1,765 Topics
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Hi everyone, I recently installed Python on Windows. I wanted to develop a gui program using Tkinter. The problem is that when I try to import Tkinter module. It gives me a 'module not found' error. But I thought Tkinter was preintalled within Python's installation. It is even more confusing … | |
In my job I tend to write a lot of Windows services. Due to this I've pared it down to bare essentials so that the code is as simple as possible, but still fully functional for the needs of each service. What this generally means is I *don't* use the … | |
Live2Support is pleased to announce its integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM providing customer service and business a multi channel platform to engage the website visitor proactively. **Features:** * Ability to store chat transcript * Callback requests can be sent to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM * Drive online sales * Enhances … | |
Dear All ! I am starting R&D for Microsoft CRM and HRM. I have some basic knowledge about CRM and HRM but I want to know is there any offline version of both ? or we can only use it online. If you have some important links having some information … | |
Hello, My sincere apology, I have been posting almost 4 questions now where I have received 2 answers being solved. These are simple questions which any one familar with VB.Net can solve easily. Please understand, I'm a newbie to VB.Net. Now my next issue is; I have a a form … | |
| Hello, I am currently running Windows 8 and am having an issue with Internet Explorer. Even with no programs running, IE constantly opens and tries accessing Outlook.com and hits an error screen from Outlook.com saying the requested page cannot be found. While downloading the virus scanners for the logs, I … |
Microsoft knows it has to do something in order to claw back some kind of market position, not now but five years into the future. The culture of computing is changing amongst the young and hip consumer, and it's moving away from the Microsoft Windows-centric vision of the past. While … | |
I am trying to help a customer restore their connectivity to their server. earlier this week, a power outage wiped out thier servers' internet connection and the connection to 2 computers, I'll call them 1 and 2. We advised them to replace the wireless usb adapter they were using to … | |
Hello everyone, I'm writing up a new application that instead of using microsoft as a server, I'm using a linux server with a database in it. The database was setup, the tables were set up, and access was granted in mysql. The issue I'm having is that I keep getting … | |
how do i make my windows phone app to wait for webclient to finish before continuing? # TextBlock.Text = originalFeed.Count.ToString(); # this part of the program should returned the total rss feed downloaded from the rss links but it is returning 0 instead eventho there are rss feeds. using Microsoft.Phone.Controls; … | |
Hi all, i m developing a web portal whcih can be accesed over intranet.i need to inbuild a feature that the webpage will take authentication frm windows login. eg. i log to the terminal server adn opens the link ,the webpage should be able to authenticate the windows login and … | |
Hi i need windows command line to find all files that end with .jpg.pdf and remove the .jpg part so it will be pure .pdf at the end, i have following line for /R %DIR% %%i in (*.jpg.pdf) do set without=%i:~0,-8% & rename %%i "%%without.pdf" It should remove last 8 … | |
Hi All, M trying to design a web portal which shows all my trackers and allows me to open it . the trackers are in ms Excel format. Please suggest me d best possible way to achieve the goal. Thanks Mukul | |
I've spent a good deal of time now looking for and equivalent to the previous service pack network install model for updating Windows 8 to 8.1. While I wouldn't expect to see this for the RT version, which is web-centric, I'm concerned not to see it for other non-enterprise versions. … | |
I am planning a service that I would like to eventually grow into a multi-platform service, however, my original plan of creating a hybrid app may not be the best decision. Is it better to come up with one app design and recreate it on each platform, or design a … | |
We're looking into the Enterprise Library, to see if the security part will fit our needs. We want to use application roles/rights, so we probably need to write our own security provider. What I'm looking for are decent resources on this specific topic. I've found several books already on the … | |
Hello I am working on this code for a hotel reservation. so far I am stuck on the part which requests that fridays and saturdays be charged 150 instead of the 120 usual cost per night. I have dateTime variables for the arrival date and departure date and a timeSpan … | |
I have a 160Gb Hitachi hard disk. I have tried formatting it from both MyComputer and Device Manager. In both the cases, it goes till 99% and throws error saying that "Windows was unable to complete the format". Can any1 help me with the problem? | |
Hi all, Im working on a page that sends information to a mssql database. Its a basic registration page with a UserID, Password, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Email box. When Sign up is clicked, all the information in the textboxes should be sent to the Users table … | |
Running Windows 8.1 Pro Preview (pb part of the problem) and trying to set up Mercury mail server. No matter how I start the config (via XAMP, directly from mercury.exe, as user or as Administrator) the settings are not saved. I exit it using the File\Exit Menu items. I edited … | |
Hi, recently I have wanted to learn how to write Windows native binary code to make a binary script which in one form or another will display hello world. I am hoping to eventually create a more efficient compiler using this method but as you should understand already, this is … | |
Hello Community, I've been thinking about buying a phone I've chosen these phones to choose from: http://www.jbhifi.com.au/phones/nokia/lumia-520-black-prepaid-sku-411577 http://www.jbhifi.com.au/phones/samsung/galaxy-express-4g-grey-sku-418996 http://www.dicksmith.com.au/unlocked-smart-phones/samsung-ativ-s-windows-8-unlocked-smartphone-dsau-em5132 http://www.jbhifi.com.au/phones/sony/xperia-acro-s-sku-91231 https://play.google.com/store/devices/details/Nexus_4_16GB?id=nexus_4_16gb http://www.harveynorman.com.au/optus-nokia-lumia-720-windows-8-phone-pre-paid-mobile-red.html The funny thing is currently I don't have a mobile phone so I'm not sure what is a good phone and what isn't; the thing is I don't … | |
Hi guy, I need those of you who has below os to help me test run [this new software](https://sourceforge.net/projects/fastfilemanager/). windows os (64 bit/32 bit) windows 7/xp/2000/98 etc linux (64 bit/ 32 bit) It is really simple to install the above software, just download the zip file, unzip it, click on … | |
Hey guys!I am new to this awesome forum. I have just finished c/c++ and have decided to move on to some scripting.I liked perl because it is very good for web apps.I personally dont like pyhton. So,can you guys suggest a good perl interpreter for windows7? Thanks | |
studentrecords table.,.,contains IDNumber,LastName,Course,Firstname i will login through my system using IDNumber and once i go to the mainform iwant to display LASTname and course to the 2 textboxes in the mainform using the IDNumber as their Primary Key.,.My code errors Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand … | |
HERE I WANTED TO FILL MY BLANK RECORD WITH ITS VALID DATA private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//modify { comm.Connection = conn; comm.CommandText = " UPDATE Table1 SET total='" + textBox6.Text + "',result='" + label7.Text + "' WHERE Fname ='" + textBox1.Text + "'"; conn.Open(); comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); dataGridView1.Update(); } I … | |
good pm.,.,i have a next button Try lblcat.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(cat)("QuestionCategory") txt1.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow)("Question") txt2.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow + 1)("Question") txt3.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow + 2)("Question") txt4.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow + 3)("Question") txt5.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow + 4)("Question") Catch ex As Exception End Try every click to the next button my category and questions change.,., … | |
I'm experiencing a few issues trying to install rpy2-2.3.7 under Cygwin64 on Windows7 using R 3.0.1 and python 2.7 $ python setup.py install finds R version to be 3.0.1 at the beginning of the install, but on line 158 it bombs out for failing to discover the R version. I … | |
Hello! I am having a bit of a hard time figure out how to code this thing.. I have just started coding by using windows form application and need some help.. I have successfully coded so that I can open a txt file without any problem, but it is reading … | |
Private Sub Load_Faculty() Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim arrImage() As Byte Dim myMS As New IO.MemoryStream Dim sSQL As String = String.Empty Try sSQL = "SELECT b.FacultyFirstName, b.Image, b.Course, a.Course" sSQL = sSQL & " FROM studentsrecords as a left … |
The End.