24 Topics

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Member Avatar for kgizo

Good day What I would like to do is to alter a mysql table with data in it then add manipulated string data to that created column i.e I first add an extra column to my table then add a reverse string coded from data that had already been inserted. …

Member Avatar for kgizo
Member Avatar for Builder_1

kindly tell what is #pragma warning(disable: 4996) in the above program????and how can we cout the locations of each vowel in the sentence..

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for andreiviziru

Hi i have a long script named **images.php** that handles the image manipulation and the following script to handle multiple images at once <?php // load the image manipulation class require '../../image.php'; // create a new instance of the class $image = new Zebra_Image(); $directory = 'jocuri'; if ($handle = …

Member Avatar for andreiviziru
Member Avatar for m_ishwar

Guys! I would like to know if it was possible to create an assembler using python since it has excellent string handling features. Any Ideas how it could be done?

Member Avatar for m_ishwar
Member Avatar for Alexkid

Hi there, I have an array of unsigned chars that hold hex values, I’m interested in values [5] and [6] of the array. Say [5] = 0x5b = 0101 1011 and [6] = 0x7b = 0111 1011 I'm trying to get all of [5] and the first half of [6], …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Khav

Hello guys For my project i am tring to compare elements of an array with string.This could help at a certain extent to prevent pornographics uploads based on the filenames Here is my snippet $banned_file_names = array('bestiality','lolita','porn','xxx','incest','cock','teenporn'); $filen = preg_replace("/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/", "", $file_name); if (in_array($filen,$banned_file_names) === true) { echo 'Adult image …

Member Avatar for Khav
Member Avatar for mann_cool36
Member Avatar for dixit ankit

I am trying problem 16 from project euler, i want to add a00 integers 50 decimal places each.So i searched and found BigIntegerLibrary, but can't find any good reference material on what are the varoius functions and operators in the library. Please provide me some decent material on how to …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

Can anybody help me out, show me where to look or a keyword or something? I'm trying to figure out how to write simple programs that can manipulate other programs. To keep it simple, and as a start, I'd like to be able to run the program to insert a …

Member Avatar for PhilEaton
Member Avatar for ulrichrandom

how do i freeze a form? scenario: i'm working currently on a form (running program). i'll click a button which will direct me to another form. input info and then back to the previous form. So, how do i freeze the previous form without using unload, and the data in …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for _Brooksy

** Having trouble running this code as the compiler keeps having issues with the method 'public void mannipulate()', I'm new to java so forgive my ignorance, but I've been trying to rearrange everything in every which way to please this thing and its just not turning out right. I'm sure …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for uzii305

OK, i'm working on a hangman game in cmd prompt. I'm about halfway done, but i have hit a wall regarding the secret word, and the user guess. Now mind you, my professor has not taught the class any array manipulation methods or techniques for finding specific char in an …

Member Avatar for uzii305
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Hello Every one ! i am trying to make query to show the growth of sale of the product month wise ,i have one table name Sales .having following fields , SalesID,ProductID,amt,Qty,SalesDate i use this query to show my records [CODE] select ProductID,Amt,Qty,substring (datename(month,SalesDate ),1,3)as months,DATENAME(YEAR,salesdate ) as years [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

i want to create a stored procedure that can return the initial character of two string inside the description field. ex. Computer Security -> in one data only if i use this statement select left(description) from table1 i want to return only CS when i run my script. is there …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for borchu

I have question about if my input matrix was | 1 2 3 4 | | 2 3 4 5 | | 3 4 5 6 | how I would get an output matrix | 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 0 1 2 3 4 0 | …

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for ThomasKeruba

Hi, My name is Thomas (21), I am student of computer engineering. Task at my school was to make a program that changing original SIP/SDP messages when using VoIP. The task was hard, I admit to find help on the internet. I found SIP SDK that do the same. Check …

Member Avatar for niyasc

Following is the code written to implement a employ manipulation system using pointer to structures . It makes some allocation problem in dev-cpp while work well in turbo c. Can you help me to understand the problem[CODE] // Implement pointers to structures to produce employ manipulation and produce output //as …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for goluman

I am a beginner in openCV and C++ as well.I am stuck in a particular place while trying to implement face recognition in open cv. I have the stored training images in a folder called data the images of first person is stored like 1_john1.pgm 2nd image of first person …

Member Avatar for goluman
Member Avatar for parijat24

Hi , I have interesting problem as I have a file 'A' which looks like [CODE]>BIG_CLUSTER96 ENSTNIP00000002777 TETRAODON8 1 [COLOR="Green"]105[/COLOR] 136 [B]Ank[/B] [COLOR="red"]NGCTPLHYAASKDRYEIALMLLENGADPNATD[/COLOR] >BIG_CLUSTER96 ENSTNIP00000002777 TETRAODON8 1 [COLOR="Green"]141[/COLOR] 169 [B]Ank [/B] [COLOR="red"]TPLHRASAKGNYRLIQLLLRQSASTNIQD[/COLOR] >BIG_CLUSTER96 ENSTNIP00000002777 TETRAODON8 1 [COLOR="Green"]172 [/COLOR] 202 [B]Ank [/B] [COLOR="Red"]GNTPLHLACDEERVEAAKLLVEHGASIYIEN[/COLOR] >BIG_CLUSTER96 ENSTNIP00000002777 TETRAODON8 1 [COLOR="Green"] 40 [/COLOR] 71 …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for JB Audio

Hi all. I hope this is the right place to post this. I am a music technology student and I've recently picked up learning C++ as it would greatly help my career knowing a programming language, especially this one since it is used in the video games industry. Anyways onto …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for weblover

hello all , i'm new to C# and i have a problem, i created a program that categorize my files into folders and subfolders. and i want to run a script test.bat that will run a python script to the files with extension .gb in the subfolders and this script …

Member Avatar for weblover
Member Avatar for andrewjad

here's my code: [CODE=C++] #include <iostream> using namespace std; void func(int num) { num = num + 1; cout << num; } int main() { int num2 = 5; cout << num2; func(num2); cout << num2; func(num2); cout << endl << endl; system("PAUSE"); }[/CODE] when the program runs, it yields …

Member Avatar for andrewjad
Member Avatar for silvertooth07

i'm having problems with the edit function on my program. when i enter something, it crashes. it prints out "File not found" endlessly. [code] #include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> void info() { cout << " **********************************************" << endl; cout << " * Case Study - 2 *" << endl; cout << " …

Member Avatar for silvertooth07
Member Avatar for leoeroy

I'm trying to make a program that lets user to input an array of lastnames then firstnames. Then display the a list of firstname first, then the lastname. For example: Input: Smith, John : Doe, Jane displays like: John Smith Jane Doe This is what i got so far. [CODE]Module …

Member Avatar for RipperJT

The End.