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Member Avatar for eyesofmarch

This is a tutorial I created using Captivate. It explains how to make a dataconnection using Microsoft Expression Web Designer [URL="http://geocities.com/mar0364/dataconnection.htm"]http://geocities.com/mar0364/dataconnection.htm[/URL] Please let me know what you think of it. Thanks eyesofmarch

Member Avatar for eyesofmarch
Member Avatar for rogerluke

Yesterday I got a mail at my gmail Id from some [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/www.webdesigningcopmpany.net"]www.webdesigningcopmpany.net[/URL] telling me about their company’s designing packages and offering discounts on mouthwatering optimized graphics solutions on flash designing packages.Is there any catch ? What you experts have opinions on it.?

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for coolvision

I have to 2 questions regarding image editing. [LIST=1] [*]I want to change the background color of any image. [*]How can I design an image which if I put on any image/web page so background of this image match to the background of web page. Plz see the this below …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for positrix

i want to let my website visitors upload thier pics on my site. i don't want to be limited by any community. want to have the ability to let anyone post thier pics and to resize them automatically and display instantly on the web. along with some text. also i …

Member Avatar for Sorcerism
Member Avatar for positrix

i want to use streaming video on my site. any advice on what format i should use and what are the things i need to look out for? do i need any thing my my server?

Member Avatar for njack
Member Avatar for Matty J

I'm using a multidimensional array to create a basic nav bar for a website i've been working on for a while.. I'm still very much a "noob" to programming, which is most likely the reason for the concussion I've sustained from repeatedly slamming my head against my desk.;) anyway my …

Member Avatar for cancer10

How do we cut such design using photoshop? I mean the edges [IMG]http://www.sulawines.com/images/sectional/inside_bar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.sulawines.com/images/sectional/inside_display.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.sulawines.com/images/sectional/outside_full.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.sulawines.com/images/sectional/outside_balcony.jpg[/IMG]

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for pb2006

Just launched a new web design tutorial site. Hope it could be useful for some. [url]www.hotcoding.com[/url]

Member Avatar for am_dumb
Member Avatar for acura90

I inherited a machine from a friend with a valid copy of Photoshop7 I am thinking of doing an upgrade to CS (and paying Adobe) and wonder what the upgrade process is. Has anyone gone thru the process and had issues.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for jamshid

Hi; I need a free 3.6.x vBulletin style,, dark styles are preferred.. THanks for helping..

Member Avatar for hi-hacker
Member Avatar for vexhawk

So i have a folder with 5 flash files. 4 files title 01-04.swf respectively and one called skin.swf. the skin.swf is acting as a menu calling on all four of the numeric swf files. It works fine when played alone. However, when I embed, Only the skin.swf shows but it …

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for schmidty169

Ok here is my question. I had a school project where we had to build a website in Flash. So I built this site at purplefrogit.com (I bought the domain name cause I have asperations of some day starting my own business) That whole site is all contained in on …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for MikeT

Hi, thanks for looking, I was hoping someone could give me some info on using Photoshop. I've worked out how to create static web banners, also animated ones. However I'd like to be able to create banners that fade in/out or have many frames - eg a ball bouncing. I'm …

Member Avatar for roryt
Member Avatar for Adelaida
Member Avatar for croft

[B]Intro[/B] Well we have always used border color one time or another. Here is a way using css to make it look like the vbulletin forums. This is very easy to use and its very basic. [B]Getting started[/B] First off we start by creating a new table cellpadding-0 cellspacing-0 any …

Member Avatar for coolvision
Member Avatar for Drew

[B]Intro[/B] In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make a simple "aqua button" effect. You need to know how to apply effects to the layer and you need to know how to load a new gradient. This tutorial was made in Photoshop v6 and should work with …

Member Avatar for coolvision
Member Avatar for DaMaster121

As standard flash has a white background when you play the movie, when i insert the swf file in dreamweaver into my existing web page, the preview shows a white background of flash with the movie playing and the rest of the page a image background, how do i get …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for tag7862

I have made several powerpoints of family photos and would like to burn them onto a dvd that can be viewed by anyone using their lounge room dvd player. I have trialled serveral different programs without must sucess from any of them. I would like to hear from anyone who …

Member Avatar for tag7862
Member Avatar for zhan

Greetings, Recently i've done a great work. I have created a Halloween flash gallery and integrated it into my Blog. Haha, this inspired art is created with [URL="http://www.photo-to-dvd.com/flash-album-studio.html"][U][B]Wondershare Flash Album Studio[/B][/U][/URL]. Click here to see the Halloween flash gallery now: [url]http://flashslideshow.blogspot.com/2006/10/happy-halloweens-day.html[/url] Rejoice. :p

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for marigold

Hi there, I need help with the action script of stopping sounds in the movie, I tried the function "stopallsounds" but it didn't work??

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for jeepj27

Hi Guys! Can I ask a huge help question? I have a folder of images (about 100) of them that I need to resize to a certain size.... I am familiar with AUTOMATE for RESIZING, but I really want to use the "SAVE FOR WEB OPTIMIZED" option for them as …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for jsurak

Would someone please tell me how to load an html page from within an flash .flv movie? I would like to play intro movie on welcome page, with option link to skip intro, and I want the flash movie to load an html page automatically after the movie finishes playing. …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for anti_genius

Hi, I am having a problem but after all tries i cannot find out the cause of it. I added a movie clip in a .fla file and in that movie clip i called added an empty movie clip. I called a .swf file in the empty movie clip. Now …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for dancepuppy

Hi, all I want to do is when the index page opens, play a 30sec flash (this is correct and working), then when it is finished the page will close and redirect to a menu page, that is it, how do set the 30sec time limit and automatic then go …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for travis1776

Please help. Our church is wanting to begin broadcasting our services live online from our website. How do we do this? Any help or direction would be great.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for dtarp92833

I have purchased a flash template from Template Monster and need someone that can install it for me on my home page of a new e-commerce site hopefully going live next Friday Nov.10. Please respond with background and pricing. I don't believe it is hard if you have the background.

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for mage

i just got a new drawing tablet and i want to use it with flash. i can get it to draw like a mouse but i want it to be sensitive to pen pressur. you know a light touch with the pen give you a thin line a heavy touch …

Member Avatar for roryt
Member Avatar for cath120

Hi Everybody I wonder if you could help me on the following. I have a little movie in a banner that finishes in a static banner image, but the image is a terrible quality, unlike it is when just inserted as a banner image in html. I tried the [-quality …

Member Avatar for cath120
Member Avatar for espenskeie

Does anyone know how I can make a site where several of my songs could be listed, and the viewer can click on the song that he'd like to hear? And than again the song will be played on some realplayer, or mediaplayer at that page? I don't know much …

Member Avatar for mesamb1
Member Avatar for aspsqlvb

[ hEY GANG.. When using PHOTOSHOP for using the automate batch option for pics, I am getting the prompt "COULD NOT SAVE THE FILE BECAUSE THERE IS NOT ENOUGH RAM" I have 1.5 GB of RAM.... I believe that is more than enough RAM to perform this operation. Any help …

Member Avatar for katarey

The End.