15,127 Topics
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I could not resolve that, can you [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread88719.html[/url] the 2 main program is -- index.html -- main.js OBJ: I use want to display different content when different TAG is clicked (tabs : show1 show 2 show 3 show 4 (4)) code look like (not too difficult) : <div id="content2" class="content"><div … | |
Hi friends, The code i attached is used for checking password strength!. I have a html page which calls this. Problem is if i change the following code Code: [code] if (bCheckLowerCase) { strCheck = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; if (doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) > 0) { nCombinations += strCheck.length; } } to Code: if … | |
In the following code i am able to change the case of my entered text with each entry of letters.. can you tell how do i dynamically display its length as well without using ajex.. [CODE]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function length(x) { var y=document.getElementById(x).value document.getElementById(x).value=y.toUpperCase() } </script> </head> <body> Enter … | |
var a = document.createElement('a'); a.appendChild(dynval); a.href='javascript:void(0)' a.onclick=bindme(dynval) td.appendChild(a) row.appendChild(td) function bindme(bval){ temp=bval return function(){ alert(temp) } } The above code is not complete.... the problem is i am generating dynamic rows inside table's tbody. and i split the rows in to client side pages where each page may display 5 … | |
Hi Friends. I am using javascript to display timer in my .aspx page..I also use javascript to do validations in that page.when i alert the user with a message.i.e when alert function is called,the timer stops and becomes idle.Again when i click the ok button of the message box that … | |
would anyone can help me to solve this problme¬¬ i have to change the password in two system at the same time, one is web system which is designed by J2EE and the other is lotus notes. i have written a vb program for changing the password in lotus notes, … | |
I have asked this question earlier, but could not get a reply that worked :-( I have a single login_success.php file where I have written a function IsWithinFixedGeofence(point) { ...... .... ... if ( distance <= MINIMUMDISTANCE ) { return PointsOfInterest[i]; } I want to be able to store the … | |
Hi Experts, I am using mozilla firefox 1.5. I want to delay the page close when the user clicks on the close (X) button of the browser. I want to display something like "Closing Please wait......" for 5 seconds (run a code in the background) and then close the window … | |
sendmail -F "notify_intab" ${notify_intab} < $mailReportfile when I use my send mail command , the data fetched are somewhat like a table, but the output are displayed in a non-readble manner. Can anyone gimme some edit options in the sendmail command to make the output look like a table with … | |
hi, i've set up several javascript effects on my page, so now i need some controls to have completely loaded before the user can interact with the page. how can i control the rendering times? thanks. yasser. | |
hello, i'm working on a news website, where some news headers and text-briefs are displayed, with a link for reading the complete story. i've made a template for this new page that will contain the full article, and i need the user to be redirected to this page to read … | |
Im working in web designing module. My one of the html file has several template samples as well as a link like "Edit this Template". When i click this link, that corresponding template should open with the designing software such as dreamweaver, NVU etc.,( In my case im using NVU) … | |
I have some java code that is pulling from SQL some data, which is filling a groupbox with Medicare ICD-9-CM billable codes. The user can click the Category, then select the codeset then the third box fills in the sub codes and description for them to make the final selection … | |
hello, i'm having many web pages built on a certain master page that has something like a menu with buttons to direct to different pages from it. now i have two questions: 1. i noticed in many websites that the master page stays put having the content pages only loaded … | |
i'm building a webpage using CSS and javascript to produce special effects. i use onmouseover, onmouseout, and onclick events inside a table's cells to change their cssclasses. everything was going perfect so far, as i'm using VS 2008 BETA2, with the default browser IE 7.0 so now when i try … | |
Hi, I am working with coldfusion a coldfusion form. There is a drop down menu with different users, ex. user1, user2, user3. There are two list boxes. The LeftListbox contains all values. The RightListBox contains all values that have been assigned for a specific user. After selecting the user and … | |
how do i make a tabbed iframe which can change its height automatically and make height equal to the content inside it. I have never used iframe before this. i dont want scrollers. i want it to call the size of the content inside it. i have tried some scripts … | |
I am trying to protect email addresses on a web page from spammers. I found a javascript snippet from Syronex Anti Spam Solutions ([url]http://www.syronex.com/antispam/[/url]) and it has worked well in the past. Since I have upgraded Firefox to the newest version I cannot access the email from my links. Is … | |
I have a web site where we have a few elements that call javascript functions on the onclick. The javascript functions will do some processing and what not and eventually call a window.location to change the url. In Safari (mac only) window.location is not being processed until the current page … | |
Hi all.. I need to restrict the user from entering any non numeric data in my text box present in an .aspx page.The user should able to enter only numeric values in the text box..Someone help in this regard with javascript.. Regards, Balagurunathan S | |
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { var id =inputs.getAttribute('id') if(id.indexOf("txtLgnEmailID")!=-1) { oDDL = inputs.getAttribute('id') svalue=document.getElementById(oDDL).value; if (document.getElementById(oDDL).value=="- User EmailID -") { document.getElementById(oDDL).value="" } } } It was not working in Firfox.. Please help to soive it.. | |
I am teaching an elementary school this coming semester, and have created an explorer of animals and birds using javascript, and also using a flash created html code that shows a small picture of various animals and when they go onMouseOver it opens a new window with a larger picture … | |
hi, my purpose of my code is to get an array of subcategory details and format it and when when mouse over some subcategory - an image will change (dynamically). this code is PHP with Javascript My problem is how can i get the variable 'key1' from the javascript funtion … | |
I have a problem with Active Users Today on my forum, that is: if a member's name has 2 words with a space or "&" sign in the middle, e.g. lucky man or lucky&man, its just appear the first word (lucky) in section Active Users Today, it doesn't appear the … | |
Hi Guys I'm a newbie in asp.net and I want to disable dropdownlist1 in my form when value "no" is selected from the <asp:ListItem> of dropdownlist2. How can I achieve that? Thanks for reply. BTW I'm using C# language. Finch | |
I have been trying to figure out how to open documents such as Word and Excel files with functional toolbars but I am stumped. Can anyone provide some insight on this? | |
[COLOR="red"]I got this script from JavaScript Kit.com. The script refers to entering a userid and password to access one page. I have multiple acquaintances with each getting their own userid and password (it doesn't matter that it isn't encrypted). I am making one page that has the script on it. … | |
Hi all.. I am having two dropdown list boxes in my .aspx page They are ddl1 and ddl2... Now if i change the selected index of the first box (ddl1), the selected index of the second dropdownlist must automaticlly set to zeroth index..i.e index of the second dropdown list box … | |
hii everyone, i want u r help regarding progress bar for fileupload using javasccript.i am using asp.net 1.1,so using ajax is little bit confusing.so can any one give me a siple java script for progress bar.waiting for u r replies. |
The End.