15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for Davife

I have created a javascript file with some utility functions. How do I "include" to those functions from another javascript file? Also if I create a global variable inside one of my javascript files, can the utility functions see that variable if they are called?

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Member Avatar for jayeskay2211

can anyone tell, how to fix this double clicking display problem on a browser(IE7 & FF3.0.x), whenever I click the find button for a text search, the alert box which was setup by me for debugging purpose is showing all that json(records) but the browser displays nothing. Now I try …

Member Avatar for dw8081

hi everyone, i am trying using ajax on my web. so far all function is works. but now i stuck on this problem. i am using ajax to change all my content. default.asp is the primary page....with all menu clicked to call another page. so when i clicked, my div …

Member Avatar for OmniX

I have been trying to research this in my spare time for the last few weeks now and everything turns a blank. Yes I can restrict input in IE but in FF I cant. I am looking to restrict input based on alpha, numeric and special characters only - in …

Member Avatar for LaLuz
Member Avatar for dreamygirl

Hi guys, I'm taking web design as a minor and currently Im doing my project on this subject . My idea was about an Educational Website for kids I'm almost done with the whole website I just need a lil help with this part of a page: [IMG]http://up.mrkzy.com/images/images/50ivlmtx9o05htzlwi8.jpg[/IMG] The idea …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for coolkille

Hi. This java script dont work on the second dropdown. The first dropdown rewrights the URL with param. cat. The problem is that the second time it dos not pick up the town param. Please help me im not a javascript persson but trying..... //Mikael [CODE] <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for JooClops

Hi all. I'm building a website about Fibonacci for school, So I want to put a calculator that will show all lucas numbers or fibonacci numbers as for the user's decision. I've made the design and everything and now i just need it to work, but I'm pretty lame in …

Member Avatar for JooClops
Member Avatar for metta123

[code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <sites id="0"> <siteName>London <groupName>Administration</groupName> <groupName>IT <groupName>IT Sales</groupName> <groupName>Helpdesk</groupName> </groupName> </siteName> </sites>[/code] Above is just a sample snippet to highlight what I am trying to achieve. Basically I just want to have a way to traverse this. But with <divs> attached to each level with an onclick …

Member Avatar for metta123
Member Avatar for llemes4011

What is javascript? I've heard of it, but never looked into it. what can it do?

Member Avatar for llemes4011
Member Avatar for dw8081

Hi Everyone, Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated. I am using ASP Classic on my project and wants to using ajax for completed(updating) my member profile. I am a newbie on AJAX, please help me on this!! I need a form (address, city n phone number) that …

Member Avatar for rameshreddy

hi iam fresher where can i find code of php & javascript codes,plz tell url of websites

Member Avatar for Syakoban

Hi, I'm not a coder, but I'm trying to do a project for my friend so that his site has a little calculator. js is the logical choice but I don't know how to write it. Can anyone point me in the direction of a resource or existing calculator that …

Member Avatar for Syakoban
Member Avatar for spazz

Hey, I've tried searching everywhere for this but haven't found anything that was able to help me. I am working on a tagboard type script that calls AJAX after the user posts to make the new post show up. The tagboard calls a PHP script which checks to make sure …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for tserva

This does not work. Not sure what I am missing. Basically I want to toggle the none/block value in the style on the span class below based on the browser detection script. Thanks in advance [CODE=javascript] var myBrowserVersion; myBrowserVersion = parseInt(BrowserDetect.version); //Detect if visitor is using Firefox 2 (less that …

Member Avatar for tserva
Member Avatar for mlohokare

Hi all, 1] I have to create one html file which uses javascript. 2] HTML page can be accessed by user and can fill the; [A] Folder path along with file name 3] There will be a button, after click on that a batch file [already present but without any …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, anyone help me...... I had a login page to enter the username and the password named as [B]"index.php"[/B].when i entered to the [B]index.php [/B]page,i want the mouse focus should be displayed in the textbox username. Regards, santhanalakshmi.

Member Avatar for mahendrabilla
Member Avatar for aashishn86

Hi!! I have to hide/unhide some fields on basis of some other fields... so , i found this script on the web. i can't understand the function completely what is the if ( txt.match(id1) ) block doing ?? is there any other way of doing the same... [code] <!DOCTYPE html …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for aashishn86

Hi!! How can i change the field names dynamically? eg i have a radio button depending on whose choice i have to make another field mandatory, if Yes. Field one is mandatory Else Field one is optional. For a mandatory field i have the validation funciton as well, that it …

Member Avatar for aashishn86
Member Avatar for galaxygal

I want to use a javascript (codethateditor) to provide a rich text editor in an administrative area of a site. Problem with this script. See code below: [code] <script language="javascript1.2"> <!-- var editorDef = { text : '#get_text.text_content#', style : { width : 400, height : 400, defaultClass : { …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for tamil.munusamy

Hello, When the JS file is not working at the time of Ajax files is called. on first time the onmouseover JS is working but , if you call the ajax JS is not working.

Member Avatar for tamil.munusamy
Member Avatar for servis

i want to populate drop down box values on the basis of other drop down box value dynamically(without refreshing the page) using java script. i tried to search on google, but could not find anything. please can anybody help me in this regards. Thanks

Member Avatar for servis
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi i had php form in a page and I make the submit function using a javascript function ( some thing like protypes.js ). It is working fine in IE , Opera ... Nut doesn't in Firefox. Here is the code. Please any one help me to work in Firefox …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for kinger29

I want a box/frame/applet on my html webpage that will display an image and depending on where the user clicks i want text to popup/disappear somewhere else in the image. Does anyone know how to do this in javascript. Sorry Im new to web development and couldn't figure out how …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for ukbasak

Please anyone provides code with examle to disable the Close (X) button in title bar. If user wants to click automatically a dialog box must appear with message 'This is disbale'... Thanks

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Member Avatar for rodmastar

I am not a java guy.. but made this code ( to open new page sized.. on another page of mine but darn i can not get it to do so on this page? Is it a DIV thing... new to these tags too/// [url]http://www.mastar.com/Presentations.html[/url] Where it say Teamviewer button …

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Member Avatar for HelenLF

I have a drop down box in a form like this... [code]<select name="product[]" id="unitcost"> <option value="92">92mm</option> <option value="130">130mm</option> </select>[/code] The value selected is passed to a shopping cart. However, I also need to pass a unit price which is different depending on the value selected. Can anyone give me any …

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Member Avatar for sandeep_more97

Hey Hii .... I am solving this problem from last 2 days.... but unable to find solution. What i am doing is ..... On click of submit button i want to send email and i am taking client to paypal page to do the payment..... i. e. i want to …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for knrakesh

Hello Good afternoon Guys Iam KNR iam having a problem with javascript validation i want to check validation of all controls at a time means if i have a form with all fields blank then it has to show message and if any of the field is filled then it …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Lleoun

Hi all, I have the following php script: [CODE] <?php $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load( 'events.xml' ); $events = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "event" ); foreach( $events as $event) { $hours = $event->getElementsByTagName( "hour" ); $hour = $hours->item(0)->nodeValue; $minutes = $event->getElementsByTagName( "minute" ); $minute = $minutes->item(0)->nodeValue; . . . ?> [/CODE] events.xml contains …

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Member Avatar for redhotspike

I'm supposed to switch the themes of the "headline" and the "text", but I can't seem to get it. Here's what I have so far...anyone have any ideas why it doesn't work? Thanks :) [code=javascript] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> …

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The End.