1,320 Topics
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:-/ Can any body help me?:?: | |
I need to create a flash file that contains a form with text fields that will use the get method to pass the input field values as url variables. I have searched and search and for the life of me can not find a way to to do this. I … | |
Hi... can anyone help me out with any site that can offer free vectors for hibiscus flowers?... any site.. i just need some vector hibiscus files.... Anyone? Thanks in advance | |
hello, i have created a flash menu to go on to a website that i am building but i have come to a point were i cannot find the actionscript i ned to get the buttons to go to the pages that i want. the problem is that i need … | |
Right i have made a rather nice little background and ocean type thing in 3d max. I am now trying to animate the ocean using this tutorial. [url]http://www.3d-palace.com/xenomorphic/education/doc_seamotion.htm[/url] But I am having troubles. [QUOTE] Again, adding a Noise modifier can create this type of motion, but we need to rotate … | |
Hello all, I have a flash website, multi grooves as well as an RSS 2.0 feed (with mp3 files). I found a flash player that that could text display all of my music entries in the feed and play them quickly (as opposed to the quick time window that opens … | |
Hello, I would like to know where I can get extra webgallery templates (flash based) to use in Photoshop CS3 Extended? I dont even know if it is possible, but it would be great. Any one know something about it? Thanks in advance! | |
I am creating a website that must show some inventories in the form of thumbnails. I can of course, upload these images or photos in one of the many websites that hold albums etc...and I can creat a link to these photos from my website. But I do not like … | |
Hi, I'm making a website for a guy for free as a favor. However, he wants a flash animated banner on the top of his pages. However, I have found that there are different versions of flash out there. Which version do I need? I will not actually be buying … | |
can anyone please give me script code with example for button? i want to control scene to scene. i.g when i click the contact button i will navigate to contact scene. and please ell me how is this site.. [url]www.arksylhet.com[/url]. | |
[url]www.insanecricket.com/EVisionbeta/index.htm[/url] I would like to know how to activate the controls automatically on the right bar so it activates auto when page is loaded everytime. I know there are .js out there but i tried to make it work but it doesnt work. Thanks NPatel | |
Hi all, I hope I've slotted this in the right forumn. My project group and I have taken a new web develpoment project, thing is, the sponsor wants it to look awesome as it will be used predominantly by the public. So its new to us in that we have … | |
how would i go about letting people upload videos to my website any special progs i should consider is one platform better than another | |
am not sure why i cannot load flash file am using dreamweaver but is not displaying on my web page it comes out when i preview it in the brower but will not display when i upload to site only type of files i can get to work are .mov … | |
I know how to emboss images in Photoshop but I can't get it to work on Fireworks 8 on the Mac, even though there are instructions in the help menu (I have fireworks 8 installed on my Mac Mini and also iBook G4 laptop and it doesn't work on either … | |
how can i make a loading screen in flash. or count down timer.. can anyone help me? | |
hello i am using swishmax 2. how can i add sounds for buttons. i wanna add play sound when muse over a button. the actions script is same to flash. | |
I found a good tool - VidMorph. =) It can create, crop and resize the pictures, and save it into popular media format: avi, wmv, flv, swf.... | |
I have made a website and works perfectly in IE but when I check it in firefox its totally wrong. In more detail: [code] <object height="100%" width="100%" name="SWF" id="SWF" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0"> <param name="movie" value="test.swf /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="test.swf" quality="high" width="" height="" name="home" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed> </object> [/code] The result … | |
Dont ask me why BUT when I test this code in my adobe flash CS3 it works fine and the link opens fine now when I test this on my server it does not open the link... Any Ideas? Thanks, Regards X Below is my code: [code] button_N.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); function … | |
I was curious if anyone knew a standard way to create a vector shape that can be used as a text box and also still have an editable fill/stroke option and also have the same shape be able to mask pictures. This file will be used in InDesign CS3 It … | |
Hi All, Can any one help me in dis. I want Flash AS3 bible (Full Tutorial) if any one have can u send it to me. Bcz i want to learn. Plzzzzzzz rgrds, Kavi... | |
Hey guys. I recently installed some software tools to make Flash on Linux. There are several open source softwares that can create Flash, most of them from source codes or converting files to .swf format. I've decided to try [URL="http://www.swftools.org/"]SWFTools[/URL]. But despite the many many years I have hung out … | |
Ok Right Now I have a preloader that setup that loads the intro. and then a button in the intro loads another movie clip and everything seems fine until I add the actionscrip to load the text and buttons. here is the error I get TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access … | |
Hi, I'm making a website, and the client wants to have newspaper articles posted on his page. What is the best way to do this? I've tried scanning the paper, but the filesize is WAY to big. If i drop the resolution, it becomes unreadable. Is there a best-practice way … | |
hi! i just started learning photoshop about 2 months ago and i want to learn how to create designs like the one in the link below. but i dont know where to go to learn it. i have tried a few site but cant find anything of the sort. i … | |
I am designing a website with Flash CS3, using actionscript 2.0. I am reasonably comfortable with actionscript, but not an expert. I have a main timeline containing my basic page layout with buttons linking to my other pages. My other pages load as swf files when the appropriate button is … | |
Hello! I am wondering if anyone can tell me why a flash site flickers when I first load it (first enter the URL in the browser) and how to fix it? Thank you! | |
Hi there Say i had a table in the dreamweaver that was one cell, 100px by 100px and colour white. Now i have a black dot which is 1 px by 1px and saved as a JPEG. If i click inside the cell and then go to to 'background' and … | |
[B][/B] Hi, Question to someone that can help me with this problem I am trying to add a email link inside a flash graphic. The links work for the http address to url addresses, The email link will not work, I have used the target as blank and also as … |
The End.