1,765 Topics
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Hi I am trying to salvage user data from a hard drive that was installed in a Dell laptop. I have plugged it in to a Dell 490 workstation running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit using a USB connection kit - leads and power supply. First I used Chkdsk, it … | |
I know that Windows 10 is now out, and it would make the most amount of sense to either rename our current Windows Vista/7/8 forum into Vista/7/8/10, or separate them out into Vista/7 and 8/10. However, due to all of our recent issues with Google, I'm trying to avoid any … | |
This may seem absurd at first but please read on. Recently I've heard that a lot of people are installing Mac on standard machines made for Windows - either using hardware Virtualization or using some kind of tweak with their BIOS. I also heard that Apple recently switched their working … | |
I bought a new Dell Laptop few months ago, that originally came with windows8.1, but now the Lappy is annoinly slow in it operation now and unfortunately Windows8 doesn't come with the disk cleanup and disk defragment functions that windows OS has uptill windows7.Pls can anyone suggest to me on … | |
After reading this excellent [code snippet](https://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/code/492766/display-excel-data-in-a-datagridview) by djjeavons, and just trying to learn WPF, I decided: "Well, let's translate that to WPF!". It was a bit harder than I thought, but a great learning experience! Her's how my screen in action looks: ![WPFscreen.png](/attachments/small/1/ac05d33ccd8a190d0576fa063e54749f.png "align-left") Things that changed compared to the … | |
i'm getting flickers on windows. the windows have CW_USEDEFAULT size and i use the WS_CLIPCHILDREN. on WM_PAINT i use my image class with client rect size. it's big. but not more big than screen. the WM_PAINT: case WM_ERASEBKGND: { return (LRESULT)1;; } break; case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; BeginPaint(inst->hwnd, &ps); … | |
Hi Friends. I am facing Microsoft ODBC Driver error at run time in my program. I am using window 7, jdk 7 and Ms Access 2007. I am using "jdbc:odbc:JdbcOdbcDriver". I am giving code and error message below. Please tell me solution of this problem import java.sql.*; public class JdbcDMLEx2 … | |
I have high hopes for the Swift programming language, the presentation showed a lot of potentials for this language in apple keynote, just a question do you guys think swift will come to windows in an IDK soon? | |
what are the codes to use to filter out my listbox as the user is typing in the textbox? the data in my listbox is from database. I have used a relay command to get all the details of an Event then place the details in an observable collection. Then … | |
Quite a while ago, I made [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet217147.html"][B]this[/B][/URL] snippet. This code is basically the same, except that it adds animation. This method of blitting is very fast assuming you don't use a surface that's too large. On a 500 x 500 surface, I managed 350fps using only 0-1% of the cpu. … | |
my pc cant open windows 8 after i format my pc and again restore it so wat do u suggest to me | |
[URL="http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/poll/index.cfm?action=showresults&pid=3228421"]A new poll into Operating System popularity by a British computer magazine[/URL] has revealed that an incredible 37 percent of respondents are still using Windows XP. That's more than Windows 7 which managed to woo 30 percent of the folk taking part, and Vista could only garner a pretty poor … | |
I want to hide the button in my AppBar from the HubSections i have been using the following codes but it does not work please help i have just started with c# im new to it. Thanks HubPage.xaml <Page.BottomAppBar> <CommandBar x:Name="mybar" ClosedDisplayMode="Minimal" > <CommandBar.SecondaryCommands> <AppBarButton Label="setting" Click="AppBarButton_Click"/> </CommandBar.SecondaryCommands> <AppBarButton x:Uid="CALENDAR" … | |
im looking for way to make my game allow players to play with each others via internet i can use some kind of rooms i need help to know what is the recommended engines that can i use for real time multiplayer apps | |
Hi Guys, I'm not sure exactly which forum I should ask this in, nevertheless, here I go: I'm hearing about a project being done here where I work using MS InfoPath with Nintex workflows. I do not know anything about these 2. Could anyone shed some light on their knowledge/experiences … | |
Does anyone currently use Xamarin framework for development? Its supposed to enable you develop cross platform with c# but some C# code i use in a console app that works properly doesnt work in Xamarin. Wandering if anyone has got that sorta issue. | |
I've always been able to navigate through my Windows drive after booting up in my Linux OS but ever since I got Windows 8 there seems to only my a 50/50 change of a successful mount. When I type this command sudo mount -t ntfs -o uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177 /dev/sdd4 /media/garrett/Windows I … | |
Hello To All! I have started learning Vb.net. I am using Visual Studio Express 2012. While making a console application, when I write "System.Windows.Forms" to use message box, then compiler gives an error: Class " System.Windows.Forms" is not defined. My compiler only supports two methods of this class 1-)Systems.Windows.Markup 2-) … | |
I have 2 buttons name as "Build Start" and "Build Stop". what i want is when i click the stop button it will stop the execution of Building of all the projects. I have tried the Backgroundworker class but when i use the RunworkerAsync() function it will build only one … | |
**Modifications Required for VB6 Applications to Work on Vista/7** Thanks to Hassan Basri in VBForums **Application Changes** - Remove SendKeys calls and replace them with API code. - Use the HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the registry for the settings of your application. - Do not write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. - If you are … | |
I am using xampp and windows.... I need to call java classes from php. How to use php java bridge... I am using php 5.2.6 | |
I am sitting in front of a brandnew 27 inch Apple Macintosh running on OS X Yosemite, trying to compile a timed insertion sort from my Windows days. The Xcode app is a sweatheart, but there are some Windows things in the code that cause a problem. This line ... … | |
While keen to point out that Microsoft's TechNet portal security was "in no way compromised" by the tactic, researchers with security outfit FireEye [discovered](https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2015/05/hiding_in_plain_sigh.html) that [a well established China-based hacking campaign called Deputy Dog](https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2013/09/operation-deputydog-zero-day-cve-2013-3893-attack-against-japanese-targets.html) had managed to create profiles and posts on TechNet that contained embedded Command and Control codes … | |
I just purchased a Seagate 750 gig external hard drive. My computer (running Windows XP home edition) will not boot past the screen where the devices are recognized as long as the Seagate is physically connected. I have to disconnect either the power cord or USB cord to the Seagate … | |
stream writer is not working in windows 8.1 worked partially how can write console output in a text file without stream writer .? | |
Can SQL 2005 Run on Windows Server 2012? | |
as the title states, on on linux (Wine32) it works perfectly: http://lh3.ggpht.com/-heB_VObWcwE/VUgfS4bkLkI/AAAAAAAAJAA/tHZzjq2RElw/s642/SIDE_firstPort.png but on windows (synced code) I get this: Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 10 2014, 12:24:55) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> ================================ RESTART ================================ >>> C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My … | |
i hope to connect console output to windows form in panel2. i have no idea how to do it... please help me | |
I am looking for a way to reboot the system and launch the program with elevated permission without user interaction after the first time the program is launched. The program I am trying to write is for new system. Part of the setup I want to perform system updates then … | |
I want to buy a new lenovo laptop could you please suggest best laptop for dual booting.I am looking for Windows10+Ubuntu.What is your suggestion.I want learn linux. |
The End.