10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for sjgriffiths

hello I am inserting records into a MYSQL table via a loop Records are being inserted, but every now and then the program bombs out with the below message There is nothing wrong with the query line though (If i restart the job, this record will be inserted without issue) …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for dmkc

Hi guys, Ok, so I'm using the code below to display the fields from a table on my webpage. I used some code to paginate the results as there's a lot of records, however I can't seem to get it working properly, and I'm going crazy trying to work out …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for blue-iguana

Hello, When trying to use mysqldump, I got this error message: [QUOTE]mysqldump: Got error: 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) when trying to connect[/QUOTE] According to the MySQL Documentation Library, error 2003 means that my network connection has been refused and that I should check that there …

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for foxwizzy

is it posible to increase a mysql table default value to increase by a number based on another number E.X. i have a default value set to 10 how do i increase it by 1 every 3 minult also if i add a new number "3"(in a box or text …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sam023

i have a data in mysql in this format.. 1,2,3,4,5,6... can i split and show this data in this format in mysql?? 1 2 3 4 5 6 thanks ijn advance

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for asmikwen

Hello, Being on Access, I would like to transfer some data onto Mysql. But I cannot. Is there an easy way to transfer data onto Mysql? I am thinking that it should not be that hard to do. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for kool.net

Hiiiii, In my code i have to open mysql connection on all forms, but i dnt wnt to do that, actually i want at the time of log in I connect to datav=base & open connection then use this open connection on all forms and when i logout then close …

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for blessanm

I have database with a table called orders. The structure is below Index, OrderIndex, OrderNo 111, 1 112 , 1 113 , 1 114 , 2 115 , 3 116 , 3 I want a query that will loop thorugh the database and make the result Index, OrderIndex, OrderNo 111, …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for jas2010

I Want transfer updated data between 2 Database MySQL that One of them is in the server Host and other is over localhost . Now What should I do? I'm waiting for your answer

Member Avatar for jas2010
Member Avatar for stacy220481

I'm running as mysql root user on my system. I can select load_file('/etc/passwd'); no problem But when I try to select load_file('/var/lib/mysql/mysql'); I get NULL as a result why? this file is good, I can cat it as root and view the mysql user data, why cant mysql load_file it? …

Member Avatar for asmikwen

Hello to all, We are currently using Excel and are thinking of changing. Now we would like to use Mysql. Only problem is that all our customer addresses and other information are on Excel. Can you help us with this? Thanks for your feedback. (Of course title is bad... )

Member Avatar for bgkalbente
Member Avatar for benkyma

I've got a database which is getting quite large and slow to query. I only really need the last month of entries for most situations so I'm looking to create structure-copies of two of my tables and then regularly move data from the 'live' two into the 'archive' two if …

Member Avatar for benkyma
Member Avatar for Longoro

Can someone help me with this please? I’m playing with a stat tracker, and with the code snippets below I’m trying to get the total result for each page stored in the database. The problem is that I get this warning when I run the script: [B]Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter …

Member Avatar for antonkejr
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hi Every body Once again I'm in problem and want some help from you all I have written a small code to search a particular value in MySql database and then to display the record based on that value - Like to search a Employee code in database and then …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for Pranesh_Ashrit

Dear Users, I have used SHA1 encryption method to encrypt password and stored in login table as a blob field. Now, to authenticate the password, i need to decrypt it. I am not able to decrypt. Please help me to decrypt password

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for jrosh

Can I store a photograph in a mysql table. ? What type it takes...how it is done. Do i have to store only the path??? please explain me.

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for bigjoke

Hello and bonjour everyone I need a bit of hand-holding (pseudo-code) on how to go about accomplishing this task and will appreciate it if you could find 1 or 2 minutes to guide me through. Basically, i need to extract some information from database (different columns) and display it in …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for sleign

I've been working at this most of the day, trying to figure out how I can accomplish this sort of form, even looking through countless sites for anything vaguely close to what I'm trying to do for help on logic or syntax behind this (to little to no avail, of …

Member Avatar for sleign
Member Avatar for jrosh

I am designing a database system to store salary information. It includes different tables (salary,personal info , ect) I want to make it use for different companies. Also i want each set of data to be separated. (by company wise). (i.e. i dnt want all the employee names of every …

Member Avatar for Gilette
Member Avatar for dmkc

hi everyone, I've written some code that displays information from a database. However, I added more code that would display a "no records found" message, should the area be blank. The code displays the records perfectly, however if there are no records returned it doesn't show the "no records found" …

Member Avatar for dmkc
Member Avatar for studioceasar

Hi all, I have a column in my table that auto increments as a counter as new records are added. I would like to renumber the entire column and have it start at 6000. Can anyone suggest an sql line that would allow me to acomplish this? Thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for sonikadugar
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i made a registration script but i dont know how to make the whole website and all its directories protected please help.

Member Avatar for pauliam
Member Avatar for bandibas

[code] private void SubmitActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { try { Statement s = con.createStatement(); Statement s1 = con.createStatement(); Statement s2 = con.createStatement(); Statement s3 = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select MAX(Guest_ID) from Guests"); rs.next(); int maxGuestID = rs.getInt(1) + 1; //s1.execute("insert into Guests values(" + maxGuestID + ",'" + txtUserName.getText() + "',' …

Member Avatar for baki100
Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th

ok i can post the script if you guys want its kinda on the large side mostly i just need to bounce some ideas off you i made a event calendar and now i am making a script to email users of the current months events i have this working …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for bigjoke

Hi everyone, I am tasked to alter the front-end of the database and have been given the whole wad of PHP files and also an .SQL file. My question is, Why i cant see any changes to the database front-end when i change the .sql file. (I tried creating a …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tinuke

Hi there,am tinuke a software developer. I use ASP well,but i just started learning PHP/MYSQL. Is there a way to create a hyperlink data type like we have in MS ACCESS? I need to upoad an address to the database as a link.Pls help :sad:

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi everybody I have been developing windows client application in .net framework 3.5. The system is supposed to copy the remote mysqldb and restore my local mysqldb with all the schema and data withing remote schema to my local mysqldb with the same database name. Well i found a solution …

Member Avatar for studioceasar

Hello all, Is there an easy way to edit the order of my colums in a table? Presently, my colums are: cust_num, name, email, location, bday_day, bday_month, bday_year, state I would like to list the "location" column after "state". Can anyone offer a simple suggestion. Thanks in advance. C-

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for CRAFTYARTS

when I try to create a new mail account in my mail broadcast control center I get this message: SQL error: swd_act : ERROR: 1146 - Table 'craftyartsalesmailcatcher.swd_account' doesn't existContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 SQL error: INSERT INTO swd_account (`isact` , `name`) VALUES ('1' , 'swd_act') : ERROR: 1146 - Table 'craftyartsalesmailcatcher.swd_account' …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sonikadugar

IN MySQl Stored Procedure how to pass Parameters with parameter name and values i.e. [code] DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE GetOffice (countryName VARCHAR(255), countryId int(11)) BEGIN SELECT city, phone FROM offices WHERE country = countryName AND country_id = countryId; END // DELIMITER ; CALL GetOffice("India",1); [/code] This works fine but i …

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The End.