4,228 Topics

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Member Avatar for viperman224

Hey all, I just got a new motherboard it's and Abit-wb6. My question is does anyone know any sites where I can download the manuals on it. What is the biggest hard drive you can put in it? whats the board worth? I found it to be worth between 100$ …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for Dark Lord Cunz

I just installed my new motherboard and got it to boot everything up. There is just one little problem.:evil: Every time it gets to the windows bootup screen, the entire computer resets. It doesn't matter if I put it on safe mode or regular boot. And I am currently running …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for viperman224

I just got hold of a Celeron 466mhz. I was thinking of selling it but I would like to test it first. I was going to test it in my server which has an Asus P2B-F motherboard will it see my Celeron 466mhz. I have a sloket (sp?) adapter for …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for viperman224

I just got hold of a Celeron 466mhz with a 128 cache and a 66mhz front side bus. any clue as to what it is worth? my friend was interested in it and I was wondering how much it would go for?

Member Avatar for i686-linux
Member Avatar for J☼E

i got a question about ram, i have: slot1:128 slot2:128 slot3: 256 slot4: nothing could i get another 256 and put it in slot 4 or would i have to get a 256 and take out the 128's and replace it with the new 256? or doesnt it matter

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Member Avatar for wutianming

Quick scenario: Home built computer, P3 1000; Asus CUSL2 MB; 320m Ram. This machine has worked fine for years until I tried to be all cool and finally upgrade to XP (from 98). Went for a clean install, and never could get to main setup, after first reboot would get …

Member Avatar for silk
Member Avatar for Phaelax

What's your experience with them? Do you like them or hate them? I had the first model they put out for the athlons years back. Didn't work too well. All three ram slots worked, but only one at a time. It wouldn't let me use more than 1 stick at …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for VDPD2005

I'm building my first computer, so far, so good. I noticed that my power supply has a 12 volt cable (square with 4 wires) and that my motherboard has a 12 volt jack. Am I supposed to put it in there or not. by the way I'm not talking about …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for spikes

Hi All, i have put 128Mb sdram in to my pc but it only registars as 64Mb, i have tryed with other memory sticks and its always halfed. has anyone seen this problem before? from what i can see its the mboard/bios and not the memory any ideas? spikes

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for Zanatose

Hi I am looking for a pro at this to explain or point to a site or link that will show me how to manually overclock my motherboard. I am using the quick clock setup, but want to learn the step by step method, to max the system (safely) with …

Member Avatar for RC_Razor
Member Avatar for ajax-the-techie

AMD or Intel? I'm curious what everyone in this area is using and their reasoning. There will forever be the arguement of which is better, so everyone try to back your reasoning well. Let's see if we can solve this arguement once and for all. ;) :cheesy: BTW, I am …

Member Avatar for i686-linux
Member Avatar for viperman224

ok I'm not really sure what catigory (sp?). I've seen some computers at my school that when they boot up a picture will display. This also happens on my personal Acer computer. It will flash a blue background with the word Acer in the middle. My schools will flash Warwick …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for viperman224

I have an IBM ThinkPad T22 It is about 2 - 3 years old I am not totaly sure because I received it as an x-mas present this year. Every time or just about every time I shut it off or put it into sleep mode or close the screen …

Member Avatar for floris
Member Avatar for The Soundman

Hey all, I'm considering building a dedicated video caputure box for recording signals from cable and satilitte feeds. Among the hardware I'm considering is a 2.5 Ghz Celeron processor, ATI All In Wonder 9600 card with 128 MB Video memory onboard, and 512 MB of pc3200 DDR and a 400 …

Member Avatar for ZeekeDaGeek
Member Avatar for rational611

I recently bought a used Celeron 1.7 Hz. The vendor from whom I bought told me that the system had 128MB of RAM. However when I checked the My Computer properties, the system is reporting only 96MB. I am running Windows 2000. The vendor told me that this is normal …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for J☼E

i downloaded motherboard manager, and when i come to the part to choose my motherboard make mines not there, i have a dell dimension desktop 4600 with a stock motherboard and it says dell on it....please help

Member Avatar for J☼E
Member Avatar for mbturner

Hi everyone. I just built a new computer and I used a ASUS P4C800 Delux Motherboard. When I am booting up at the start screen with the fat ASUS head it beeps. 1 low 1 high 1 low. I looked in the manual and it has nothing for this so …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for J☼E

ok i have 512MB of ram in my i have 3 of my DIMM modules in use, #1 and #2 have 128MB sticks in them, and in #3 i have a 256MB stick i read my manual for the computer and it says to not pair two different kinds of …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
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Member Avatar for J☼E

i dont know much about ram other than i need more of it. i have 256 now and i need more for some games i need 512 1.) if i get 256 ram does that add on to my current ammouint or do i have to get a 512 stick …

Member Avatar for J☼E
Member Avatar for viperman224

Specs: MotherBoard: Asus P2B-F Processor: Intel Pentium III clocking at 450mhz Hard Drives: 40gig WD (master) 60 gig maxtor (extra) RAM: 512 megs of PC-100 CD-Roms: sony 48x/24x/48x cd-burner, 16x Matshita (spell?) dvd-rom Extra Goodies: tons My question is will my motherboard see a 120 or 160 gig hard drive? …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for viperman224

I have an asus P2B-F mobo running 512 megs of ram It's capible of holding a gig of ram. It has a PIII-450mhz with a 100mhz fsb thus I need PC-100 but for stick of 256 its like a 100 dollars. where as like pc2700 for stick of 512 its …

Member Avatar for twilli227
Member Avatar for stryder

Im new to the forum and I was wondering if some of you could help me build my pc. I have bought a couple of magazines and have been surfing the web on how to do it. It doesnt seem that hard but if you have any words of wisdom …

Member Avatar for WEATHER CHANNEL
Member Avatar for Splodge

I just recently purchased a 2600+ athlon, and i want to overclock it. My motherboard is a a7n8x deluxe (not revision 2). I currently have one stick of 3200 ddr in. The only settings my mobo will allow me to boot up with for the cpu are 11.5 multiplier at …

Member Avatar for feigned
Member Avatar for f575gtc

Ok, Can someone please answer this following question, only answer it if your sure of the answer. What would be a better CPU for great gaming with 1GB of ram? A Pentium 4 3.2 GHZ HT OR AMD 64 3200+ Everywhere I go says different things about them. I need …

Member Avatar for feigned
Member Avatar for inspiration

1200Mhz CPU, 20GB Hdd (Windows XP Home) I've just installed another mobo,(it's a second-hand one, and I'm not sure if it's faulty or not) - Microstar MS-6368 ver:5, booted up and got this message: We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software …

Member Avatar for spikes
Member Avatar for Lynn

[url]http://users.erols.com/chare/elec.htm[/url] The url above list almost all of the processors made. Quite thorough I must say. I found this because I was interested in the amount of power that processors consume.

Member Avatar for Dominick
Member Avatar for f575gtc

Do not use the drivers that came with your card, go to [url]www.ati.com[/url] and download their latest catalyst drivers and such. Asus drivers seem to be out of date and cause many games to hang and freeze. I installed the ATI catalyst drivers instead of the Asus ones and never …

Member Avatar for f575gtc
Member Avatar for f575gtc

Ok i finally bought a 9600XT and new mobo and put it in, now on all my games the game either hangs or freezes making me restart my pc. Could this be because my pc is getting too warm because when I touch the case the case is pretty warm. …

Member Avatar for f575gtc
Member Avatar for f575gtc

Ok I am planning to upgrade to a AMD 64 3200+ 1600Mhz FSB in a few months, I need a cpu that will allow me to run any 3D game,edit movies,Do office work,and do some minor to moderate photo editing and graphics editing,finally some animation. Will this cpu allow me …

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The End.