1,320 Topics
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Flash seems to be the best at integration of audio, video, and visual effects. Now with Adobe and it's resources in charge will there be no stopping Flash at becomming the leading web tool. | |
hey i was wondering if there is a program i could use to covert a media player.or quicktime file onto a dvd using a mac if nebody knows please respond thanx | |
Hello I have few questions about dreamweaver extensions I have more than 150 Dreamweaver Extensions, Do I have to manually install them one by one thru Dreamveaver Extension Manager or is there a way to install them at once.? Also, what is the purpose of these Extensions? I mean how … | |
Hey guys and gals, Ive just recently developed a shiny new front page for my website ([url]www.techtoast.com[/url]) and would liek some opinions before it goes live: [URL=http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~78gfd/toast]Click Here![/URL] The animation was done in Flash MX, and the (bit of a site) done in Dreamweaver MX. Im afriad the links dont … | |
i want the flashremoting.dll file........i dont know from where can i get it. i downloaded the flashremoting.net from macromedia and i didnt find this dll in it..So can anyone help me | |
Question: when I run reports using crystal reports with parameters. The time it takes to run is extremely slow when loading, printing the report, etc.. Any idea what I should be looking for with this kind of problem? | |
Hey People This is probably a very simple problem but the hey! When im in imageready i always go to the 'Save Optimised As' option when saving my work. I think it saves the work at 60% quality. does anyone know how you change the quality generated when you save … | |
Does anybody else have this probem...? DW sometimes puts a date in the middle of the body text, or near the "proper" existing date on the page. When the extra date is in the middle of the text it seem to delete some of the text. Sometimes there are a … ![]() | |
Hi all, i was just wondering if anyone knows of any good sites that i could maybe get tutorials from to create wordsearches and crosswords? any help would be great sbmarsh | |
i have a problem with flash 8......i made a movie clip and i made a button in it...i want to make this button GoToAndPlay a keyframe in the Scene that contains this movie clip...everytime i make this the button moves in the movie clip and not the scene....what can i … | |
I specialize in Flash web design. I build eye catching Flash websites with custom graphics and animations. Below are a few of my recent projects. [url]http://alexantebi.com/[/url] [url]http://redlightknights.com/[/url] [url]http://kingflex.tv/[/url] I can be reached at [email]earlymorningmedia@gmail.com[/email] -Joe | |
Guys can you provide me some information about colleges providing Masters degree in game design? | |
i am working in a big site , and i need data base,i will use SQL SERVER and ASP to build this data base . so i am asking if i can connect SQL and ASP with flash 8 or shall i use DreamWeaver....and if i can connect them i … ![]() | |
i made[URL=http://willpull22.remnetworks.com/Untitled-3.fla]this intro[/URL] in flash but it doesn't come out right if someone could help me out and make work it would be great. If someone wants to make it look better too that would really good. please be kind i am not very good with flash | |
I am having a problem displaying video while using the FireFox Browser; the videos work great using Explorer. The user can download the videos from the site and view them using FireFox but I want them to start playing automatically like it does in the test video. I created a … | |
I know how annoyingly simple minded (and redundant) this question will be. Sorry. This is the crude, Geocities do-it-yourself website I'm building: [url]www.offsettranslations.com[/url] The site is focused on Spanish-English translation, and is a All I'd like to do is have the 20-something flags of the countries where Spanish is spoken … | |
I'm doing my website in Dreamweaver - I don't know where to get help with this issue. How to have a .mov launch as a new page opens. Anyone? Thanks. Jujubes | |
Hi there Im a student at the moment and as part of my course I study Interactive Multimedia. We have to create an Interactive CD ROM between here and May. Im doing mine on an Irish Toy Store called Smyths, their site is as follows [url]http://www.smyths.com/[/url] Ive aimed mine at … | |
Hell All, :rolleyes: As a part of my project. I need to make a few games using a flash. Can some one send my any games he have or he can tell me where I can find them (site names) if possible,? Thank. Reza | |
hi, the images make in photoshop are different than the ones exported, just wondering if i could change that some how. | |
Hi everybody! I use Flash and now I need swf compressor-decompressor. I found it on [URL=http://www.dcomsoft.com]Dcomsoft[/URL]. But I'm not sure. What do you think? | |
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]Anyone likes the new splash/intro page? Incase you havent see it, you can view it [url="http://www.mtechhosting.com/index.html?"]here[/url].[/font] | |
Does anyone know what I need to do to install filter downloaded from online to Photoshop CS. I have dragged them to my Photoshop CS Plug-in folder and inside of that to the filters folder. However, when I restart Photoshop CS, they are not listed with the rest of the … ![]() | |
I am working flash 8 and dreamweaver 8 okay.....making this website and i just created the banner in flash.....i made my first layer my background....made the second layer a tween of the text moving and i also made a motion tween and i saved it as a .fla file. then … | |
Hey there, I have a bit a rob with some of the flash content that I've created in dreamweaver. It so happens that the template I created has a button there that simply does not (when clicked) go to the required page. To be specific, it actually call up the … | |
not much to them, just somthing simple that i designed. hope you guys like: | |
I was talking with someone and the subject of Image editing/creating came up. Photoshop came up within this conversation ofcourse, but this person also mentioned a program named GIMP. They said it was a good and free solution. Where can I get GIMP? Is it really a good program? I … | |
I'm using Flash 8 Pro to parse a Microsoft Excel file saved as XML. Excel 2002 had only the standard XML Declaration line: [PHP]<?xml version="1.0"?> <Workbook ...>...</Workbook>[/PHP] However, Excel 2003 now has two XML Declaration lines: [PHP]<?xml version="1.0"?> <?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?> <Workbook ...><...</Workbook>[/PHP] Everything works fine if I delete the 2nd … | |
Hi, Does anybody know the technical dfference between AVI and MOV formats? Tried googling found very little on the subject. -Thanks | |
Hi everyone, I hope everyone is doing well & will enjoy their Thanksgiving if they live in the States. Ok, I have a customer who asked me for the following... "how I can edit my own digital photos (blurring my face, placing watermarks, sizing, text, etc.)" & I don't want … |
The End.