15,127 Topics
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Does anybody have any solutions for converting Excel Spreadsheet calculators into HTML, most likely with Javascript commands. There are a couple software companies like SpreadsheetConverter and ExcelEverywhere that do this, but does anybody know of any free solutions out there. Here's a CNET link to ExcelEverywhere's description: [url]http://download.cnet.com/ExcelEverywhere-for-HTML/3000-2077_4-10211203.html?tag=mncol[/url]. I'm looking … | |
Hi All, Alright i am developing an application which is using ajax. First of all there is a select box which is getting populated from db for a category ... now user can select one or more values from first select box .... and there are four buttons for different … | |
Hi All, Without getting into too much history on the why, I came into a situation where I needed to create a function to get various properties of !DOCTYPE so that other functions could adjust to work properly with certain DOCTYPEs (Strict, Transitional, etc.). I have tested the function in … | |
so im really getting into the ajax crowd, though i dont strictly use ajax (no xml) i like the functionality of calling server side scripts for dynamic php functions... anyway i have a few images in this form ive made that i would like to be placed correctly let me … | |
Hi, please visit sample site at [url]http://www.wiproductions.com/projects/scripts/ajaxslider/[/url], i have folder that comes with user images, along with full name from mysql using databse. If i want to use image with full name that retreive from databse, how can i write that in ajax to show slide images! currently they allow … | |
Hi to all, I having the following problem, I have a page with java scripts and images, I see that after the page load, all the functionality and the images are working Ok. I noticed that the status bar in the browser is still working(like still loading the page), I … | |
I want to create a listbox in a jsp page. I want people to be able to choose multiple options... Also i want if one option is selected, people should not select another option. EXAMPLE If b is selected people can select a and c. But if a is selected … | |
Hi, I have this code which is not working [CODE=javascript]<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!-- function loadpage() { document.getElementById('Loadingindic').style.top = '-500%'; } function checkfields() { if(name()==true){ if(email()==true){ if(message()==true){ return true; } } } return false } function name() { name = document.getElementById('CF_N').value; if ( name.length == 0 ) { alert('Please enter your … | |
Hello . I have a web page and a button on it. From that button i pop-up another page and update the user's information. After updating is done, it focuses to my original page. Not the page that i have been working. Why is this happening? How can i make … | |
MY HTML CODE IS GIVEN BELOW: [code=HTML] {foreach from=$heading_array item=hdng key=col_name name=headng_loop} <td width="40px;" id='column{$col_name}' name= {$col_name} sort="" {if $align_view.$col_name.CWDTH neq '0' or $align_view.$col_name.CWDTH neq ''} style="padding-left:3px;word-wrap:break-word;{*$align_view.$col_name.CWDTH*};"{/if} {if $wrapflag neq '' or $wrapflag neq 0}style='vertical-align:top;'{/if}>{if $drag_flg eq 1} <table height=100% cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 style=""> <thead> <tr> <td>{/if}{if $align_view.$col_name.CWDTH eq '0' … | |
I was looking at the JQuery for absolute beginner instructional video where I was shown how to add and remove an item for an unordered list. The demo assumed that you had one unordered list on a page. I tried to create a demo where there are two unordered list … | |
Hello! I'm having some problems with using data in an PHP form I'm working on that utilizes AJAX. Could be a beginner's mistake, but, then again, it might not be... :) SCENARIO: I have a form with two sets of fields, origin country, city, state, and zip, and destination country, … | |
Hello, my task was to make two constructors for the code that I also posted and they are not working. Can somebody help me figure out why they are not working. I posted them right below. here are my constructors for course and Faculty course.js: [code=javascript] function Course (name, times, … | |
I have a textbox. in js code, i try this... if(isNAN(parseInt(form.myTextBox.value))) {alert("not a number");} I'm trying to check if it is a number. Else i want to warn him.... How can i do this in a js file? | |
[CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var ... ;... Book_Image_Sources=new Array(...); function carousel() {...} </script>[/CODE] I want to (i hope it`s possible) call the script above in a css class like [TEX]#carouse { ... somehow call the script above }[/TEX] then in my html code [CODE]<img src="./images/placeholder.gif" class="carouse" />[/CODE] I am using a WYSIWYG … | |
on postback neither the ajax slider extender not its bound asp textbox retains the selected value. please help | |
Hey guys, I have a form made up, and there is an option where the user selects "Male/Female". The way its set up is as follows: [code=JavaScript] var lastLink; function setLink(theLink){ if(lastLink) lastLink.className="genderSelect"; theLink.className="selected"; lastLink=theLink; return false; } [/code] [code=HTML] <ul> <li> <a id="genderMale" onClick="return setLink(this)" class="genderSelect" href="#">Male</a> </li> <li> … | |
Hi I am doing a chating application.I want to know whether a window is opened or not. This is the code i am using to open a window. [code=JavaScript]var title='Chat_'+userId+"_"+selectedUserId; var url="OneToOneChat.aspx?FromUserId="+userId+"&FromUserName="+userName+"&ToUserId="+selectedUserId+"&ToUserName="+selectedUserName; window.open(url,title,'width=410,height=400,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=yes',false);[/code] later i trying whether the window is already opened or not. [code=JavaScript]var win='Chat_'+userId+"_"+selectedUserId; if(win.closed) { } else … | |
Each product page of a catalog will have a url with a product parameter e.g. [url]www.MyWeb.com/LitRequest.htm?Product1[/url] or [url]www.MyWeb.com/LitRequest.asp?Product1[/url] I would want that value 'Product1' to show up on the LitRequest Form and then get transmitted when the form is completed and submitted submitted Thank you | |
Hi, Can we write javascript in iframe? I want to call a external application javascript in my iframe of the jsp i am writing....issue is we can only have one call of this JS per page,now I am importing some html tags from a 3rd party which also does this … | |
Hello Friends, I am developing a menu using javascript wherein, I expand and collapse divs. It works fine individually; but the problem arises when I try to hide all other divs on expanding one div. Following is the code. Pls. suggest any change if you spot any error or even … | |
If you're familiar with Greybox, the pop-up window: [url]http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/[/url] I'd just like to know how I can get it to pop-up not in the center of the page. I'd like it to pop-up on the left side of the page. Is that possible? If so can you help me accomplish … | |
i want to implement "http://road.fullspeedahead.com/fly.aspx?taxid=222&layout=product", i need help.....??? | |
Hi, I need to resize an image on dragging handlers which are placed in all 8 directions. If any of handlers is dragged inwards, then entire image size should be reduced and if dragged outward, the image size should be increased. In any case, image quality should be preserved. How … | |
I submit the form and execute a method in a servlet. I want to inform the user if the execution worked. I'm returning false from the method if it did not executed. Else if he was able to do the execution, i want to inform that he did it and … | |
Can someone please give me a website for a [U]external[/U] search engine for your website, or give me a HTML code or CSS code? | |
I have a list of 400+ names I am getting from a mysql database. They are listed out in a table. I would like to have a text box where once you start typing, the string highlights below, the more I type the less matches come about ([COLOR="Red"]will[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]will[/COLOR]iam … | |
Hi Everybody . .:) I am a new member and I am looking for somebody who can help me... I'm building a new website (HTML) and customers all over Orange County will be my target. I'm looking for a code who'll shows all the cities in Orange County, that looks … | |
Hi to all, I'm sorry to bother you again,but I have the following problem, I have the following DIV, that I need to position in the center of the page, I have the following code, but you can see the div is not exactly center, space I have from the … | |
I have a Java file with sub menu’s that links (via include) to my Master Page. everything works fine, except that the menu is not linking correctly. I have used relative links, but obviously the master page inherits each page and the links are not created to link via all. … |
The End.