523 Topics

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Member Avatar for monstercameron

i've been thinking, what is the easiest way to make a game...flash(albeit mostly 2d). what platform has the most games... any thing w/ flash suupport. what format has the most devs...flash. look at kongregate, miniclip, armor games, they recieve a new game everyday. there are alot of markets out there...open …

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Member Avatar for jagan605

Iam using ubuntu 10.04 LTS.I have a problem in including graphics.h in the g++ compiler I am using.I have nearly tried all the possible solutions given while i googled about it. Please help me .I am a beginner to programming.

Member Avatar for jagan605
Member Avatar for EricMack

More of us could be taking Linux with us wherever we go in the coming years - that according to a [URL="http://www.abiresearch.com/products/service/Mobile_Devices_Research_Service"]pair of reports from ABI research[/URL] that predict a big chunk of both smartphones and non-smartphone mobile devices will be Linux-based by 2015. [ATTACH=right]15931[/ATTACH]"The number of Linux-oriented initiatives recently …

Member Avatar for AlanWilhelm

Hello, I put together a small tutorial that I wanted to share. I found only scattered information on this and put a more complete tutorial together with code and comments. [URL="http://blog.ajwilhelm.net/archives/7"]Parsing Excel files with Python[/URL]

Member Avatar for faby

Hello everyone, I am presently working on speech synthesis/speech to text on Ubuntu 10.04. So far I've been using festival but I discovered espeak which is also cool by reading other people's previous questions and answers. My main goal is to develop a communication system whereby festival or espeak can …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for faby

Hello everyone, I am presently working on speech synthesis/speech to text on Ubuntu 10.04. So far I've been using festival but I discovered espeak which is also cool by reading other people's previous questions and answers. My main goal is to develop a communication system whereby festival or espeak can …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for neti1987

hi! I have to check file's permissions, but I'm not sure how should I check the [B]g[/B]roup and the [B]o[/B]ther permissions. I'm not sure I did it right for the group and the user. for the other - I guess I have to use the "S_IROTH" flaf. here is my …

Member Avatar for jonb7

Hi , I am trying to run a Python script from linux but i am unsure how to do this. Reason being is i have created an Active Directory script to list users in groups and it works perfectly on windows but i need to move this to the linux …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for khess

To get down and dirty in mobile phone competition, [URL="http://www.nokia.com"]Nokia[/URL] [URL="http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE65N20Y20100624"]decides[/URL] to take on Apple and Google by adopting the Linux [URL="http://meego.org"]MeeGo[/URL] platform for its new N-Series phones. Back in February of this year, [URL="http://www.intel.com"]Intel[/URL] and Nokia [URL="http://www.nokia.com/press/press-releases/showpressrelease?newsid=1384419"]teamed up[/URL] to create the MeeGo mobile phone platform. This bold move allows …

Member Avatar for great2010
Member Avatar for bala1486

Hello. I am trying to implement a transport layer protocol for my project. I am going to use Linux as my operating system. Could you please suggest me some books or links that explain the implementation of transport layer (like TCP)? Thank you.. Thanks, Bala

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for Schoorsteen

Hey there, I am attempting to open Firefox using C++ on Linux (Ubuntu). However, I get an segmentation fault. What am I doing wrong, and what should I do? [CODE]std::cout << system("/usr/bin/firefox") << std::endl;[/CODE] /usr/bin/firefox works in commandline and when I run this program in debug mode in Netbeans, firefox …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for bala1486

Hello, I need to implement a lightweight transport layer protocol in Linux-Kernel as part of my project. Could you please suggest some books or references that explains about implementation of TCP in linux? Thank you.. Thanks, Bala

Member Avatar for lionaneesh
Member Avatar for 234pramod

Hi, I am trying to send data over wifi using socket. I am working Ubuntu. The data to be sent is received from a device over serial port. I want to create a virtual serial port which will read data from a file and present it in way serial port …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for 234pramod

Hi, I am trying to send data over wifi using socket. I am working Ubuntu. The data to send i receive from a device over serial port. I want to create a virtual terminal which send which act as serial port sending data from a file. Can anyone help me …

Member Avatar for 234pramod
Member Avatar for xenanovich

hi, (on a linux system) i wrote the following code snippet to 1. write to a serial port 2. read the data that i have just written to the serial port. the write is functioning, but the read is not. if i use just the read (without "write", but by …

Member Avatar for xenanovich
Member Avatar for xenanovich

hi, this is something i keep running into. for example, in the following example of strtok, i'm splitting a given string on a space(" ") delimiter: [code] #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() { char str[]="1234563 34 7898"; char delim[]=" "; char* result=NULL; char new[15][3]; int i=0; int j=0; bzero(new, sizeof new); …

Member Avatar for xenanovich
Member Avatar for wolfshire

Hi to everyone on this great site! I have been learning assembly since the last semester. They taught use assembly there in real mode in DOS using some age old book and masm. Then by my interest I picked the subject again now and learn it using AT&T syntax and …

Member Avatar for demifuror

Hi guys, At the minute, I'm writing a simple Java application under Lucid Lynx, the latest and greatest Ubuntu release :) Can anyone tell me how to make the windows in my application, match the look and feel of the other windows in the system? I've tried setting the default …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for 234pramod

Hi, I want to receive data which a device which is sending on usb. How can I receive data.Will there be any C codes available for that? I am very new to device programming.All suggestion are welcome.?? I want how to interface it and get the data.I want to do …

Member Avatar for 234pramod
Member Avatar for skyz09

Let me explain the scenario I'm in. Currently my company has a desktop set up so clients can individually log in and test our data processing software. This is currently in a linux environment for ease of management. What I'm looking to do is possibly set up a web app …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for disssko

Hi, I'm trying to make a script in Linux which should send release note to a certain distribution list. Both the release note and distribution list are kept in a separate file. I already have initial distribution list, but it is taken from Outlook so I'm pretty sure the Linux …

Member Avatar for khess

On the heels of my idea from yesterday, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story274873.html"]A New Social Media? Instantaneous Messaging[/URL]" (Yes, I realize that it should be "Medium" not Media--so sue me), I've decided to grace you with another idea that I've had for some time: Drag and Drop Messaging. This idea, that you'd think would …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for buffonomics

Is it possible to programmatically determine the currently installed graphics driver in windows, Mac, or Linux? methinks to check the system registry for windows. If so, where and what about the other OS? Major props to anyone who can answer this one :P Thanks

Member Avatar for khess

It isn't quite Perl version 6 but it's well on its way. Between now and Monday, [URL="http://www.activestate.com"]ActiveState[/URL] will release version 5.12 of its cross platform, easily installed ActivePerl. Version 5.12 offers more than simple bug fixes; it's a major release that some developers look toward with great anticipation. The major …

Member Avatar for aksshe10

i use windows 7 on my laptop and also have ubuntu 9.10 on my pendrive which i also use on that laptop. This is a very weird problem that i am having . ill tell you what happened. i was using linux but need some work done in my win7 …

Member Avatar for Technocrate25
Member Avatar for khess

Now there's a challenge for [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] hardware fans who don't necessarily love the "upgraded" iPhone OS: Install Linux on it. It might be possible but the hard part is getting past the A4 processor. Is there a Linux kernel tweaked for it? Why would you want to run Linux on …

Member Avatar for babystrangeloop
Member Avatar for khess

Mac OS X 10.5.6 is out today. Are you excited? According to all the Apple-oriented buzz, it's a much-anticipated release. It has lots of fixes and some cool enhancements but do you want to know what would sell me an Apple product? (And it isn't a hip new release of …

Member Avatar for AnnoyingOrange
Member Avatar for bohongtw

hi there i have an assignment about writing Cshell with some features i m not gonna ask plz gimme the codes or smth. but i need some advice how to start writing it, what to do maybe smn can show me ways to do it , thanks for help here …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for copa1x1

hi, i found this site by accident and am giving it a go for some help needed. I am new to linux and am using Debian Lenny at the moment. I am finding that a lot of my tasks can be made a lot simpler and quicker if i just …

Member Avatar for Skifter
Member Avatar for khess

Mark Shuttleworth, founder and financial backer of [URL="http://www.ubuntu.com"]Ubuntu[/URL], urges the Linux Community to "build a better desktop than Apple." Shuttleworth made this statement this week at OSCON (O'Reilly's Open Source Convention). He added that interoperability with Windows is of very high importance. Sounds easy enough. Let me get right on …

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The End.