15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for hbmarar

hi to all, Well, I am designing a form which had taken me to a situation that requires advanced knowledge.I just know to use javascript for basic needs. My need is as below: I have a form that is report form.Now I am finding it difficult to get the logic …

Member Avatar for hbmarar
Member Avatar for Jay77

I maintain and update websites at my place of work. I have to alter one of our pages to have a flyout menu instead of the convention html menu's. I understand that this can be done with javascript or dhtml. I don't really have a clue where to start to …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for missdiva
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for liliafan

Hi All I am hoping someone can help me out since this is driving me nuts. On my site I have 3 columns: [code] |sidebar| content |sidebar| [/code] What I want to do is have the height of the 2 sidebars controlled by the height of the content. So instead …

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

I was wondering if someone could aid me in this. all help will be duly noted in the script itself. Here is what i am trying to achieve, a realtime editor of the CSS attributes of a given page. I have the page i am using and the CSS table, …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for RustyShock

Hello all: I'm creating an image gallery that opens in hidden divs. Here's my javascript code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function popupSwitch(szDivID, iState) { if(document.layers) { document.layers[szDivID].visibility = iState ? "show" : "hide"; } else if(document.getElementById) { var obj = document.getElementById(szDivID); obj.style.visibility = iState ? "visible" : "hidden"; } else if(document.all) …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for dakkar

Hi! I've a HTML form I've a function with some parameters that checks the value of each field (it's called within a onBlur event). This function check the type and other restrictions about that field. I must create a function that checks that all required fields (or options or other …

Member Avatar for Duches77
Member Avatar for mister

Hello, thanks for taking the time to read my query. I've basically got a page (dark grey) with a panel that sits in it (light grey).. this fills the screen, except for a 16px gap around the edge which allowed the dark grey (from the body tag) to show through. …

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for gaetano

This was a question in a previous topic but I didn't quite understand the answer. I display radio buttons from a Array I built in ASP (radioArray) which contains a code/short desc/long desc. When someone clicks a radio button I want to invoke a Javascript function to display the short …

Member Avatar for gaetano
Member Avatar for simi

hi all...need help... I've created a double array and populate it with data from a database. I can read the values it holds in ASP but I cannot do it in Javascript. Is there any way this can be done? Thanks

Member Avatar for Paul.Esson
Member Avatar for ss_asp

hi there, can anyone help me out my problem is this: I have a form, with radio buttons (the number of buttons is not fixed, it will keep increasing) for eg, if there are 2 radio buttons and no button is checked then if user checks a radio button, then …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for ehelp7

I have three externally linked javascripts that I want to display on a web page. The first deals with a top navigation menu, the second is a news alert script and the third is a link description script. If I remove the first script, navigation menu, then the rest two …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for belama

Does anyone know a site where I could find a javascript horizontal menu with menu items able to appear over frames? TIA Mat

Member Avatar for Aztech
Member Avatar for nandoo

Hi, This is Nandoo,new to webDeveloper.I want to make a script which should work in the following manner. In my web page,I want to have a button(with name add).whenever i click that button it should generate a select list and also 3 text Fields. Whenever i select the list items …

Member Avatar for nandoo
Member Avatar for Sukuz

HI!!, can anybody tell me how to create a hit counter using Javascript. The hit counter should increment a number stored in a file (on the site) each time a user visits it. For reference such Hit Counters can be added to Websites built with Microsoft Frontapage (Tools -> Web …

Member Avatar for Sukuz
Member Avatar for nandoo

Hi, here i enclosed my coding.i want the dom objects price,qty,oselect,name,sku and upc in the html body tag so that it can be submitted into another pages. here i want each and every element in each row to be collected and sent to the next place not the last element …

Member Avatar for nandoo

Hi, here i enclosed my coding.i want the dom objects price,qty,oselect,name,sku and upc in the html body tag so that it can be submitted into another pages. here i want each and every element in each row to be collected and sent to the next place not the last element …

Member Avatar for rexian

The page below works perfectly as intended in IE 6.0 but, it does not work in Netscape. Can someone shed some light on this and help me make this work in netscape 7.x? Thanks...... <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Document Title</TITLE> <STYLE> .conts {visibility:hidden} .tab { border-top:solid thin #E0E0E0; border-right:solid thin gray; border-left:solid …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for Secret Agent

I am looking for the most basic hover over text tip javascript. I found some but were rather odd, one for example required a "transparenet image" therefore messing up the column width. Another didn't like me :) I simply want perhaps a gray border/white background/charcoal gray font color (arial 9px) …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for nandoo

Hi everyone, Last time i posted an question but still there is no response. ok no problem but this time i came with solution but with small difficulties. could you please help atleast in this difficulties. i have created the page with button and on clicking the button it produces …

Member Avatar for Secret Agent

This is my form script which has one simple problem that I do not know how to fix. If the name/email fields are left empty, it confirms this in a pop-up, but still proceeds to submit the form as is anyway. How do I fix this? [code] <form name="TheForm" method="POST" …

Member Avatar for jpn311
Member Avatar for Yaz

Hello everybody, I'm new to the site and just as new to dhtml, so please be patient with me. Here's my dilemma: I'm trying to change my existing nav bars (in FrontPage 5.0), to slide-out nav bars; however, I'm lost as to where to insert the dhtml code that I've …

Member Avatar for jpn311
Member Avatar for sooim3

Hello, I've been trying to find something about why window.opener doesn't work for IE (I'm using 6.0) when I use the window.opener in a separate JavaScript file. It works without any problem when I use Mozilla/Netscape, but not for IE. The implementations I've seen in my searching for an answer …

Member Avatar for manou
Member Avatar for sham

I am using Internet Explorer browser .Does it support Javascript or I have to use other scripting languages?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Janistalis

Since I logged on to my computer 3 days ago, it showed that a registry file had been recovered successfully, but now Javascript has disappeares. I have tried a lot of the tips on here, but nothing works. What I really want to do is download the Microsoft Script thing, …

Member Avatar for dlh6213
Member Avatar for mtumavrick

I'm using a javascript like this to transfer to another page (a popup that occurs conditionally) string popupScript = "<script language='javascript'>" + "window.open('Duplicate.aspx', 'CustomPopUp', " + "'width=800, height=600, menubar=yes, resizable=no')" + "</script>"; Page.RegisterStartupScript("PopupScript", popupScript); My question is how would I get data from the first page to the second one, …

Member Avatar for mtumavrick
Member Avatar for Tdot

Hi guys, I am looking for javascript that slides a pointer (an image) from from end to another (left to right) on the movement of the mouse. I have the navbar and I want the pointer to be on the top so that when the users moves his mouse on …

Member Avatar for Tdot
Member Avatar for buddyb

This is probably a tall order; need some input from the talented folks hanging out here. I'm really just getting started, and blundering my way through the code. I'm running Win XP Pro/1024 X 768; my wife Win 2000 Pro/1024 X 768. I'm going to include the code I'm using, …

Member Avatar for buddyb
Member Avatar for DanceInstructor

DaveSW I hope you will help me :) At this [URL=http://www.AgentsWarZone.com/forum/home.php]site[/URL]. There is a vertical menu on the left side of the page. It uses some javascript for styling and animation. It works fine and looks good in firefox, but in IE as you hover over the different menu options …

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for Vegas

I am very new to anything computer related. I am using dreamweaver and I made a table with websites and how many members they have on the site. How do I make it, so the person viewing the website and catogrize them by users? basically, how do i make it …

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The End.