15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for adnan316

Hello everyone. I am new to this forum. i am stuck on this problem for quite some time and i hope i cud use some ur expertise on it !!! here's the thing - i have developed this web page which is like really long and i have divided it …

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Member Avatar for connor4312

Hi! I'm looking for a stlyeish:cool: way to display a list of links for my web site. Any ideas?:icon_idea:

Member Avatar for connor4312
Member Avatar for ian14

hi,i m finding troubles in connecting database in avvascript.Can anyine tell me procedure or syntax

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for jonw

I have a JS function that makes an AJAX call several times, based on how many checkboxes are checked on the page. On each iteration, I check the value of a hidden field with document.getElementById().value; if it's false, the function is supposed to break. The value of the hidden field …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for eyolala

<style> table, tr, td {background:transparent;border:none}table table table table, table.contactTable {display:none;}td.text table{visibility:hidden;}td.text table table {display:inline; visibility:visible;}div b font font, div font font u {display:none;}.nametext{visibility:hidden;}div table td font {display: none;}.comt td font, .comt td td td b, .comt td td td a {display:inline;}table tbody td table tbody tr td.text table table, table …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for sivavissamsetti

Hi All, I am working in .NET 2.0 frame work web application. In my application i used javascript and with that i used the window.createPopup() function. It is working fine with IE. But it is not working with Firefox, Netscape Navigator and Opera. Please provide me the alternative solution so …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for ytregnn

[url]http://www.masugadesign.com/the-lab/scripts/unobtrusive-ajax-star-rating-bar/[/url] Does anyone know how I could do a top 10 list within a table that has every second "table" in diferent colors with different pictures that will show up based up on the rating is an odd or even number (1=blue 2= grey, 3,=blue, ect.) Look at this picture …

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Member Avatar for newsteve

Hi there, Im trying to design a fun page where a after an onclick on the parent page, several small child windows are opened. Upon clicking the content of any of those windows, I want all of the child windows to close. I can get self.close() to close the clicked …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for JC4QLx3

The following code worked perfectly when I was using a normal window, but now that I have changed it to a frameset, it does not work. I have been reading as much as I can find on the subject and I realize that there are a different set of rules …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Infarction

I'm working on a website that's basically a forum software, but with a different arrangement. There are only 3 levels of posts (questions, solutions, and comments), and for the comments I want to be able to have the user highlight part of a solution to comment on. To do that, …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

XHTML has removed the "name" attribute. But the JavaScript method for reading radio buttons requires the "name" attribute to be the same on each radio button. W3C says to use "id", but that no more than one "id" is valid. I need to write an XHTML page with radio buttons. …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for sted

Hello, Well I've got a bunch of Textboxes with color hex codes inside (#cccccc). Now in an IFrame on the same page I want to use these colors. I couldn't find a solution yet, can somebody please help me. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for greeny_1984

hi everyone, i doing an application on image gallery in which i have an thumbnails of pics and a big image .when ever i click on the thumbnail image it should be displayed in the big image and there are previous and next buttons aslo.iam using the following code,it is …

Member Avatar for jeremusic

I have a menu that uses javascript ot show and hide submenus. It works in IE but not in Firefox. I've pasted part of the code below: montre = show and cache = hide (french) i.e. used to show and hide the submenus. I attached the whole file if you …

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Member Avatar for Cookie Kumar

Hi Friends, I have a form which contains elements such as check boxes,text box,text area ., Problem is in Check boxes. By default, Check boxes are unchecked and text boxes are blank. I clicked one check box, entered some values in text boxes. then After a page refresh ,the values …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for rav_n

Hi there. I have been working on a rather big webapp for some company. It is based on RoR and uses lots of AJAX and JS. My problem is, that the whole app works perfectly on Mozilla/Firefox/Konqueror. But I have mysterious JS error messages in IE5,6,7 and some (well... rather …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

How can I get JavaScript to display values and attributes when they are written to input boxes by the script, instead of waiting for a rather lengthy (10 sec) calculation to finish? - IE does not change the boxes at all, until after the script finishes. - FF displays the …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for suresh_nsnguys

Hi, i am new member to this forum. i am trying to solve this problem from past 2 days.but i can't able to acheive it. i able to capture single mouse click over flash(<Embed> object) using onactivate event handler.But it is supported by IE. i want some event in Firefox …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sillyboy

Hi, I'm trying to use a double click action on a input field. It works fine on firefox, but doesn't work on ie7 saying the object doesn't support the action. My action so far is just an alert box (for testing purposes), is this a known compatibility issue?

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for techbuddy

A string array has to be listed in a div object. How do i allow keyboard users to access the list ? please help !!

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

I want to make like a loading page that shows a progress bar and then displays an enter button so they can enter the website. Something with an ajax like look.

Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for JC4QLx3

I am new to DOM and need a little help. I have opened a named page with window.open. Later when the user clicks on the link from the parent page that was used to open the child window, they are confused because they think the function doesn't work. Of course, …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Cerberus

Hi. Can anyone tell me how i can make a call to a javascript function when a user clicks on some plain text. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Cerberus
Member Avatar for vinod varma
Member Avatar for cmg1986

Hello... I have a quiz application based on PHP. I use paging, which is showing only one question per page. I want to set a time limitation on the application. The problem is that when i do refresh the page then javascript countdown timer start from starting. What i want …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for greeny_1984

hi every one, i want to create autocomplete for a search textbox in a site.can any one say how to create it using only javascript not ajax or other advanced options. waiting for u r replies bye

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Arch_Bytes

I was wondering if there was a way to know, in javascript, which form is active or which form the user is accessing? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for shaist

Hi. Im developing my first website and need some help with my menu. Im trying to use the rollover effect using images. The 'MouseOver' function is working just fine. But I need the second image(hover image) to appear and stay there when the user clicks on the link and opens …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for jeepj27

Hi To All - Is anyone aware of how, or if there is a script available that I can use to have a + or - button on each page of my site that will allow visually impaired visitors to ENLARGE THE TEXT on that page? Thanks for anyone's time/help! …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for vinoth_nat

Hi all... My coding is in below working good in IE. But not in Firefox, I don't know what i am doing wrong? Can any one help me...? document.getElementById([COLOR=#800000]"nodeValue"[/COLOR]).innerHTML=afor(); here the afor() function will return a string. Thanx advance....

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The End.