15,121 Topics

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Member Avatar for mindfrost82

I have a form on my website that requires the user to enter data. They are all single line text boxes. At the bottom of the form I have two buttons, one for Print and one for Submit. The Print button just opens the print dialog box and allows them …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for motox16

Hi, I really hope someone can help me, you guys seem nice and all and I really like ur website :cheesy:. Here is what I want to do: [URL="http://img454.imageshack.us/my.php?image=helpqj7.png"][IMG]http://img454.imageshack.us/img454/6193/helpqj7.th.png[/IMG][/URL] Basically I want no spaces in between that navigation bar and the banner so the chain appears to be attatched to …

Member Avatar for motox16
Member Avatar for andy3250

Hi, I really need help with text field with css image. I have wrote code, this code is works great but I could not figure out how to write the rest of code, there is a text field that are relate to email address, for sample if person enter email …

Member Avatar for andy3250
Member Avatar for mbacon

Hello everybody, I am wanting to use a javascript confirm popup (OK returns TRUE/Cancel returns FALSE) to determine whether I need to run part of my PHP code. I could only think of one way to try, and this is it: [code]echo "<script type=\"javascript\"> var popbox = confirm(\"Are you sure …

Member Avatar for theonlydrayk
Member Avatar for vergopi

Hi, I have a very difficult problem.Perhaps a good Javascript programmer can solve it: I want to open a Java chart (it can found on [url]www.wdsoftware.com[/url]) not from a computer but from a PDA.I have a Fujitsu-Siemens Loox 720 (520Mhz CPU,128 RAM,64 ROM).I use Netfront 3.3 with JV-Lite2 as web …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I am currently working on the HTML / Javascript front end of a web forum system (perlBB). I have a couple of questions that would I would like to ask. 1. Is the way to include an external javascript file in a page like this? [code=HTML] <head> <link …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea
Member Avatar for Sarah Lee

Hi everybody I am trying to develop an application, in which i want your help and suggestions. I have a master page and many content pages. I want to write a javascript function in the master page script, and call that function in body onload. I have a field in …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea
Member Avatar for vincep123

Hi guys, I'm working on a website to promote an upcoming movie. I'm telling you this so I'm not shunned when I tell you i need help, possibly with a myspace issue, I'm not sure. Anyway, I inserted a song from the movie, using a simple embed code. [code=c]<embed src="URL" …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts

I have been working on a questionnaire results page which takes the values from the questionaire on the previous page, calculates a score then plots their results on a grid. this all works fine, what i am a little baffled about however is, how do i dynamically add table rows/cells …

Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts
Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts

Hello there, basically i have 3 problems that have been driving me crazy all day long! firstly the div layers that i have set to dynamically display depending on input from a previous page will display in firefox, but wont display in internet explorer 6? this is a little confusing …

Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts
Member Avatar for vijaybhatia

hello, I want to swap the position of two buttons if i drag a button to other button's postion... how can i do this....i want to do it with PHP and javascript.... help me out to solve this...

Member Avatar for Inny

Hi folks, I need some help with A javascript thats basically a spam/swearword filter. Its designed to disable the submit button if a matching word from an array is found. heres a working example [code]<script language="JavaScript1.2"> // Word Filter var swear_words_arr=new Array("silly","crap","idiot","http"); var swear_alert_arr=new Array; var swear_alert_count=0; function reset_alert_count() { …

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Member Avatar for yuckadirri

need help on making an reply back in either VBScript or JavaScript or in ASP or in HTML, can some one please teach me I need it on my current project. please?

Member Avatar for vssp

Hai friends I am using array "name " field for example <input name="prod_image[]" type="file" class="Textfield" id="prod_image[]"/> *</td> When I try to validate the text box NULL or not using Javascript ,I unable to validate Please any one advice me __________________

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for bturner

My javascript code works in IE but not in Firefox. Is there anyone that can help with this. If so, I can post my script and see where the problem is. I haven't used javascript for long so my experience with it is limited. Cannot figure out what it is …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for evank

I'm trying to design a site that makes use of the [B]window.open()[/B] javascript method by opening certain links in a new window with a specific pixel size and position onscreen, but Internet Explorer (with default security settings) blocks most attempts...Is there any way around this, to let IE know that …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Inny

hello again Dani web folk, Im needing a little help with an example script. This cookie setter is prewritten but I want to set it up for use on my site but im not sure how. I want to redirect from here [url]http://herproom.5.forumer.com/index.php?[/url] to here [url]http://download3-1.files-upload.com/2007-01/20/22/RP.html[/url] only once, the first …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for Inny

Is it possible to create a code that will automaticallly switch a hotlinked image with another e.g no_hotlinking.gif ?

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for Inny

Hi Im trying to place images in this change content script but it refuses to co-operate. Is there some way to do it? [code]<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="100%"><form name="ddmessage"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="100%"><select name="selectbox" size="1" onChange="changecontent(this)"> <option selected value="What is JavaScript?">What is JavaScript?</option> <option value="Why …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I have some script which doesnt work at all in firefox or other browsers, and i was wondering how to make a browser checker script which checked if the user was using IE, and if they are, show the script. If not, write somthing else for example "Go …

Member Avatar for aniseed
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I have some script which doesnt work at all in firefox or other browsers, and i was wondering how to make a browser checker script which checked if the user was using IE, and if they are, show the script. If not, write somthing else for example "Go …

Member Avatar for aniseed
Member Avatar for Mikeish

Working on a website here and found this extremely useful script that I love at [URL="http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/"]www.dhtmlgoodies.com[/URL] It's a menu on the left side that allows you to click on the link and has it drop down submenus with a max of five submenus (pretty flexible I'd say). I went ahead …

Member Avatar for Mikeish
Member Avatar for DNRSmitty

Here's how to dynamically fill a dropdown box depending on the selection of another dropdown box. I looked all over the web, and in this forum, finally I found someone who knew what they were talking about and actually had code that worked. :lol: [code] <[EMAIL="%@LANGUAGE="]%@LANGUAGE="Javascript"%[/EMAIL]> <html> <head> <title>Load Dropdown</title> …

Member Avatar for Inny

This site shows (x) users veiwing each forum on the main index, Id love to know how its done? can it be done with javascript?

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for XtremeCamera

Good morning, I paid many thousands of dollars to a company that created my photo community (xtremecamera.com). Problem is, the site does not work in IE, I get the "Operation Aborted". With the help of a great poster in the PHP section of this forum it has been determined that …

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Member Avatar for fray

I am wanting to replace the two values 560, 420 with two xml variables in the following code <a href="#" onmouseover="zoom(560,420,'logo','in')" onmouseout="clearzoom()">Zoom Out</a> I have tried the following without success: <a href="#" onmouseover="zoom("<xsl:value-of select='imagesize/@width'/>","<xsl:value-of select='imagesize/@height'/>",'logo','in')" onmouseout="clearzoom()">Zoom In</a> Zoom is a Javascript function in the xsl code - function zoom(originalW, originalH, …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for tmv105

Hi! I am having problems validating my HTML to at least transitional due to my use of checkboxes and accessing them with PHP and javascript. I want client-side validation and server side functionality and therefore am utilizing PHP and JS. My understanding is that JS recognizes checkboxes to be an …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for DNRSmitty

Here is some more code that I tried, but failed to get to work. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong? I put in some displays to see if the onChange command was trying to execute the function, and it was.:eek: [ TAG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <%@LANGUAGE="Javascript"%> <html> <head> <title>Load Dropdown</title> <script language="JavaScript"> …

Member Avatar for DNRSmitty
Member Avatar for NubKnacker

Small question about javascript. From my understanding, whenever I view a webpage that requires a js file, the file is downloaded to the client computer and accessed from there. Are any checks performed while "using" the information in this js file? What's stopping me from changing this file on my …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for roryt

I would like to be able to close one of my layers which is in a div tag. I have used css to specify an image in this layer and it will have a link in it aswell. I would like to have another text link that allows the user …

Member Avatar for woocha

The End.