4,228 Topics

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Alot of people are going to completely disagree with me but I'm I the only one who thinks overlocking is a waste of time? Now listen when I had a P3 600mhz & overlocked it to 800mhz that was cool. Now this is just from experience. Take a guy name …

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Member Avatar for f575gtc

[url]http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=11-156-135&catalog=7&manufactory=BROWSE&depa=0&section=1[/url] Will a micro ATX mobo fit in this case? i know it will "fit" but will the screws line up and the mobo screw in? On the newegg site they say ATX or Baby ATX,but on other sites they say ATX or smaller, so im stumped

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Member Avatar for klejeune

System Mobo - ASUS a7v600, FSB max 400MHZ CPU- AMD 2500 AthlonXP Barton, FSB - 333MHZ Memory - 512MB Corsair PC3200 SDRAM I am wondering if anyone can tell me if I wasted my money on PC3200 SDRAM since my CPU bus speed is slower than that. Basicly can my …

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Member Avatar for forbesimages

Does anyone have experience with this board? Thinking of getting it for my son (gamer), and overclocking an XP 2500+. Any ideas??

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Member Avatar for f575gtc

Ok i think I need a new power supply but there is one problem are all the power supplies that same size? I currently have a eMahcines microATX case with a 250watt powersupply, i wanted to upgrade it to a 300 watt or 350watt powersupply but I am not sure …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for Skull-Drizzt

I just got a new computer case with a new power supply with it (400 watt). Im not sure who made it but PowerUp! is on it(dont know if thats the company). When ever i use that power supply my computer starts up normally and everyhting works for about 5 …

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Member Avatar for f575gtc

ok im sorry to post a title like that but im in a hurry. [url="http://www.asrock.com.tw/product/product_m266a.htm"]http://www.asrock.com.tw/product/product_m266a.htm[/url] thats a motherboard im getting but im the specs it says IDE: 2x ATA 133/100/66/33 Up To 4 Devices if that for just hard drives or is it for every device? well can i install …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for viperman224

I have a motherboard marked with the model number W6LXA-0. I went to lots of search engines and typed that in but nothing came up. There are also a few different names on it (SMC, PhaseLink, TMF, Intel and American megatrends) does anyone know anything about this board or where …

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Member Avatar for doitonLAN

[url]http://www.bzboyz.com/store/product4439.html[/url] Will this work with a AMD ANTLON XP 1800+ and 512 DDRAM 2100?

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for insavannah

I have a Dell Optiplex GL300. There is a password on the BIOS. How do I reset the password? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for doitonLAN

[url]http://www.sonicparts.com/applications/search/itemdetails.asp?sku=BS-M7VIP#[/url] amd 1800+ with 512 ddram 2100 with this processor i plan on upgrading the ram and processor i just want to know if this stuff will work with this motherboard as a temporary thing until the upgrade.

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Member Avatar for akcurin

Hi Everbody, I Am A Comp. Eng. Student And Take Computer Architecture... I Have A Project For Next Friday And I Have No Source In My Hands... My Project Subject Is Pipeline Hazzards, Maybe One Of You Knows This... I Need Online References For The Subject... If You Know A …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for camelNotation

Hello.I have upgraded my comp by adding a new cooling fan and one 256mb ddr ram.There are three slots for ram in my gigabyte motherboard.Previously,there were two ddr rams ( 128 each ).When I went to the store for adding two 256 ddr rams and brought my own two 128's …

Member Avatar for SkaFan01

hey guys. i just built myself another computer, i know what i'm doing there, put all the parts in right blah blah blah, put the cathode light in correctly blah blah blah. Heres the problem: I go to turn my computer on, to look at the pretty light lol, and …

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Member Avatar for James

Hi there, Ok - I'm running a few audio apps... some of them are quite demanding... one particular processor intensive app sucks the system resources down about 60% (Alt + Clicking on My Computer) & the display of the app goes all weird... fonts are in bold, icons don't appear. …

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Member Avatar for royal8u

I just bought a compaq laptop w/ a AMD xp2200+ when i go to computer properties it reads the processor at a 1.05ghz sometimes it does jump to a 1.79ghz but most of the time you see 1.05ghz. Is this normal or should i worry. every time i check is …

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Member Avatar for bevelman98

[COLOR=Navy] I am having problems with my compaq presario 2100 and please i know ....not a great machine.. :) Anyway the computer just crashed the other day so i did some looking around at it. I have found that if you pull one of the sdram chips out the machine …

Member Avatar for feigned
Member Avatar for Jrajin

I have a memory issue. When I put 2x256mb 333mhz mushkin ram into my motherboard (soyo kt600) it becomes unstable and crashes at times. But when I put only one dimm module it becomes perfectly stable and never crashes at all. I want to use both dimm modules with no …

Member Avatar for feigned
Member Avatar for f575gtc

Which processor would be better for games and office work? the pentium 4 3.6GHZ hyper threading 533MHz fsb or the AMD 64 2GHz HT 1600MHz FSB? the processor that i decide on will probaly be combined with a Radeon 9800, 9800 pro or 9800XT

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for doitonLAN

[url]http://www.cpureseller.com/cpusolutions/Amazing/itemdesc.asp?ic=M7VIB-BIO[/url] Will this work with a AMD ANTLON 1800+ and 512 DDRAM 2100?

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for fakespike

hey i was wondering does anyone know of a good intel chip set i'm current using a intel 845. i'm building a new computer and i'm not sure yet on what chipset to put so on the motherboard that i havent chosen yet. any ideas would be great i will …

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Member Avatar for Potvaliant

When I turn on my PC it sounds like a Poilce Siren in England. Alternating tones/beeps. I don't know if this is a power supply issue or what. The machine doesn't seem to boot either, just sits there and has the siren sound blaring. Please help. Thanks

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for f575gtc

Ok I finnaly dicided to buy a new mother board with an agp lot so i can buy a good video card. Is buying a new motherboard a good idea? and is changing a motherboard hard?

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Member Avatar for philpotrebel

i belive that my computer is over heating but i do not know where its not the proccesor because i have a chipset watch that cam with my mb and i was wondering if anyone could help. when i look in my tower it smells like a old camp fire

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Member Avatar for I_Know_Nothing

I'm eventually going to but an AMD Athlon XP chip, somewhere around the 2600 model, but some models are made with both core types. Do I even need to worry about it? If the core type is not listed in the detailed description of the CPU, then how do I …

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Member Avatar for darkshadow

hi i was wondering i have heard people put a fan on the panel right next to the cpu blowing in and i was wondering if it really works on cooling cpu down more

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Member Avatar for philpotrebel

what would be the best socket A motherboard to get. I need a good gaming motherboard

Member Avatar for darkshadow
Member Avatar for geoff.b

hi faily simple question to you guys i suppose, but i need an motherboard upgrade for windows xp pro.got the flash program and file but a bit worried of all the bad press on bad flashes.its an old jetway633aspro board is it worth taking the risk or is replacing the …

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Member Avatar for djkain

HI guys, Heres my problem me and my friend were trying to figure out what is the right kind of memory to put into this mother board, but the problem is we do not know the manufacuter and we looked all over trying to find it, we have no clue …

Member Avatar for MrSnart

I recently got an AOpen AX4SPE Max for 50$ from a friend and I would really like to use it in my current build. The catch was it has no manual and no driver disks, I tried to DL them from AOpen but I cannot get them to DL.... So, …

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The End.