2,530 Topics

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Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I am currently creating a small JS app. that will help me search PostgreSQL and print related data via PHP. I am using jQuery to help me but I have this small problem. I wanted to test if the code worked, by prompting the PHP file to print …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I am trying to retrieve some data from PostgreSQL using jQuery and PHP. I should be able to enter a date as input -e.g, as 2010-08-09 and retrieve all the data that is dated August 9th- however, when I execute my javascript, all I get as an output …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for xylude

I have been trying to get a loaded element to fade in on Safari for about 2 hours now to no avail. Anyone aware of a fix for this? Here is my code: [CODE] $('#badgeHolder').fadeTo('slow',0); $('#badgeHolder').load('somePage',function(){ $('#badgeHolder').fadeTo('slow',1); }); [/CODE] I have also tried: [CODE] $('#badgeHolder').load('somePage').hide().fadeIn('slow'); [/CODE] Either one of the …

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi All, I want to add a map to a webpage, with the intention for the user to be able to click anywhere on it and a small picture to be displayed where the user has clicked. I imagine that this will involve using jQuery, but I don't know how …

Member Avatar for seniramsu

so I'm trying to manipulate elements that are name related. A div 'button' has id="phoneInput" It's corresponding div has id="phoneInput_div". When #phoneInput is hovered over... [CODE]$('.unSel').hover( function() { $(this).toggleClass('sel'); $($(this) + "_div").toggle(true); }, function() { $(this).toggleClass('sel'); $($(this) + "_div").toggle(false); } ); [/CODE] ...its corresponding #phoneInput_div needs to show, then when …

Member Avatar for soldierflup
Member Avatar for ranganaMIT

hi guys, I'm doing a simple system using codeigniter i need to implement search using jquery ajax in it, this is my fist coding experience in codeigniter and jquery, so i need a good source to learn about it, please suggest me good study material for studying it? regards, Rangana

Member Avatar for ranganaMIT
Member Avatar for pietpiraat

Hello all, i'm trying to show the time between a start & end time selection, problem is, i do not know my way around javascript/jquery that good, so i hoop someone will help me. i have four dropdown select boxes: [LIST] [*]start hour [*]start minute [*]end hour [*]end minute [/LIST] …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Bliksempie

Hi everyone, I have an issue with IE7 not responding as it should after a log-in to a website I built for a client. This same problem also affects the add to basket or add to wish-list functionality, the checkout process, and all other Ajax requests. Here is a breakdown …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for Bubbleboy

I want to make jQuery animate the fade in of a block of text with a few links in it. Here is the code. [CODE]<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Home</title> <LINK rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <LINK rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <LINK rel="stylesheet" href="docs/navbar.css"> <style> html, body { margin: 0; …

Member Avatar for Daiva
Member Avatar for dnirvine

Alright, I am using the "FancyBox" script to load a larger photo, plus information about the photo into a window, ontop of the window.... which works great. However I need to pass the id (or other unique value) to the javascript so it can pass it on and get the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mrmaxspeed

does this flash effect [url]http://www.goodthinking.com.ph/[/url] can code in jquery? or other tips, sample how to do it in jquery? thanks in advance.. . -mrmaxspeed

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for alexgv14

I have this code and i want the mouseover to change the variable auto from true to false. [CODE]if ($featuredArea.length) { $featuredArea.et_switcher({ useArrows: true <?php if (get_option($shortname.'_slider_auto') == 'on') { ?>, auto: true, autoSpeed: <?php echo(get_option($shortname.'_slider_autospeed')); ?> <?php }; ?> }); }; $("div.slide").mouseover(function(){ $featuredArea.et_switcher({ auto: false }); });[/CODE] The last …

Member Avatar for alexgv14

I have this website which has a slider in the middle of the page. I put a video in the slider but the problem is when I play the video I need the slider to stop its effect so the video can play. Any ideas how to make this happen. …

Member Avatar for chintan@dani

Hello Friends Is there anybody who can tell me about Jquery? I know why one use Jquery but I want to know how to write jquery as per requirement?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Lolalola

Hi, how to run the second function only when the first will be completed in? [CODE]$(document).ready(function() { $("#first").load("first.php?id="+ Math.random()); $("#second").load("second.php?id="+ Math.random()); }); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Lolalola

hi, now i get value if i selected checkbox(id which was selected), but how get value when i unselected (id which was unselected)? For example I push on 1, and i get value 1. When I unselect 1, i get value 1. I hope you understand my problem. [CODE]<script> $(document).ready(function() …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for freiheit

Hello all, I made a custom theme with jquery theme roller.Accordion panel and a tabs panel. The problem is that the objects are not displaying correctly as they should on my page. When i remove the link to my main css file, the jquery shows up exactly as it should. …

Member Avatar for dnirvine
Member Avatar for Manny7

Hi there, I solve a problem with jQuery plugins. On my page I need to use 3 plugins - the one is lightbox, the next is plugin for google maps. And the last plugin solves scrolling content - I click on the button and on the page shows to me …

Member Avatar for amko

I'm trying to code a play/pause button via Jquery and the Cycle plugin. I'm able to toggle between the two and the "resume" function works, but am not sure how to make the "pause" function work. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your time! Here's my JS: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() …

Member Avatar for amko
Member Avatar for Frankey

Hi there, I have a piece of code that should give my category list a nice accordeon effect to show the sub categories. [CODE] <ul class="categorymenu"> <li class="cat-item cat-item-10"><a href="...">cat1</a> <ul class='children'> <li class="cat-item cat-item-11"><a href="...">cat1sub1</a> <li class="cat-item cat-item-12"><a href="...">cat1sub2</a> <li class="cat-item cat-item-13"><a href="...">cat1sub3</a> </ul> </li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-10"><a href="...">cat2</a> …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for pietpiraat

Hi all! i'm having difficulties with jQuery datepicker to get two input fields with different dateformats, her is my code sofar: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#inlineDatepicker').datepick({ multiSelect: 999, monthsToShow: 2, altField: '#datum', altFormat: '"yyyy-mm-dd"', minDate: '+1d', } ); }); </script>[/CODE] Now my problem is i'm showing my datepicker in a …

Member Avatar for pietpiraat
Member Avatar for ablitz

Hi I can't get my toggle button to work so once again I'm here hoping for some good soul to help me. Below is my jQuery code. I have 2 css clasess 1st is play with a referenace to jpg play and the 2nd one has reference to pause.jpg. All …

Member Avatar for amko
Member Avatar for riaver

Hi There Want to find out if there are any way to let a user select a file from their local computer, and then return the path so that i can add it into a form field. I want to do a file upload, but want to skip the html …

Member Avatar for VenusCrystal

hello friends... I'm new to jquery and as well as to daniweb :P I'm learning jquery from 3 days using online tutorials... I am given a task by my guide... For which i want to know why is it that the jquery carousel on the page [B][url]http://web.enavu.com/demos/3dcarouselwip/[/url][/B] works in firefox …

Member Avatar for VenusCrystal
Member Avatar for ALFA-FOXTROT

Hi guys need some help here. I don't know why but it doesn't read the value. This is to be runned by Property. [CODE] function calculate_form_opap(op_id,oca_id,ocp_id) { var propertiesintotal=0; var total=0; var completo=''; var completo_count = op_id+'_'+oca_id; propertiesintotal = Number(document.getElementById('propertiesintotal_'+op_id+'_'+oca_id).value); propertiesintotal=propertiesintotal-1; for (y=0; y<=propertiesintotal; y++){ completo=op_id+'_'+oca_id+'_'+ocp_id+'_'+y; alert(completo); //valor = document.getElementById('property_total_'+completo).value; …

Member Avatar for ALFA-FOXTROT
Member Avatar for nevergone

Hello, I want this function to be assigned to a variable but I cant get it working. I would like something like this to work so that I could perform another tricks on the result.Currentyl it returns 'undefined' data [CODE] var decodedmsg = decode('agaj80494agh942h8g0'); [/CODE] [CODE] var retdata; function decode(s){ …

Member Avatar for VenusCrystal

Hello everyone... I'm learning jquery from 3 days using online tutorial.. Can anyone tell me why is it that the carousel on page [B][url]http://web.enavu.com/demos/3dcarouselwip/[/url][/B] works on firefox and chrome but not in IE?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I'm having serious issues trying to get [URL="http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html"]Hoverintent[/URL] and Mootools 1.2.4 working together. I've tried using the [URL="http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.noConflict/"]noConflict code[/URL] from jQuery's website but it still won't work. How and what must I modify in Hoverintent to get it to work with Mootools?

Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I have multiple select boxes that have various options such as 'bangles', 'rings', 'earings' etc and I have a div that doesn't display until an option has been selected from one of the select boxes. If the option 'rings' is selected I don't want to display the div …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for Flexor123

Hi I'm trying to create a professional looking JQuery Slideshow for the website I am currently working on. I know the basic syntax of JQuery and could really use some help on how to create this. I have tried making one using JQuery and CSS, but it ultimately did not …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.