1,320 Topics

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Member Avatar for viperman224

does anyone know how to make animated logos, pictures, or .gif files? what program do you have to use to create them?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for new_divine
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I have created dynamic text on a button. How can I get the text to display the hand tool instead of the arrow tool. I have made the text not selectable and given it an instance name then used [CODE]itbl_text.buttonMode = true;[/CODE] it is all contained inside a movie …

Member Avatar for aarenaaron
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello Everyone, Having newly discovered tweeing with code I now would like to learn the AS3 classes in their entirety to know what options I have for animation. It's looking like the only way to learn these classes and their respective methods, events, event handlers, and properties is to go …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Moirae

Hello everyone! I'm making some rollover buttons in flash, and I could use some help. I have this button that has text on it e.g home, contact and stuff like that, and I would like to make this text an hyperlink. I couldn't find a tutorial for this :( . …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I have created a Flash MP3 player with a timeline, at the moment you have to click on the place in the timeline to move to but I would like people to be able to click and drag the time slider. The code I have for setting the position …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for karpaklu

hai dani, i want to draw a line with respect to grid.row.how do i do it in silverlight. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for greenginger

I'm not geek-literate so please be gentle. I've come across many people on various forums with similar error messages to mine when uploading an image: Access denied. The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem. Any clues?

Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I know when passing vars to an AS3 movie you can use the query string like mymovie.swf?Var1=something&Var2=something_else but what about passing them via the URL? I know that YouTube does this, there embed SWFs are [url]http://www.youtube.com/v/[/url][COLOR="Red"]v3xYkyw86QM[/COLOR] with the red bit being the video URL. The server is Apache so …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for chevechiva

Ok guys, please help me! Here´s the thing, On frame 446 in the main timeline I have a button (btn_habitat) that when clicked it launches an external swf and moves the timeline to frame 461. Everything works fine. The swf loads and it shows on stage. Now, on frame 461 …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello everyone, I made some movie clips and tweened with AS3. After watching the tween I realize I forgot to correctly set the registration point. Is there a way to change it without tossing the movie clip? Is there a setting I can go to and alter? Thanks for your …

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Member Avatar for cr_sa

[U]I originally built this in Flash 8, then moved the files over to CS4.[/U] Hi, I have a list component where I've loaded song files through xml and everything is working great. I have now been trying to figure out how to make it play one of the 8 files …

Member Avatar for cr_sa
Member Avatar for candaceusa

I'm running online premium themes selling site. I upload site on the link [url]http://yoursite.com/demo/[/url] to show as DEMO. I'm scared if some one download those files from my server. Please answer: 1. Is it possible to download each files or scripts from [url]http://yoursite.com/demo/[/url] link by using some offline browsers softwares? …

Member Avatar for 4ukh

hi guys, well, I'm having a problem creating and uploading photo galleries using Adobe Lightroom2. Actually when i create only one photo gallery and upload it works fine and easy as well but the real deal is to create two or more than to galleries and uploading because when we …

Member Avatar for phid2002

i like this one [URL="http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/script-popup-windows-flash"]http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/script-popup-windows-flash[/URL]. Does anybody knows how to implement this one or maybe the developer page were can i get the code.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Reliable

I recently made a Flash movie with a notable amount of animation much of which was repetitive. I was thinking of learning AS3's Tween class to possible make future tweening more efficient. What do some of you think? Also, Is there a site that either gives or sells AS3 preloaders …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for benregn

Hi, I hope this is the right place for this question. What program can I use to make nice looking .pdf files from Word documents? Thanks

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hey everyone, When I open Photoshop CS3 it opens with the selection tool activated. I'd like it to make the move tool my default tool. (It is the most frequently used tool in the toolbar). how do I make it open with that already activated?

Member Avatar for gogoejoe
Member Avatar for chuffman

Hello guys/girls, I am trying to make this flash game and I am running into a part that I have been stumped on and searching for the solution for the last hour. Basically its a "drag and drop" kind of game and when the user goes to click on an …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, So I have the following code [code] m = Microphone.get(); o = attachAudio(m); m.setUseEchoSuppression(true); onEnterFrame = function () { vol._xscale = m.activityLevel*100; soundvol = m.activityLevel; inputname = m.name; micgain = m.gain+"%"; outputvolume = m.; freqvolume = \\something }; [/code] As you can see, that code starts taking the input …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for php_noob

Can I make Flash Intros in After Effects? Like this one -> [URL="http://www.templatemonster.com/flash-intro/22713.html"]INTRO[/URL] or they were made from FLASH and AFTER EFFECTS combined?

Member Avatar for php_noob
Member Avatar for irafaS

Hi, I have a homepage with some links to other homepages, and I want to display the favicon to each page. Is there some way to get it? Thanks!

Member Avatar for irafaS
Member Avatar for khess

At my last, best count, there were over 550 individual Linux distributions. From the most generic, flat installs of the most common distros to ultra-specialized, multimedia-oriented to the eye-popping, fancy ones--they're all there for the taking. I found ten distributions from among the 500 or so that I know about …

Member Avatar for azenva
Member Avatar for sandra21

i am a newbie flash designer. a client has asked me to make modifications in a flash file used on his website. it is flash 8 actionscript. i am currently working on the same and would appreciate your help. the client has given me 'about.swf' file which i decompiled using …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for blade_costic

I tried 950x150px but my screen 15" and another screen 19" shows the banner with about 1/3 space on either size. what should i do? i am using fireworks.

Member Avatar for ytregnn

I'm trying to follow this tutorial; [url]http://www.pixel2life.com/viewtutorial/41202/globe_create_a_very_cool_cartoonish_shiny_globe_icon_in_minutes/[/url] For some reason, after having created a circle with the Ellipse Tool, [B]'Layer Style'[/B] (Layer - Layer Style) is greyed out. What could be the cause of this? Thank you.

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for sandra21

i am a newbie flash designer. a client has asked me to make modifications in a flash file used on his website. it is flash 8 actionscript. i am currently working on the same and would appreciate your help. the client has given me 'mediacenter.swf' file which i decompiled using …

Member Avatar for sandra21
Member Avatar for blade_costic

i have been learning fireworks 8 at the college. i was told to try it at home. since i have a copy of the latest cs4, i installed the package. but to my horror, there is no easy to use options in filter, no eye candy or other effects, is …

Member Avatar for abhymax

hello everyone ! .. I am Abhinab Roy. I am new to this Place and I am very glad to be here. I am pursuing a course called Diploma in Multimedia & Animation. I have a exam on 17th Nov. .. and I have a problem in Javascript. We have …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for GordonUK

Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem im having. I have a website which has a video page on it. We are using the flow video player which plays flv video files. I recently uploaded some videos all of them in flv file format and …

Member Avatar for GordonUK

The End.