15,127 Topics
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Many times I encounter a site, and would like to know - how did they do this? Moreover, I'm looking at a the work of someone else in my project, and want to understand what exactly did he do? What are the parts of the page? Which scripting manipulations are … | |
I'm losing the content of a textarea in MSIE. (No problem in the other browsers.) Running short of ideas. I load .js files in this order: main, build, run. "main" does some bookkeeping. "build" creates the UI. "run" contains all the event handlers. At the last line of "run" it … | |
How can i create a slideshow like the below. [url]http://s2sphotography.com/[/url] | |
| Hello all! I'm a newbie to Javascript and I have what seems to be a simple task that has stumped me. I have a parent/child scenario where the child is a pop-up "control panel" with hyperlinks that control the parent page. The idea is to click a link and it … |
hello, Any guide or suggestion to my problem.Thanks in advance.. I have an Iframe which load the flash Mp3player by mean of JavaScript using Swfobject. 1)But Its not loading properly by loading the XML to play the songs. 2)Also I have to send the Variable to flash to load the … | |
i want to use two different css for firefox and chrome but unable to do it.. :( please help !! the code i tried is given below !! [CODE] <script> function css_append(file){ var css = document.createElement('link') css.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); css.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); css.setAttribute("href", file); document.getElementByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css) } if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > -1){ alert("Firefox"); css_append('css/default_ff.css'); } … | |
Hi there - newbie so if this has been answered elsewhere, pardon my new thread but I'm tired! :) Anyone who can tell me what is wrong with my code which is working fine in IE 8; here is the page link: [url]http://phughesphotography.com/chapman.htm[/url] Help is greatly appreciated! I'll check back … | |
I am very new to Java and have the following problem. I made a popup page with thumbnails. If a a image is selected the image is send to my main page. This i got working thanks to Aerospace. Now I want to create a form. In the first field … | |
hi all trying to set up an online shop BUT.. cant get javascript to accept "£" so having to use "$" instead..not good for a uk site lol | |
How can I change the current text style at the current position of the cursor without chnaging the whole div id's font style? [code] document.getElementById('message').style.fontWeight='bold'; [/code] This changes all the previous text styling in the textarea i have been trying to find a way aboutit but can't seem to find … | |
Hi guys...im very happy to interact with you all...I have a problem with my code..i would like to call the javascript value into php.. can any one help me plz.... :- this is my function var cell3 = row.insertCell(2); var element2 = document.createElement("input"); element2.type = "text"; element2.name="name"+rowCount; element2.value="name"+rowCount; cell3.appendChild(element2); .............................................................. … | |
I found some code to open a link in a new window, and then change the current window to something new as well. This works fine in Firefox, but testing it in IE8 doesn't work. [CODE]<SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function poptastic(url) { newwin=window.open(url,'name','top=0,left=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1'); newwin.moveTo(0,0); newwin.resizeTo(newwin.screen.availWidth, newwin.screen.availHeight); if (window.focus) {newwin.focus()} window.location = "thankyou.php"; … | |
I have a Javascript function that dynamically creates a box with document.getElementById('lightbox').innerHTML. In the box will be, among other things, a div with id="div1" and visibility="hidden" and a form which, onSubmit, calls the function myFunction. The function basically looks like [CODE] myFunction() { document.getElementById('div1').style.visibility = 'visible'; }[/CODE] which has worked … | |
I searched the web a lot. But couldn't find a satisfactory solution. All I want to do is [B]to resize my background image say bg.jpg as per the visitor's screen resolution.[/B] On internet, I did find working javascripts but they used the [I]if (width= height= )[/I] thing. Please please provide … | |
if i have a excel file in c:/temp/f1.xlsx with some data like name age etc.....and if i want to copy some of the data from that file to another file in c://temp1/f2.xslx how do i do it..? also i want to add i more extra data to the copied file … | |
Hi, I want to do a redirect count so that the user can see the count going down. for example, I want them to be able to see the following. You will be redirected in 5 seconds. The user should be able to see the count going down from 5 … | |
i am trying to use mscomm in html and javascript to communicate with a device over the serial port but when i run a test of the activex object in a .hta file i get the error "Automation server can't create object". does anybody know why its doing this? it … | |
I'm a little lost on these questions of a quiz I just took...Any help is appreciated! 1st question: What is the value of returnValue in the following code segment? returnValue = 17 = = "17"; answer choices: True False 17 NaN *I chose True<--I think that's right, but I'm not … | |
[CODE]<script> function addText(event){ document.getElementById("insertid").value += (event.srcElement || event.target).firstChild.nodeValue.toString(); } </script> <textarea id="inserid"></textarea> <table onclick=addText(event)><tr><td>[bbcode][/bbcode]</td><td>[bbcode2][/bbcode2]</td></tr></table>[/CODE] problem is whe i click on the bbcode or bbcode2 it inserts it at the end of whatever is in the textarea. im looking to insert it into where the user clicks(where the carat is) like … | |
Hi Friends Currently I'm Developing a CMS in which I used JQuery for validation of form. In the State and City I have used Ajax to Fill the States after selecting the Country. All other validation are working fine but the validation I applied on the State field is not … | |
Hello, I have doubt on passing value from Java script to action script.I have flash player which load the songs from the XML and it was in Iframe parent window. When user login in child window iframe HTML_login page, the username from java script passes the value to flash and … | |
Hello, I am doing simple Jquery ajax post to php and I am very new to three languages. Any suggestion or guidance. I have two iframes 1. iframe 1 is Navigation menu(loaded with flash menu). <iframe name=”menu”/> 2. iframe 2 is load the web page. <iframe name=”page_load”/> When I click … | |
Hi guys i am using jquery week calendar in my project . The problem i am facing is that if i try to add more users the width of time slot is being reduced .I need a horizontal scroll bar instead of width getting reduced. I have uploaded my file … | |
Hi. I have a calculate.js javascript file where all the function that execute the calculation is consist in this file. Now, I want to retrieve a data from the database for javascript calculation and be done in this calculate.js file. I have search a lot of methods to do this … | |
hi i'm using this, its working great, but if someone has a hyperlink in their status it doesnt pull it across - is there anything someone can think of? Thanks [CODE] $(document).ready(function(){ var username='xxxxxxxx'; // set user name var format='json'; // set format, you really don't have an option on … | |
Hi guys i am using jquery week calendar in my project . The problem i am facing is that if i try to add more users the width of time slot is being reduced .I need a horizontal scroll bar instead of width getting reduced. I have uploaded my file … | |
hey guys. i am very new to programing and was wondering if anyone else had seen this little trick. this is a little java code to get a saved password prom a website. javascript:alert(document.forms[0].elements[1].value) the forms and values change from site to site but this code works for this site. … | |
Can anyone help me on how I can create a simple javscript music player, that will play the music randomly or sequentially. Which will have the play and pause button only. and on hover over the play or pause button, it will display the music name and download link option. … | |
[code] <script type="text/javascript" src="prototype.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> function hover() { new Ajax.Updater('dataLayer', 'ajax_hover1.html', { method: 'get', evalScripts: true, onComplete: function(){ document.getElementById('dataLayer').style.display='inline'; } }); } </script> <a href="#" onclick="hover()">show</a> <div id="dataLayer" style="display:none; position:absolute;"></div> [/code] ajax_hover1.html contains [code] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.write("testing"); </script> [/code] When i execute, new window is opening. Please help … | |
Hi! Sorry for my bad english! How to make a button (source code) that when someone clicks on it, it shows the source code of that what is written. (On some buttons I put the image (<input type="image" src="image.bmp" onclick="urediFont('justifyleft');">) (alignment:left, center, right). But when I click on them everthing … |
The End.