1,320 Topics

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Member Avatar for sreein1986

Hi, I want the tutorials for learing action script please reply me Advanced Thanks....

Member Avatar for CoffeeChef
Member Avatar for kahaj

I'm new to attempting my own graphics. I have Fireworks and Corel. How can I create (and then manipulate) images that won't be blurry?

Member Avatar for CoffeeChef
Member Avatar for seo-support.net

Hi, Just curious to know that can a normal gif or jpg (or any graphic) file can have a text /or copyright code embedded inside it? If yes then how can I edit it? I thought this in connections with royalty free pictures available on net. thanks in advance. Shantanu

Member Avatar for seo-support.net
Member Avatar for Cabman

Hi all; I don't know that much about this. I want to move a mouse over a button or text which has a person's name--then have their picture appear in probably a 2 inch square; then as a second feature, to click on the button an have his or her …

Member Avatar for Cabman
Member Avatar for freshface001
Member Avatar for TinaShelly

Hey can any one help me that from where i can take giudance regarding Multimedia, cuz i have much more interest in it.

Member Avatar for sreein1986
Member Avatar for sreein1986

please send me action script code below task how to stop movieclip animation when mouseover i created one animation using motion tweening but i want stop on mouse over this motion tweening please help me thanx

Member Avatar for sreein1986
Member Avatar for sreein1986

Hi, i want action script when click an a link it's goes to another page please help me Thanx, Sree

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for flynismo

Hi everyone, I'm building my first website and have a question...probably a very simple one, but please bear with me, I'm a noob. I made an image in Photoshop, and I like the way it turned out, but I have a problem... the image is of a woman, and next …

Member Avatar for Patrick_Walsh
Member Avatar for Agreaves

I'm a newbie to internet marketing, I would like to know how to increase traffic to my website. The address is [url]www.diendzmusicstore.com[/url], please make suggestions to help make the site a better site.

Member Avatar for reen.blom
Member Avatar for maurellis

I have produced a video via my camera phone and edited it in windows Movie maker. I want to embed it onto my web site using Dream weaver. How do I do this Maurellis

Member Avatar for maurellis
Member Avatar for moth

Hi. Sorry if this is in the wrong section... I'll give a link to my website at the end to give u a vissual idea of what my problem is. When you mouse over images on my main page a movie appears, i'm wanting the movie to also be a …

Member Avatar for moth
Member Avatar for webgirl

Hello I have purchase a template and need some help with changing the music in the template. I have never seen this type of action script before so I am not sure how the music is loading. I am used to seeing it in the time line and library which …

Member Avatar for webgirl
Member Avatar for shruti sepra

hi, when I save an image as GIF and import in flash its edges get pixelate or distort, can anyone solve this

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for PersonPerson

Hi there. I am completely new to Flash, so I'm blank on this one, but haven't been able to find help on this specific subject either. I want a SWF movie to load an URL from a query ([url]http://www.mySite.com/myFlash.swf?img=http://www.mySite.com/myPic.jpg[/url]) and apply it as a background image. I'm not even sure …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for cperryco

I have a css based menu with flyouts enabled on hover. The menu needs to display over flash on the home page of the website. It does not do that in ie 6 or ie 7 but it works just fine in firefox. The url to the site is [URL="http://www.blackdogbuilders.com"]http://www.blackdogbuilders.com[/URL]. …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for matale

What is the technical name of those flash panels you see on sites such as [url]http://www.sohh.com?[/url] The one with the numbers 1,2,3 in the top left. I am looking for a tutorial on how to create those but dont know what to search for.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for txwebdesign

I'm lost on this and am going to lose the account if I can't find a solution!!! I started a Flash website for a band. They have several samples of music from their CD which they want to play on the website. I've got them to play as button events …

Member Avatar for txwebdesign
Member Avatar for freshface001
Member Avatar for rockbd

is there any way to add youtube video using swishmax. i.e i will create a button[play] and keep a space for video in my swf and when i will press the button the video will load from online. is it possible in swishmax?

Member Avatar for doel.jangkrik

Anybody knows where I can find tutorial on "map zooming animation"? I plan to do a website on Bali. I would like to add an opening animation showing a world map, and then zooming in to the island of Bali. Thanks!

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for ozeeo

i have couple of videos that are WM files. these files are quite big and i was wondering how could i reduce the size so download wont take long.. which tools can i use to do this? thanks

Member Avatar for 2bu
Member Avatar for panther786

Hi all I'm creating a myspace layout editor. (yes .... i know there are thousands of them out there) I am looking for sites that offer free graphics like animated gifs and backgrounds that that will allow me to host them and distribute them FROM MY OWN SITE. So far …

Member Avatar for Yada
Member Avatar for kevin wood

does anyone no any code that can be attached to a flash button so that it finds and replaces images within a html page. there is a page on the web which looks like it might tell you how to do it but i just keep getting database error when …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i am working with a flash menu and would like it load content into an iframe using the button from the menu. i have had a look around and found this code [CODE]on (release){ getURL("commissioning/index1.htm" , "ifrm"); }[/CODE] this is meant to load the new content into the iframe but …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for muguus

how do i animate an object e.g a car animating it with other objects using flash?,how can i insert that animated document in a web which i developed using HTML?.Thaks.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for OmniX

I would like to attempt to make a football juggling game in flash. You simply click the ball and its "kicked up" and keep clicking it to keep it up. See how high many times you can juggle the ball. Maybe in a set amount of time. So thats the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rizrash

hi friends i have been given a task to draw a horse and animate in 3d studio max....and i hae no clue how to do it....i have made a celein fan some cars on road ...but this task is seeming lot difficlut !! please anyone who can guide me through …

Member Avatar for rizrash
Member Avatar for rohitrao

Hi... in photoshop there is an option where you can merge 3 different files in one file in such a way that its all mixed with one another... and the whole thing looks as one photograph.. can anyone please tell me where that option is? Thanks in Advance Rohit

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Member Avatar for plorkz

I've seen more and more sites doing this lately, they offer a base product and give the site visitor the ability to pick from certain options to customize their product, which are immediately reflected in a graphic of the product. The concept is like a build-a-bear for the web, or …


The End.