4,228 Topics
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Hey all I recently upgraded my old processor and motherboard to relatively newer products. Old processor: [url]http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_4/Intel-Pentium%204%20515-515J%202.93%20GHz%20-%20JM80547PE0771M.html[/url] Old motherboard: [url]http://www.superwarehouse.com/Intel_Desktop_Board_D945GPM/BOXD945GPMLKR/p/1481364[/url] New processor: [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103846[/url] New motherboard: [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130266[/url] The operating system was Windows XP Media Center 2005 SP2. Monitor: [url]http://www.samsung.com/ae/consumer/computers-peripherals/monitors/lcd-monitor/LS19PEJSFV/XSG/index.idx?pagetype=prd_detail&tab=specification[/url] The video card I use is [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130335[/url]. Power supply: [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817194007[/url] The card … | |
This is a custom built computer. components: amd phenom II X4 955 asus M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3 4gigs (2x2gigs)DDR3 OCZ ram (have switched slots) antec mid tower 902 HX750corsair PSU (modular) seagate barracude 7200 rpm 500gig HD Radeon GPU. (problem exists without this installed) So, this problem occurs every other power on. … | |
hey guys I really need help. I totally rebuilt my system but i'm still getting the same problems from my previous system. The largest problem that I have is that when I'm playing a video I lose audio and video frames and it makes this odd sound when it loses … | |
hello can you help me...My AVR(radius) gets into smoke when i plug my computer speaker... my avr have 110V and 3outlet 220V at the back...my monitor AOC has power rating 100-240V but there is tag on it's chord says 10A125V...my monitor plug it at the back of my AVR 110V..and … | |
Here's a new take on an old problem. I followed the other thread where problems with the memory slots on the old Toshiba Tecra 8100 were gradually losing contact with the mobo, and some had found a temporary solution - placing a piece of paper over the memory module to … | |
I have a GT5802 and the fan (8015606R) is running on high constantly. It use to be quiet. The motherboard recently failed (took it to Geek Squad) and the motherboard was replaced. I asked them to check the fan. They think it is OK but since their shop is so … | |
![]() | Take a look at this program. [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Node { int data; Node* link; Node() { data = 0; link = NULL; } }; void destroy(Node* &p) { Node* pre; while(p !=NULL) { pre = p; p = p->link; delete pre; // When running for … |
Back in May, my hard drive (Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 ST3250410AS 250GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive)crashed so I turned it in under its warranty. When I got the new one, I plugged it in only to find I had no video. I bought a new … | |
Hello again. For the current lab, we're working with strings and pointers. I'm trying to keep this one simple and get one step working right before I move on to the next. However, if I have subsequent issues with this lab, I'll just use this same thread rather and make … | |
Hi all, I'm making a miltithreaded program that uses the pthreads library. One of the threads monitors the users input. my problem is when I enter a close command I get the following error: 9 [sig]...: *** fatal error - called with threadlist_ix -1 make: *** [run] Hangup I know … | |
Hi people, I need experts to answer this one as I have tried just about everything to resolve this problem, maybe someone can help. I'll explain what I have done to date. I built this computer a year ago using online info which I later found was erroneous. I have … | |
Mother board intel 55TC Ram Two 2gb DDR3 i5 760 intel processor Windows xp shows only 2 gb memory Widows 7 shows 4gb ram but only 2 gb usable Any body to clarify on this please ?? | |
I have bought 1GB DDR(PC3200) of RAM for my PC. Previously I have 512MB DDR(2100) of RAM. Currently I installed both RAM on my PC and it’s showing 1.5GB of RAM but my PC reduce my total RAM bus speed to 512MB(Old on PC2100). I want to ask that which … | |
Hi, I'm planning to assemble a new pc, and I have chosen all the parts that i need, the only thing is I can't be sure if these parts are all ok and are likely to work with each other. Processor: Intel i5 760 2.8GHz Socket 1156 8MB L3 Cache … | |
Every August, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) holds a two-day symposium known as Hot Chips on the campus of Stanford University. If you've ever walked around the Stanford campus in August, you'd know how appropriate that term is. It's a gathering of some very smart people with … | |
I want to purchase a dell Inspiron laptop with one Core 2 Duo T6600(2.2 Ghz/800 FSB/2 MB Cache) or Core i3-330M (2.13 Ghz/4 threads/3 MB cache). I also find there comparison on the intel site with link [url]http://ark.intel.com/Compare.aspx?ids=47663,37255[/url], but due to lack of technical knowledge about processors I am not … | |
If the woman with the British accent suggests you turn left to find a fire hydrant, heed to her warning. [ATTACH]16904[/ATTACH]Earlier today (August 25th), GPS maker Garmin announced a voluntarily recall of 1.25 million nüvi GPS systems worldwide due to a faulty third-party battery which causes certain models to overheat … | |
I have a Gateway M675 PRR laptop. It boots but i am experiencing a fan error. It has three fans but I notice that only the two smaller fans are running, the main one does not run at all.I am wondering if the problem is in the motherboard as I … | |
HI EVERYBODY I would like to ask you some question : 1. my computer always restart every two hours .i don't know what problem is . my friend told me it because power supply or sometime it cause from video card but when i check it seem OK .what should … | |
Hi, I'm having a bit of a computer issue (well technically it's my girlfriend's computer but yeah) and was wondering if someone on here could help. My girlfriend's computer's processor fan went out recently, and after searching for a replacement, I found one, ordered it, and installed it. It fit … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16841[/ATTACH]The Phantom is the latest "crafted series" case from NZXT and it has a stylized, futuristic design that is the result of a collaboration with the renowned case modder, Craig Bruger (craigbru). It isn’t all about looks though. NZXT included a generous fan setup and otherwise tailored the trimmings with … | |
My 7 year old Intel 32 bit motherboard passed away. I'l like to replace it with a 64 bit motherboard, processor and memory and still run my Xp Pro hard drive and DXD/CD. Here's the big question: will Xp boot up on the 64 bit hardware? I'm assuming I'll have … | |
Hello Daniweb yet again I have returned! This time with a rather weird issue... My latest custom build PC has 6Gb of Corsair RAM, but my copy of Windows 7 Pro x64 says "6.00Gb (4.00Gb usable)" Any ideas? I have gone through the internet to look for various solutions but … | |
Hi, I'm new to the forum and also a begging geek, so I don't have all the language mastered. I'm starting my first build and trying to decide between Core i3 processor and Athlon II x4. Not only that, but I am on a SMALL budget, so I need the … | |
I just got a laptop from Gateway with Windows XP Pro installed. I have wireless router and the new laptop will not find my conncton so i downloaded new INtel Pro/Wireless 2200bg driver software. After it's installed, it has a window coming up but everything is disabled and its X'ed … | |
OK, now i know your all gonna say get a new computer, but at this moment, its not possible. I went and threw another processor on the motherboard (which i also cant find the spec for to know if it was ok, but it works) and then tried setting the … | |
Ok this has been annoying me for months but I've finally decided to act on it. My asus G50v(bestbuy version) is running excessively hot. Ive opened it up, the video card and cpu both have heat pipes going into a single cooling fan... My problem is this fan has died … | |
Hello, everyone. I have a small program, and i want that program to show how much RAM the whole system is using, and i want it to show how much R.A.M my program is using, any ideas on how to do that? is it hard? | |
Hi--I have an older Gateway M675 laptop. All of a sudden, I boot it up and all is going well for about 1 min and then this incredible grinding noise starts. I am guessing that it is in the ventilation area. I have opened the back of my laptop, blew … | |
The End.