3,842 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mahesh57

Hi All, I am running a website its working fine by using the domain name but for the performance issue i am think to run some content in site using IP address. I get the IP of my domain by using cmd prompt ping domain name command. Copy that IP …

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for singh.ranjeet

I am new in Programming line please give me the code to connect Mysql Database with C# in windows Form. I made a program of login and i create a Mysql databse but when i goes to connect the form with database& written whole code i encounter a problem That …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for manofprogram

I want to know if my display adapter has been accessed by a keylogger or any other program capturing my screen images. Do I need to access my CPU, display driver, or computer memory to decide if the display adapter has been accessed? How can I find out what program …

Member Avatar for Rupinder_1

Hi Evryone. I'm new to this group , this being my first post. I have a query which if sorted out could benefit allot. I have searched bt couldnt come to a solution. I just need a direction and a say that "[B] whatever i'm proposing to do is FEASIBLE"[/B] …

Member Avatar for limingjin
Member Avatar for oren.turgeman.9_1

hy when i run this command to open excel and i get error (on 2007 excel it was fine) //Excel.ApplicationClass xlApp; Excel.Application xlApp; Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook; Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet; object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; SaveFileDialog oDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); xlApp = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); ** xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(misValue);** xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1); int i = …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Hi, I'm trying to authenticate users with the use of Client SSL. I have installed the SSL on my Windows 8 PC and navigating to my website using IE and FireFox are fine. However when I navigate to same website Chrome asks to confirm the Certificate and after clicking ok …

Member Avatar for XP78USER
Member Avatar for smartjugal

I want to learn C# using in windows forms from the begaining..... can anyone tell me some C# windows forms text book and the author's name? or pdf books link..????

Member Avatar for TekknoDraykko
Member Avatar for rastafarian

Hi folks, Generally, i access my internet without using any proxy servers ie my firefox/IE always has this option unchecked. Then i ran ultra surf this one time (on vista x64) and it worked fine but then once i closed ultra surf i couldn't connect in either browser, inspite of …

Member Avatar for yomawm
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group, I've written a macro to save a copy of the spreadsheet at the end of each day. I tried to test it as a shared file and learned the macro wouldn't work. Is this normal for a shared document? If so, is there a way around this? How …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for amogh.max

I would like code to display ms access database dynamically in a jframe . here is my database.**[img]http://i.imgur.com/PtuGLnX.png?1[/img]**.I tried searching a lot but i think i need personal help in this area as this is a suppose to be dynamically updated Jframe.on the other hand i am open to suggestion …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for KenSquare

I worked on a program a few years ago that takes data from a series of text files and loads an Access database. I added to the code from a program started by someone else, so I did not write the imports and declarations. They used an ADODB.recordset, addnew and …

Member Avatar for KenSquare
Member Avatar for muhammad_74

Hi,Guys I want to install android with my windows 7 laptop,So the question is how can i give 100 Gb to linux and 800 Gb to windows. I have unsorted the 100 gb place for linux from windows.Plz tell me what to do next....? Thanks,uxama

Member Avatar for muhammad_74
Member Avatar for BenWard

Hello, I thread hijacked earlier today... probably shouldn't have, sorry if that annoyed anyone. Anyway I have an issue using LookupAccountSid in a visual studio 2013 project running on Windows 7 Pro x64. First of all, it works perfectly in debug, but doesn't work when built for release. What I …

Member Avatar for BenWard
Member Avatar for philpense

Have what I believe is a PST folder of downloaded email from an Optimum Online account. - Within Outlook how can one confirm that this is PST file/folder - What is the proper way to get these emails to a DVD, then check if the transferred data is correct

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for Smalls

The topic is the question, is there a way to access embedded resources folder by name dynamically via string? The closest I think I've gotten is the following code which has error "Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>' to 'string'", if i try to get the only folder it should return …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Ana_2

i want to add another function for level of access in this code. admin=3 artist=2 client=1. like that. but need some help to to that :( thankyou in advance (: <?php include('password.php'); class User extends Password{ private $_db; function __construct($db){ parent::__construct(); $this->_db = $db; } private function get_user_hash($username){ try { …

Member Avatar for fireburner29
Member Avatar for happygeek

When 'Thefacebook' first launched in February 2004, access was initially restricted only to students of Harvard University where Mark Zuckerberg was a student. Facebook went on to become something of a success, with the social network [controversially being valued at more than $100 billion](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/social-media-and-web-communities/news/423739/is-the-facebook-bubble-ready-to-burst#post1810124). ![dweb-socl](/attachments/small/0/dweb-socl.jpg "align-right") Microsoft must have been …

Member Avatar for antwar1986
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I've written some VBA code behind an Excel spreadsheet to check to see if another workbook is open. If it isn't open, I'm having the code open it for me. This works fine the first time the macro runs. However this same spreadsheet has a cell where a …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Using the Python win32 extensions it is relatively simple to copy to and from the clipboard. Sorry. the Windows OS is a requirement.

Member Avatar for sneekula

You can accesss the clipboard simply by using the Tkinter GUI toolkit that comes with your Python installation.

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for happygeek

2014 was not a good year for Microsoft, with the Xbox Live network being disrupted at both ends of December by [Lizard Squad DDoS attacks](https://www.daniweb.com/software-development/game-development/news/488412/lizard-squad-claims-responsibility-for-taking-down-xbox-live-today) and then as the year was finally coming to an end a different hacking collective dropped another bomb onto Xbox. A posting on Twitter simply …

Member Avatar for RobertHDD
Member Avatar for khess

I used to refer to [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Windows[/URL] as "The Infinitely Rebooting OS" and it has improved some over earlier versions but today was a different story and reminded me of those thrilling days of yesteryear. My question is why, Windows, why? Why must I reboot when I install a desktop application? …

Member Avatar for RobertHDD
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

I have created an MS Access Query named **GetContactCategory** select GetCategoryNames(contactId) as CategoryNames from Contacts The Function **GetCategoryNames** is the function written in a module of same database. Now when i call this query in my c# application using ADO.net it throws error. Following is my c# code ` using …

Member Avatar for lithium112
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hello Group! I am in need of converting a "text" file created by a UNIX based program (it is only semi-formatted) and put it into a more-formatted text (.txt) file. Put a different way, this needs to be converted such that it can be opened in Notepad and it be …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Hawk123

Hi everyone. I want to ask a question on how to show pictures (jpg files) from access database to a form I have a database called DataBase, i have some fields there. One is called picture, and the data type is attachment. and i have the following code Dim ds …

Member Avatar for imti321
Member Avatar for Tensigh

I'm trying to write code in VBA in Excel that opens a desginated directory, finds all xls and xlsx files and then converts them to csv. I found two sets of code that do one or the other perfectly, but I can't make it work. I'm sure I'm just missing …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for khess

I'm a fairly prominent member of the Linux Community as a writer, contributor, and longtime evangelist for the cause and there are a few things I'd like the Community-at-Large to consider on my behalf. These are five things that I wish Linux had. Consider this as my wish list for …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hello everyone! Is there a way in VBA to find a file name that has an unknown portion to it? Let me explain: Our computer system is UNIX based. It is creating a text file for us that uses the date, the hour, minutes and seconds that the file was …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for khess

Yesterday, September 10, 2009, the announcement came that [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] launched and is funding a new open source organization named [URL="http://www.codeplex.org"]CodePlex Foundation[/URL]. The [URL="http://www.codeplex.org/board-of-directors.aspx"]major players[/URL] in the new organization are from Microsoft, [URL="http://www.novell.com"]Novell[/URL] and [URL="http://www.dotnetnuke.com"]DotNetNuke[/URL]. Does this mean that a brave new Microsoft is beating its proprietary, closed-source swords into open …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for Siberian

Hi, I was informed the only way to get [this](http://cssdeck.com/labs/navigation-dropdown-with-flip-effect) drop down to work on Andriod, WP & to a larger extent iPhone is though JS, I was hoping someone could lead onto what that problem may be ?

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The End.