15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for mstemmer

Hello all, I'd like to embed a javascript code into this part of the php/html [code]?> <a href="<?=$images[$k][0]?>" target="blank"> <img src="<?=$thumbdir."/".$images[$k][0]?>" border="0"><br /> <?=$images[$k][0]?> </a><br /> <?=round($images[$k][2]/1024)?>Kb, <?=date("d-m-y",$images[$k][1])?> <?[/code] I'd like to add this javascript to it: [code] <script language=JavaScript> <!-- //Disable right mouse click Script //By Maximus ([EMAIL="maximus@nsimail.com"]maximus@nsimail.com[/EMAIL]) w/ …

Member Avatar for numerouno

I'm a rank beginner with Javascript. The offending page is at [url]http://www.longerstrongerliving.com/stresscalc.htm[/url]. On loading the page, there is an "Expected J" at line 13, character 25. After putting a numeric value in each of the text boxes for the 17 questions, there is an "Object Expected" error, line 148, character …

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Member Avatar for jerryodom

What do you guys use and why? I've always used Dreamweaver and Firefox to write/debug. Any other suggestions?

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for bongobob

Hi - I'm the new kid on the block. glad to meet you all. I'll start with a problem. Can anyone please help me? I'm looking for a free script to hide ALL media players when an end user activates a hyperlink to play short pieces of music on my …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for sendkamal

Hello all, I am new to javascript and cross-browsing. I have a XSLT generated HTML document which works fine ini IE and opera but have problems with firefox. I tried to debug with firebug but i have no idea what should i do next to fix the problem. I would …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for sendkamal

can anyone pls help me why FIREFOX displays 'reference to undefined property' message for this html page? It works fine in IE. <html> <head> <title>Expandible row test in firefox</title> <STYLE type="text/css"> .collapsed { DISPLAY: none; } </STYLE> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //***collapsible rows function outliner(evt) { evt = (evt) ? evt …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Inny

I want random links in this code to open in a new window. how to please ? [code]<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // Create arrays to contain all the values // for links and image locations link = new Array image = new Array link[1]="http://www.wildexpo.com.au/Aust%20Rep%20Show/" image[1]="http://www.reptilesaustralia.com.au/forums/Ads/wildexpo.gif" link[2]="http://www.excite.com" image[2]="http://www.excite.com/mesp/images/excite/new_logo-180.gif" link[3]="http://www.lycos.com" image[3]="http://a284.g.akamai.net/7/284/987/000/lygo.com/ly/i/lyguide.gif" link[4]="http://www.cnet.com" image[4]="http://cnet.com/Images/Headers/cnet-1-title.gif" …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for simmy7

A requirement for the project I am currently working on is that when various links on a page are clicked that the appropriate "layer" (i.e. div) will be displayed centered in the browser. I have tried using various javascript solutions and they center some div's and not others. Does anyone …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for lovduv

***UPDATE Solved*** Needed to change to this <script runat="server"> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.DataBind(); } </script> and this [code]<script type="text/javascript" src='<%#"http://www.somesite.com/cool.asp?nick=" + Request.QueryString["Nname"]%>'></script>[/code] With the variable Nname from my database via a DeatailsView control. I am really new to asp.net and I feel that I am just …

Member Avatar for Inny

Discovered my credits code wont display in f***erFox mozilla. how can I can make it cross browser? [code]<script> /* Credits screen script */ function opencredit(){ //set this to the file of the credit var creditfile="http://herproom.5.forumer.com/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=7261" if (document.all) creditwindow=window.open(creditfile,"","width=445,height=250") else creditwindow=window.open(creditfile,"","width=445,height=250,scrollbars") } </script> <center><b><a href="javascript:opencredit()">See credits for Reptile Planet!</a></b></center> [/code] the …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for Inny

I want to detect a users browser type IE, Mozilla firefox, or Opera and display the correct icon next to the user name. If its not one of the three above, Display another icon. I have this so far document writing the name of the browser, but I want the …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for sendkamal

Here's one problem to sort html table. The rows have their collapsible child rows. I want them to be in order after sorting the rows. Help appreciated. [code] [COLOR=#0000ff]<[/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]html[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]> [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]<[/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]head[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]> [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]<[/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]title[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]>[/COLOR]Expandible row test in firefox[COLOR=#0000ff]</[/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]title[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]> <[/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]STYLE[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000] type[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]text/css[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]"> [/COLOR].collapsed { DISPLAY: none; } [COLOR=#0000ff]</[/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]STYLE[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]> [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]<[/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]script[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000] language[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]javascript[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000] type[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]text/javascript[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]">[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] //***collapsible rows function …

Member Avatar for sendkamal
Member Avatar for Inny

I want to create a code that will alow my forum members to input keywords to set an email alert. The user inputs keywords and submits their email address. The code searches titles of threads for a match for those keywords, (posted after submit) if a match is found the …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for hkBattousai

[IMG]http://www.contentmart.com/ContentMart/Create/images/dom.gif[/IMG] I want to ask if there is a way to access an obcect which is not in a form field. My textbook doesn't cover that topic. All the sample code in it is done with the form fields. The picture above illustrates the DOM object model that is used …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for Inny

This might be a big ask? can the code simply be improved in any way, sometimes it seems not to work? can it be made cross browser compat? current code ( onsite screensaver) [code] <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Timeout=30000 // set delay time for effect Timer="" function oStatic() { clearTimeout(Timer) if(timerRunning …

Member Avatar for Inny

I want to 'get' the last message posted from my remote hosted shoutbox (below) and display at the top of my board as a 'last shout' ticker. Im not sure if its possible? seen it done with mk portal but I know nothing about it. hopwefully it could be done …

Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts

Hello all, I know this has already been talked about on this forum, so dont get angry! I cant seem to get my webpage to print off correctly. Basically i have a main page with an iframe within it. within said iframe there is a few tables and some graphics …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for motox16

Hey all, I need with my iframes that I put on my webpage. As you can see by the image here, they are not centered properly: [URL="http://img296.imageshack.us/my.php?image=iframehelpsn0.jpg"][IMG]http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/4219/iframehelpsn0.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Using the center alignment just doesn't move it enough to the spot I want it. I was wondering if maybe there were some …

Member Avatar for motox16
Member Avatar for Aswathy

Hi, I have a button click event handler in which i have embedded a javascript code for generating a confirmation box. Based on the selection in the confirmation box a change is to be made in a hidden field having id hdnField. In the same btnSubmit_Click() i have a conditional …

Member Avatar for Aswathy
Member Avatar for nisrin

Hi This is a piece of code in javascript, embedded in html, for the order page on an ecommerce site that i have made. I have this particular script nested inside a <form> tag and have set the action to a php file, but the tricky part is to extract …

Member Avatar for sunilpro
Member Avatar for Inny

How to set this up? source [url]http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Resizing-An-Image-Using-PHP/16806[/url] Unload Javascript Files [quote]I found this to be a neat little trick for hiding(somewhat) source javacscript code from peering eyes... This function will unload all linked javascript files so that when you view source - you see no javascript files! (Especially helpful when …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for Inny

is it possible to create a tag (javascript) that will output this... [code][dohtml]<span class="sidenote" title="Text"></span>[/dohtml][/code] it should work like this one.... [code]<input type='button' accesskey='p' value=' CODE ' onclick='simpletag("CODE")' class='codebuttons' name='CODE' onmouseover="hstat('code')" /> [/code] can that be done with javascript?

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for jonathan.jbkt

I have a site that I am working on for a friend. The test site is located at: http://linux1.jbknowledge.com/AJW/AJW%20Photo/ In the image galleries when you click on the large image it greys out the background but it does not fill the screen. I know it is probably just something simple …

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Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I've got the stuff working I talked about here ( [url]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread68292.html[/url] ). Now, I am working on this problem; I need to check if a cookie is present on the client machine. It's presense will indicate the user is logged in. If it is there I need to …

Member Avatar for ssharish2005

Hi, Just wanted to if anybody here knows that how to handle the datatables which is returned from the server to by Ajax method , to be used by Javaascript. Searched though the interest, nothing help me. How do i manipulate data table in Java script. The return data table …

Member Avatar for mindfrost82

I have a form on my website that requires the user to enter data. They are all single line text boxes. At the bottom of the form I have two buttons, one for Print and one for Submit. The Print button just opens the print dialog box and allows them …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for motox16

Hi, I really hope someone can help me, you guys seem nice and all and I really like ur website :cheesy:. Here is what I want to do: [URL="http://img454.imageshack.us/my.php?image=helpqj7.png"][IMG]http://img454.imageshack.us/img454/6193/helpqj7.th.png[/IMG][/URL] Basically I want no spaces in between that navigation bar and the banner so the chain appears to be attatched to …

Member Avatar for motox16
Member Avatar for andy3250

Hi, I really need help with text field with css image. I have wrote code, this code is works great but I could not figure out how to write the rest of code, there is a text field that are relate to email address, for sample if person enter email …

Member Avatar for andy3250
Member Avatar for mbacon

Hello everybody, I am wanting to use a javascript confirm popup (OK returns TRUE/Cancel returns FALSE) to determine whether I need to run part of my PHP code. I could only think of one way to try, and this is it: [code]echo "<script type=\"javascript\"> var popbox = confirm(\"Are you sure …

Member Avatar for theonlydrayk
Member Avatar for vergopi

Hi, I have a very difficult problem.Perhaps a good Javascript programmer can solve it: I want to open a Java chart (it can found on [url]www.wdsoftware.com[/url]) not from a computer but from a PDA.I have a Fujitsu-Siemens Loox 720 (520Mhz CPU,128 RAM,64 ROM).I use Netfront 3.3 with JV-Lite2 as web …

Member Avatar for MattEvans

The End.