydown="count_chars(this);" onkeypress="count_chars(this);"></textarea> [/code] Javascript: [code] function count_chars(tarea) { x = document.myform.tarea.value; …

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Member Avatar for alihuta2002

I know this may be a question that we see often, but I couldn't see any similar to my case or maybe just I don't understand the right concept of AJAX. I'm kinda new to AJAX and trying to accomplish with one of my new project. I've been told that …

Member Avatar for rv1990
Member Avatar for oggiemc

Im writing a piece of code which allows the user to search by HTML element on a page..The user selects what element they want to search for, and then the code traverses each element highlighting them one by one..The code works fine if the user searches for one element from …

Member Avatar for Jon BH

Hi It might sound strange but can I simplify it !! I have only one variable for input which is diameter of a circle in millimeters. This ultimately converts into a Guage value as in gun barrels. I can do this in Excel but haven't much of a clue about …

Member Avatar for Jon BH
Member Avatar for Buppy

Hi, I have a jQuery event [CODE] $('#msg-text').keyup(function() { $('#msg-chr-remaining').html('Remaining characters: '+(255-$('#msg-text').length)); }); [/CODE] The problem is it fires only once - the first time. Anyone knows why? Thanks

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for anton24

I have a form which action is a php script. That script returns a header('Location: whatever.html'); Now my question is, would be a way through ajax/javascript to do that only the form were sent, but avoid or prevent the redirection to whatever.html? Also, if would be possible know the page …

Member Avatar for Jessurider

can anyone tell me why the below code for page backward preventing is not working in firefox but works perfectly in google chrome and internet explorer. can anyone tell the apt code that works in all browsers [CODE]<a href="mainpage.html">log out</a> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> window.history.forward(1); </script>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for arvind.thakur

Hello Guys, Well I am converting a web application which is made using html, javascript, css and ajax.Now I also want to open this apps on the android tablet but I do not want to change the coding techniques because this apps will going to open on the browser of …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for tigepalm

I've looked all over the web for similar code that produces the same effect as ESPN two level menu & sub menu bar but unsuccessful. Can anyone pls. help? Tks.

Member Avatar for wafieali

Hi All, Sorry if this annoyed any of you. but I'm really indeed. I need to know on HOW TO LOAD 300 RECORDS OR DATA PER SECOND in my mobile apps (for this purpose, I use iOS app). I just need a sample or basic code on how to run …

Member Avatar for wafieali
Member Avatar for arvind.thakur

Hi Guys, I m writing one HTML page where i wanted the page orientation to be set to LANDSCAPE through Javascript or CSS. So when I click on Print button or anyways on the HTML page, the print window will pop-up so now in that orientation property should be set …


The End.