523 Topics

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Member Avatar for khess

I'm in search of Linux--which sounds odd since it seems that I should be able to find all the Linux I'd ever want but I want to know about [I]your[/I] favorite Linux gadget, project, invention, software, innovation or appliance. I want to know which ones are most important to you--which …

Member Avatar for vegyraupe
Member Avatar for khess

Yesterday was Microsoft's big day. Windows 7 was released. Did you go buy your copy already? Are you waiting? Whether you have or haven't doesn't really matter but I'm going to give you my five reasons why you [B]should[/B] switch to Windows 7 and five more why you [B]shouldn't[/B]. Both …

Member Avatar for moober76
Member Avatar for happygeek

[attach=right]13654[/attach]What's small and pink, incorporates a Linux kernel and an embedded ARM compatible processor, and let's you set up your own personal cloud? The answer is the latest [URL="http://www.pogoplug.com"]Pogoplug[/URL] device from Cloud Engines Inc. Combine this insanely easy to set up bit of kit with a free iPhone app and …

Member Avatar for khess

The [URL="http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/158-jim-zemlin/286723-bringing-the-magic-to-linux-with-meego-"]announcement[/URL] from The [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org"]Linux Foundation[/URL]'s Jim Zemlin: [QUOTE]MeeGo combines Intel’s Moblin and Nokia’s Maemo projects at the Linux Foundation to create one open source uber-platform for the next generation of computing devices: tablets, pocketable computers, netbooks, automotive IVI and more. Why should you pay attention to this announcement? With …

Member Avatar for khess

This review covers the [URL="http://www.astak.com"]Astak[/URL] 5" [URL="http://www.astak.com/product.asp?serial=05EZBLU"]EZReader PocketPro eBook Reader[/URL] which sells for $199 US. Technical Specs: ePaper, E-Ink Technology, 5" screen, 800x600 resolution, 8 Grayscale colors, Dimensions: 6"x4.1"x0.4", Linux OS, 512MB RAM, Samsung ARM9 400MHz CPU, One USB 2.0, One SD Card slot, Earphone jack, Weight 6oz, Li-Polymer battery. …

Member Avatar for paddy8788

I want to launch a new process from a given string of input (including parameter). I tried to use system() but it appears that in the child process, getppid() is not the same as the caller in some runs (probably because system uses the shell as command interpreter). However, if …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for prushik

I am trying to write a TFTP server. I have successfully completed the code, it is fully RFC 1350 compliant. However, I wrote the whole thing in Haiku OS, and in Haiku, it works great. However, I also need a DHCP server, and I don't have one for Haiku. So …

Member Avatar for prushik
Member Avatar for khess

Well, well, how about that [URL="http://www.dell.com"]Dell[/URL]? In a landmark decision, Dell [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23052/1231/"]announced[/URL] that it has penned a deal to use [URL="http://www.novell.com"]Novell[/URL]'s SUSE Linux in its data centers to power its new OptiPlex FX 160 thin client systems. Wow. Dell is doing this to save money and simplify its IT infrastructure …

Member Avatar for marioan
Member Avatar for kemiko

The following is output from an unknown command off an old school DEC Ultrix machine. Does Linux have a similar command/tool? Thanks, Kent 1 pend_nonpayment: int(), <pend_nonpayment.c 79> 2 usr_pwd: <> 3 display_error: <> 4 clears: <> 5 paint: <> 6 current_date: <> 7 get_process_date: <> 8 strcpy: <> 9 …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for khess

Everyone has their predictions for the new year but do they often prognosticate using an animated video? The folks over at [URL="http://www.rpath.com"]rPath[/URL] created a clever [URL="http://www.rpath.com/corp/predictions"]video[/URL] animation depicting their reasonable and humorous predictions for 2010. rPath might be best known for its [URL="http://www.rpath.org/ui"]online virtual appliance builder[/URL]. You can also [URL="http://www.rpath.com/corp/free-rbuilder"]download …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Writing at the official Windows Experience blog, Microsoft's Brandon LeBlanc refers to the latest NPD Retail Tracking Service data which shows that as of the February 2009 the Windows share of the US netbook market is a staggering 96 percent. That's up from less than 10 percent of US unit …

Member Avatar for tekd
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

This snippet defines a function [b]chmod[/b] which uses symbolic strings to represent the mode (eg [b]u+rwx[/b]) like the shell command 'chmod'.

Member Avatar for khess

I've done a bit of research on Windows 7 Enterprise to discover some of its new features and to uncover its secrets. From what I've seen so far, [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] has provided some interesting Linux-esque features that might accidentally boost Linux adoption as a side effect. The two primary features to …

Member Avatar for MikeAinOz
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok I have been looking for this for a while it is the ultimate list of repositories for the Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake distro. It will give you so many program choices you wont know what to do. simply goto your terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (I chose gedit …

Member Avatar for ingalex
Member Avatar for khess

Does it seem to you that Linux distributions have fallen into to a [I]well[/I] or other deep support chasm that defies the space-time continuum? It seems so to me. Linux distributions are lagging behind Windows and Mac in significant ways. Well, it doesn't work for this chipset. Well, it works …

Member Avatar for jaanu123
Member Avatar for ham130489

I am working in Linux 2.14 kernel, and I have an assignment. I want to save for every process , the files it opens and closes , and the time he did that. for example : for process aaa : opening "file1" opening "file2" closing "file1" opening "file3" closing "file3" …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for onemanclapping

Hi, I'm an IT Engineering student and I have the task of doing, in C, a function that does on linux the equivalent of the 'locate' function. Can someone help me? I need ideas for how to read a file system! How can I list directories (to a string or …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

So I'm helping host an event for [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] yesterday - called Atmosphere, it was based in London and had about 300 CIOs present. I was lucky enough to be chairing a couple of panel discussions (and will put YouTube links in here if anyone's interested in what CIOs from Amazon, …

Member Avatar for ITleb

Hi, I have to develop a software and it should run on windows, mac and linux, so i was thinking of developing it in java using netbeans :-/ I have windows OS, would the jar file generated in windows run properly on mac and linux? and is there any specific …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for The Mad Hatter

OK, so I get up, shower, eat, and open up my email client. Number 4 from the top is a Daniweb email telling me about the wonderful topics currently being discussed - here's the list: * Prevent programs from saving to certain folder? in Windows Vista and Windows 7 * …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for shakunni

I was wondering if there was a way to control the cursor on Linux and use a C/C++ program to make a certain 'output' appear on the screen in any co-ordinate we want for a specific period of time?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral

[url]http://www.cracked.com/blog/using-windows-7-may-lead-to-murder/[/url] Turns out you'll need a floppy drive to install it, Quick Launch may have been cut to save room for MS Fax, Explore is simplistic and uncluttered but lacks thumbnails and such, as well, you may need a land-line to access some features. Over all, it's blazing fast, if …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for khess

Since I check my linkbacks religiously, I noticed one of the comments over at [URL="http://www.linsux.org"]linsux.org[/URL] (An anti-Linux rant site) on my recent post, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story226405.html"]5 Things You Can Do to Put Linux in the Driver Seat[/URL]" and thought I would share one of the entries with you. He wants us Linux …

Member Avatar for legolas558
Member Avatar for Smalls

I have no idea where to even begin to put this but, I have recently installed Linux Fedora on my pc as/for a dual boot, my problem is now that windows won't hibernate, when you tell it to the screen goes black like it is going to hibernate but then …

Member Avatar for dheerajsuthar

Hi, I was honing my linux programming skill when this nuisance started bugging me. I wanted to create an empty file creator program. While creating a large file it must print # for progress bar. But the output shows it happening reverse way. ie. first it copies file and shows …

Member Avatar for dheerajsuthar
Member Avatar for i are smart

in Vista, cTurtle worked like a charm, but in Ubuntu, when i downloaded the cTurtle to my desktop and moved it to site-packages, it still won't work. When i clicked on the downloaded cTurtle.py file, what i get is a text file with chinese characters, and it closes within a …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for jyh5

I have been working with Monodevelop's C# on Linux. Pretty incredible. If you stick within the .net framework it seems to be really pretty complete. However, what if you wanted to call a native Linux function from a Linux library (eg using native Linux sockets instead of the .net provided …

Member Avatar for khess

Just when you thought it was safe to return to those keyboards knowing that all is well with the world and the ownership of Unix is happy with its rightful owner, Novell; he's baaaack. I'm sure that I'm not the first to look at this latest news and say "WHAA? …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for happygeek

Most people welcomed the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4642.html"]news[/URL] that the Sony PlayStation 3 was slimming down, both in physical size and in terms of off the shelf pricing. The Linux crowd are not so impressed however. According to SCE president and CEO Kazuo Hirai, the PS3 slim is some 36 percent lighter and …

Member Avatar for sravan953
Member Avatar for khess

OK, I can't resist this whole SCO thing, since it has again raised its ugly head. My [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4658.html"]previous post[/URL] on the subject the other day drew a lot of attention from a diverse gaggle of readers and commenters so I thought I'd go back to the well at least once …

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The End.