1,320 Topics

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Member Avatar for isotope

Hi everybody, I would like to create a slideshow template through actionscript, loading images which are embedded in the same swf as the script. I've tried creating an array and populating it with the names of the images, but I can't find a way to create movieclips containing those images: …

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Member Avatar for satimis

Hi folks, To add RSS news to webpage whether it needs a RSS generator running on the server? What additional software are also required? On searching RSS generators on Internet I found "ListGarden" [url]http://www.softwaregarden.com/products/listgarden/[/url] It is free to download. What alternatives on Open Source would be recommended? Please advise. TIA …

Member Avatar for inzomniac

Hey, I'm in the need for a way to change the timeout period of the Flex Builder Compiler. I'm using 3D engines and models and whatnot and this seems to be getting in my way 'cause the script needs to run (due to the size of the model) for more …

Member Avatar for Dsiembab

I was wondering if there are any captchas that use flash. I would think if you used flash and had the text scramble around or even bloat and fade. I know captcha is annoying enough. probably could use SMIL. Any thoughts?

Member Avatar for satimis

Hi folks, I wonder what software on Open Source is used for creating the moving tabs on top and at bottom of following website; [url]www.derivativespeople.com/index.html[/url] Advice would be appreciated. TIA B.R. satimis

Member Avatar for satimis
Member Avatar for steena

Hi to everyone! I am looking for some Image editing company where I can outsource a large collection of images. Please help me in selecting an experienced image editing company Thank you!

Member Avatar for johnkp
Member Avatar for multigrooves

Hello all, My name is Festus and I have a website, ([url]www.multigrooves.com[/url] | [url]www.festworld.com[/url]) that was built by a now defunkt web design company. Overall I am happy with the site however there a few new changes (additions/subtractions) that I need doing e.g. the addition of a flash music player. …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for rogerkk

plz anyone explain about the joomla 1.5 calender modules.. [url]www.joomla-web-developer.com[/url]

Member Avatar for powersstuff

I need to send to the webmaster of one site a text box containing a link to another site. It is a cross-marketing item; the info will change monthly (think ezine). I designed a nice looking "frame" in Fireworks, then inserted it into Publisher and set a text box within …

Member Avatar for powersstuff
Member Avatar for Thomas Winckler

It seems to be a common problem. I researched a while but I don't find any solution. I just need to add a PayPal button HTML code into my Flash 8 file. Does anybody know how to get this PayPal button to work? HELP!!!

Member Avatar for Thomas Winckler
Member Avatar for Mbomb

I am on a Mac using Dreameaver's CS3 horizontal navigation. It looks great on a Mac but the drop downs on a PC always appear on the left side of the browser (using Explorer) and not under each menu item. I'm sure this is a simple fix. At least I …

Member Avatar for rick222
Member Avatar for rori

can i remove a function from actionscript contained in swf file, without having the fla? i know there are some applicatinos that can decompile swf to fla but it's messing the animation. i just need to remove one function and i lost the fla. is there a way? thanks.

Member Avatar for rick222
Member Avatar for Ever student

Hi Scholars... I know nothing about flash, I have a small presentation to do in it... [U]My presentation is:[/U] A car should automatically turn on its head lights when entered into a dark place and turn off when it is back again into sunlight. I want this to be done …

Member Avatar for Ever student
Member Avatar for rockbd

can i use objects as link in swishmax?? can i group text and objects or images in swishmax??

Member Avatar for Jessicca

Hi, My question for all you guys is that I am currently using Photoshop 7 and thinking about upgrading to CS3...Is it worth the jump? I figured asking before opening up the wallet :-/

Member Avatar for rick222
Member Avatar for rockbd

I am using swishmax as an alternative of flash!! i am an web designer. so i have to make quick flash effects. can anyone tell me how to use text as links? and how much swishmax is helpful??

Member Avatar for rick222
Member Avatar for twkillswitch

Is there any way to copy a motion-guide layer so that multiple text layers can follow the same motion guide?

Member Avatar for rick222
Member Avatar for Thomas Winckler

Is there a possibility to avoid this ugly frame in IE when you mouse over a flash file? And also to avoid the double click on links in this flash file?

Member Avatar for Thomas Winckler
Member Avatar for smorlidge

Hello Everyone, I daresay this is a stupid question, but I have a problem which is driving me nuts. I have built a simple website as a teaching aid. I loaded some .avi movies, which worked fine until my hosts' server crashed. This has been rebuilt and I reloaded the …

Member Avatar for smorlidge
Member Avatar for Zay

hi; when puplishing a movie.dcr on the web and if this movie containing an animation picture , it does not appear to the user only the text and the other simple picture why it happen . and how to solve it ?? this picture appear when do it

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for chloevin

Im new here im marvin , could anybody help me make new and nice looking friendster layout using any of those nice programming languages, give me a step by step instructions tnx hoping for your response im trying to make those what they called cross over style or those ones …

Member Avatar for ewilson

Hello Community, I appreciate this forum and the vast knowledge that is communicated throughout the site. I am hoping that one or many of the talented Flash/Actionscript developers that read this may be able to assist me. I am looking for the best of the best Flash/Web developers in Orange …

Member Avatar for souleye

Hi everybody I was assigned to do a web site but the client has a dvd that he wants altered. Come to find out, it's impossible unless someone has the skills or resources to recreate it. I have uploaded a short clip of the dvd for a potential multimedia artist …

Member Avatar for Zay

hi; we are going to make project using director mx2004 its may be education and learning project. just need your ideas and suggestion to help and take some of your experience have any 1 here make a similsr project before.

Member Avatar for Zay
Member Avatar for Mashka

I think it' ll be helpful for all!! A few month ago I've bought wonderful tool - 3gpMobile & still use it!! It converts AVI, WMV, MPEG video to 3gp!!! I like this prog because I can convert my video records & put it into my ipod!! For my opinion, …

Member Avatar for patmagpantay

Hello! Currently I have a 50MB Video in " Progressive Download Video " set on my Dreamweaver CS3 made website, but the problem is it is too slow! I am guessing that the " Progressive Download Video " setting is not for me. I am looking into " Streaming Video …

Member Avatar for Thomas Winckler
Member Avatar for Zay

Good morning; Do any 1 here know how to get the value stored in a global variable from other movie? to use it in current movie? Example: in movie one.dir there is a global called name stored the name in movie two,dir i need to use that global name to …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for selicon.valley

I am developing a new website of Ecommerce so I need templates. Are there any free templates available so I can use them into my website .I have also tried template Monster but they charge they cant give you original files for free. I need good template free of charge …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for Rion

[COLOR="red"][B]Has anyone here ever gone and taken a graphics class? I am taking one right now and I am not sure if I would recommend it unless you do not have your own software. I feel that I am wasting a lot of time in the class when I could …

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for ksbr

I am creating a website and would love to have animated cartoons like the REDBULL ones shown on TV as part of the branding of the site. I have found RINGTALES.COM and atomfilms.com but cant find a directory of websites/cartoonists who might be interested in working on this. Can anyone …

Member Avatar for theimben

The End.