15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sukanto

I am unable to debug the following code. I can't find any errors here. I am getting the button but after clicking on it, only [b]Time Remaining: 10000 msecs[/b] is being displayed. In Firefox I checked the error console, it shows [b]timedCount is not defined[/b] on line [b]t = …

Member Avatar for Sukanto
Member Avatar for asmqb

Hi everyone! I'm currently working on a navigation bar for a personal website and, although transparency is working great, has a couple of problems with browsers that use... fonts that are not around the size (specifically the [I]height[/I]) of Helvetica. I basically have a [inlinecode]<div></div>{...}</li></ul>[/inlinecode] block. The first [inlinecode]<div></div>[/inlinecode] combination …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for MDGM

hi all, I have a special type of gallery on my website ([URL]http://www.grafax.co.uk/newtest/gallery[/URL]) which uses a javascript file to make a div tag hover over the gallery with the image inside of it. however, the page shows before the javascript file is loaded, and so displays the image in the …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for Sailor_Jerry

Is there a javascript function that will reload a dom element if given the element id? I am using javascript to update a divs innerHTML with the location of an image. Cut of the javascript code below. [code] var images = new Array(32); images[0] = "<img src=\"images/album/1.jpg\" />"; images[1] = …

Member Avatar for shaggysc96

I have come across a slideshow I want to use on my site. I am using coldfusion to write the site, but know very little javascript. I cannot figure out how to get the text to show up and change with each slide. I am posting all of my code. …

Member Avatar for marylove2007

I am trying to divide the code to four function Second. The Smallest does not work Third when any of 10 Grade is not between 0 and 100 the alert box say that Grade (Number of Grade) is not a number between 0 and 100 Please correct! for example Grade …

Member Avatar for vallala

<html> <head> <title>student details</title> <script language="JavaScript"> function sum() { window.document.form1.total.value=parseInt(s1.value)+ parseInt(s2.value)+ parseInt(s3.value)+ parseInt(s4.value)+ parseInt(s5.value); } function grd() { var s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,avg; s1=parseInt(window.document.form.s1.value); s2=parseInt(window.document.form.s2.value); s3=parseInt(window.document.form.s3.value); s4=parseInt(window.document.form.s4.value); s5=parseInt(window.document.form.s5.value); avg=(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5)/5; if((s1>=40)&&(s2>=40)&&(s3>=40)&&(s4>=40)&&(s5>=40)) { if(avg>=70) window.document.grade.value="distinction"; if(avg>=60) window.document.grade.value="a grade"; if(avg>=50) window.document.grade.value="b grade"; if(avg>=40) window.document.grade.value="c grade"; else window.document.form1.grade.value="fail"; alert("sorry u need to improve"); } alert("congratulations"); } function …

Member Avatar for vallala
Member Avatar for enggars

Hello. I have an ASP page that require printing. The page is about showing some data from database. I use the simple javascript printing : [B]javascript:window.print() [/B]The page design use some css templates. Well it does print. But it only prints the images and the texts. The print out seems …

Member Avatar for enggars
Member Avatar for Racoon200

Ive been searching for lots of time, but yet with my goal unaccomplished. Can somebody tell me a -free -javascript tool -fast -syntax highlighting -program please?

Member Avatar for Marko7

Guy's I hope you can help. I am getting a screen whentrying to search on Internet explorer which says the following: Javascript document referrel It will not let me use my search engine at all, I am re-directed to this page every time. I have tried various spyware/adware anti virus …

Member Avatar for jpmad4it

Hello everyone, I have built a DHTML & Javascript menu using the Deluxe Menu ([url]www.deluxe-menu.com[/url]) software package. The problem is that in IE7 the menu works fine, yet in Firefox it is displayed behind everything. If you look here using IE and Firefox you can see the difference when you …

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Member Avatar for snehalppatel

Hello friends, I am looking for the javascript for sqldatabinding with Select dropdownlist in ASP.NET. I want to populate HTML Select dropdown with my sql query. How can i do this? Thanks in advance. Snehal

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for Swapna Nair

Hi, I am working on implementing a navigation tree which lists the configured network objects dynamically. Has somebody worked on a similar kind of project? It would be of great help if somebody can provide information on this as I am a beginner in terms of JavaScript programming. Thanks -Swapna

Member Avatar for senthilmohan
Member Avatar for Andres

I need an example of a tree done in javascript and that can make things when you click the tree folders ... Any page or example in javascript please. Thanks...

Member Avatar for senthilmohan
Member Avatar for sandeep0708

Hi all, I have a simple problem but a major 1 for me now... i need to pass the selected value of radio button from 1 jsp to another jsp i.e when user selects a radio button option and then clicks on the submit button then the selected value should …

Member Avatar for Thendral
Member Avatar for jnscollier

I really like the functionality that google uses to show their newest news. If you click the link below and look at the right side, I like the manual movement of content using the up and down arrows... I'm not sure if this is a scroller? [URL]http://finance.google.com/finance?q=SBUX[/URL] Anyone know? Anyone …

Member Avatar for dygital
Member Avatar for alskdjf

I'm having a bit of a problem getting my javascript to run in Firefox (version 2.0). It works fine in IE6. Here's the HTML: [code="HTML"] <td> Black Eyed Susan </td> <td align="center"> <input type="text" name="blackeyedsusan" value="" size="3" maxlength="3" onChange="javascript:calculatecharges();"/> </td> [/code] And the script: [code="JavaScript"] function calculatecharges() { var totalPackets …

Member Avatar for alskdjf
Member Avatar for grunge man

hi i have an idea of taking a foarm and like making a simple calculator with javascript and im wondering if i have to send the input to one of thoughes programs that retrives the data or could i just do this in the coding of the webpage?

Member Avatar for grunge man
Member Avatar for enggars

I'm currently working on my online quiz application. It is based on ASP. I want to add the countdown timer in every quiz that run. But the problem is the javascript will go freeze in my ASP, it only run each time i refreshed the page. Some suggest me to …

Member Avatar for davidcairns
Member Avatar for muddpigeon

ok dokey, i have this web site and on the front page i have alogin box underneath a picture but i want the name enterd to the login box to be displayed above the picture can any one see where im going wrong <html> <head> <title>GRIP IT N RIP IT</title> …

Member Avatar for philiptabraham

Can anybody help me in how to load the labels in the html page using javascript or php FROM XML IN linux OS.

Member Avatar for sultanwadood

Hi all. I need to know how to disable javascript through javascript in firefox. thanks in advance if some one could help me. Sultan Wadood.

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Member Avatar for sandbox

i've been doing some research on fs command, but i haven't found a true answer to my problem. What i would like to do is load an image into a flash file using the loadMovie("image.jpg") command. I want to do this so i could use the same flash container on …

Member Avatar for rgtaylor
Member Avatar for viet_mafia

Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to Javascript and I guess I'm pretty nooby at it so I have a problem with some Javascript I'm trying to write. Basically I'm creating some Javascript that will allow me to calculate someone's Body Mass Index (BMI) and so far with my code have …

Member Avatar for rgtaylor
Member Avatar for Java_il

<code> <%@ page import="javax.portlet.RenderResponse,javax.portlet.RenderRequest,javax.portlet.PortletURL, javax.portlet.WindowState,java.util.*"%> <% System.out.println("Inside addCategory.jsp"); RenderResponse renderResponse = (RenderResponse)request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.response"); if (renderResponse == null) { out.println ("unable to get RenderResponse object"); return; } RenderRequest renderRequest = (RenderRequest) request.getAttribute ("javax.portlet.request"); if (renderRequest == null) { out.println ("unable to get RenderRequest object"); return; } PortletURL actionURL = renderResponse.createActionURL(); %> <% …

Member Avatar for rgtaylor
Member Avatar for Inny

[code]<script type="text/javascript"> if(location.href.match('act=Post') || location.href.match('act=Msg') || location.href.match('index.php?')){ function document.write('<input type='button' onclick='if (window.Jacuba) Jacuba.applyTo('class: textinput')();' value='Spellcheck'/>') } </script>[/code]

Member Avatar for rgtaylor
Member Avatar for Inny

Im using an iframe to display data (recent topics) but im wondering if there is a better way to do this that will not slow page loading as much? hereis current code [code] <table width="83%" td align="center" cellspacing="0" id="submenu"> <tr> <td align=left> <table width="100%" height="80px" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td …

Member Avatar for rgtaylor
Member Avatar for Dhruv Shah

Hello, I need a javascript which checks that user's mobileno should start from 9, otherwise it gives error. Thanks and Regards Dhruv Shah

Member Avatar for Joycelyn

Hi....i am now doing the e-book authoring tools...but i have face the problem...i wan to do a "save function" that can save as any type of file. But in my coding only can save as html and text file.. Beside that, i also wan do "open file function". I wan …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for nickclarson

[INLINECODE]<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function restore(what){ if (confirm("Are you sure you want to overwrite the database with the file " + what + "?")) { window.location = "backups.php?action=restore&file=" + what; } } function delete(what){ if (confirm("Are you sure you want to overwrite the database with the file " + what + …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic

The End.