10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for sam023

this is my code [code=php] $query="call call_history('','$real_sdate','$real_edate','$level','$userid',@_count,'0','10')"; //Listing the result $rs = mysqli_query($mysqli,$query); $rs = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT @_count"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs)) { print_r $row; }[/code] always i get blank result or error mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result i want to do it with procedural mysqli.. not with oop mysqli..!! …

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

I have been developing a MySQL database backup and restore appliation in windows forms. This application crates a dump of a mysql database at remote location and imports everything from the dump file back into local mysql database. MySQL database is located at the server which hosts my php website. …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for Brian07002

I am trying to accomplish two things with the code below: 1. Make the output display using an adjustable variable for the html table. output: ex: a variable of $tr=4 would display 4 rows of images, instead of a single row of images that I need to scroll across the …

Member Avatar for Brian07002
Member Avatar for pargul

hi, i have this code that suppose to return 1 -> 5 rows from mysql table. when i run it, all i get is the first row from the result. if i'm remarking the code and placeing this line i see all the results [CODE]print_r($row);[/CODE] what am i doing wrong? …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for phpwebdesigner

I need to download data automatically from a remote server. Its a CSV file, and i need to unzip it, and store the data in a mysql database that i created. There are multiple databases. The first section below is one of the databases that someone helped me with and …

Member Avatar for tatt727

Hi, I have written a code that retrieves values from a MySql database and displays it in a table. So far so good. Then, what I want to do is have the user click on edit and the row that contains the record to be edited becomes editable boxes. I've …

Member Avatar for alohaaaron

Hi, I have the query below with the data and query below. I want to select dates from Intable that are with a one month range of the Outtable dates and group them. That works fine But I also want to select values within these data ranges where valuein=valueout. The …

Member Avatar for therio7

Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me, here's my problem: I have a php script that retreive photos from a mysql db (and place it on my page into a loop in the right album section), I dont know if you understand what I mean but if you have …

Member Avatar for therio7
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi this is my table structure. I need one result from this. There is a field named LAPeriodStart in this table. If LAPeriodStart date is 2009-01-05 Site Id is 4067 Today Date is 2009-12-07 1. Now I need to calculate LAPeriodStart Month from the date(2009-01-05) How its Possiblle? 2. If …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for honos1

Want to click on an image from a list and simply set that filename in a field in a mysql database. I read the tutorials and have tried several different ways to pass the variable on the url and then update with a second php page. Hi my second question …

Member Avatar for honos1
Member Avatar for Dmennite

Hello all, I am at it again this time incorporating MySQL database into C# code using Visual Studio 2008 first off the textboxes are databinded using details view... the issue at the moment is trying to not make bulky code and compare the value of txtDealName.text and mtxtDealNum2.text to what …

Member Avatar for Dmennite
Member Avatar for nonshatter

Before I begin i'm sorry if this is a noobish question. Basically I'm trying to import a 'forum.sql' file into mysql so that I can access and manipulate it through a Java servlet. The path to the sql dump file is /home/floyd/Desktop/forum/forum.sql so i open a terminal window, cd into …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for awo

I just started using both PHP and MYSQL and i have this SQL statement that get record from three tables ie [CODE]Select name,age, datejoind, active, avrage_time_in,avreagework_duration from Personalrecord Union Activestaff Union Timetable[/CODE] but i need to be able to get a the list of Returnd field name into a PHP …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for leahmarie

Hi guys, I'm not sure if this is the right category for this inquiry. I have my phpmyadmin working for my existing database but I couldn't make it to work. The site is running in xammp localhost. I have the data in place . I get the database to run …

Member Avatar for jomanlk
Member Avatar for AycheKay

I have a form where users enter data. If no data is entered in a given field my code still inserts a 0 into the MySQL database even though I allow Null values. This is a problem for two reasons. In some of my fields I'm using TINY INTEGER as …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for toastyy

I have this database project due Monday and I am trying to create a PHP script to do a simple search query in the MySQL database. This is what I have... [B]search.html[/B] [code] <html> <head> <title>NOMO Auto Group Inventory Search</title> </head> <body> <h2>NOMO Auto Group Inventory Search</h2> <form action="results.php" method="post"> …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for sandyzden
Member Avatar for awo

Is it possible to get the columns name from a select statement involving more than two table. eg [CODE]SELECT a.field1, a.field2,b.field3,c.field4 FROM a,b,c WHERE a.field1 = b.field1 and a.field1 = c.field1 [/CODE] is there a mysql statement that returns a record set containing field1, field2, field3, field4 that can be …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for GTR3521

This is my database it executes with no error. [CODE]--Kudler Fine Food Database Create Database [VALMKudler_Fine_Foods] On Primary (NAME=VALM_KudlerDB, FileName="C:\POS410\VALM_KudlerDB_dat.mdf", SIZE=10MB, MAXSIZE=100MB, FILEGROWTH=10%) --Kudler Fine Foods LOG ON (NAME="VALM_KudlerDB_log", FILENAME="C:\POS410\VALM_KudlerDB_log.Idf", SIZE=5MB, MAXSIZE=100MB, FILEGROWTH=20%)[/CODE] This is my table it executes with no problems [CODE]--Job Tittle Table CREATE TABLE [VALMKudler_Fine_Foods].dbo.tbljobtitle ( jobID …

Member Avatar for GTR3521
Member Avatar for lewashby

I've been trying to learn how to program for several years now. I've struggled with everything from C++, C#, to Python, but never got passed simple DOS text based screen programs that were very short. I'M now 24 and I work in a factory. I would love to find a …

Member Avatar for GTR3521
Member Avatar for satyajittilekar

hi, i am working on a project where i have to display an image gallery. All the images are stored in mysql and i have to display them and related info one by one using NEXT and PREV buttons. can anyone help me with this. thanx in advance.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for toasty525

I have a mysql table with the following data in it: user_id score 1234 28 4654 -15 5986 15 3657 10 If i have PHP select the score column for user 5986 how could i then have PHP calculate the next highest score in the MySQL table ?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Manoj_06

cud ny1 plz tell me,how 2 connect to mysql via VB6.0 without d help of mysql connector as 1 user said. i don't think there is ny need of such in VB6.0 i just wanna know how to set connection string through coding an fire sql query in VB its …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for asmikwen

Hello, We are currently using a Mysql database: we would like to change. Now, we'd like to use Mssql. Only problem is that most of the data and other information are on Mysql. Can you help us with this? Thanks a lot for your help.

Member Avatar for bgkalbente
Member Avatar for jrosh

How to write the query to [B]insert a picture[/B] to mysql data field which is declared as [B]BLOB.[/B] I would like to knw the[B] pure sql query[/B] with out any involvement of a programing language.(If there is such) Thankx in advance.

Member Avatar for baki100
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Trying to pull this off in one query but my and right & left joining is giving me unusual results... i have a 'product_style' table, an 'product_item' table, an 'addto' table and a 'removefrom' table - im monitoring when products are added/removed to/from the cart... and want to pull …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for dwlamb_001

Much is written in various how-to sites about next and previous page navigation utilizing Limit to retrieve multiple rows of data and display them in chunks of 10 rows to a PHP page, as an example. This problem is subtly different. For the site I am programming, all of the …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for xagutxu

Hi! I am trying to implement a server-cgi with C++, but I don't know which is the best way for the cgi to communicate with the mysql server. In the mysql web, I have seen that there are "connectors", but I don't really know which is their functionallity. Should I …

Member Avatar for xagutxu

Hi! I am trying to implement a server-cgi with C++, but I don't know which is the best way for the cgi to communicate with the mysql server. In the mysql web, I have seen that there are "connectors", but I don't really know which is their functionallity. Should I …

Member Avatar for jencee

I have searched the forums here and while there are similar problems going around, mine is different from what I've seen. First, I will say that I have yet to do sessions OR injection protection. This is a project for school so those things will come last; the most important …

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The End.