10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for gotboots

Hi all, I have the following code to process through my requests, then use in a database. FIRST of all, I was wondering if i have it in the right order, and SECOND, if there are any other steps i could do to secure up my application. have a look, …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for monkeytherat

Hello forum! I was tinkering with a login script and I came accross the following error: Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/79/9398479/html/abyss/dio.php on line 60 //Code here: <?php $sqlError = 'We are experiencing very temporary downtime, please refresh or try again in 10 minutes.'; …

Member Avatar for dcdruck
Member Avatar for Rizzuti

Hello there, I've got a search box that finds the item that I look for but it doesn't display the id number when i put the mouse cursor on top on the item. instead of showing the id number it shows the variable ($id). Any idea why this is not …

Member Avatar for junior_rosul
Member Avatar for velr

Hello! I am working on a server program that has a connection to a MySQL database. In one of my sql:s i need to use [URL="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/user-variables.html"]User-Defined Variables[/URL] but i can't get it to work. The sql looks something like this: [ICODE]"SET @rank=0; SELECT id FROM (SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS rank ..."[/ICODE] …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for shean1488

Hi everybody, Can you please help me to fix this error: For exit press 'q' Please enter name :Jack London For exit press 'q' Please enter name :C.S. Lewis For exit press 'q' Please enter name :q Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/serg/python/First/start/Q1.py", line 28, in <module> print row[0], …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for daravindm

please give the code for searching a value from mysql databse in jsp page?... i created **1.search jsp 2.searchAction.jsp 3.searchBean.java** and created **DBConnection.java** for db connection and i need to view the search result in new page which is **searchresult.page**

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for jward50

Hi I have a select statement that uses coalesce but I am wondering if there is a better way that it could be written?? I am trying to come up with a comparison table to show wich software has certain attributes. Many thanks Julie select a.title AS SOFTWARE, COALESCE((select 'Y' …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Anark10n

#include <stdio.h> #include <mysql.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { MYSQL *conn; MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW row; int num_fields; int i; char user_query[100]; char word[10]; printf("Enter word: "); scanf("%s", word); sprintf(user_query, "select * from english where word = %s", word); printf("%s\n", user_query); conn = mysql_init(NULL); mysql_real_connect(conn, "localhost", "root", "123", …

Member Avatar for Anark10n
Member Avatar for crackme

Hi all, I have problem getting data from mysql table . What i am trying to do is that i want to get data from specific Category-id column and search a specific word or starting letter search from Name column , suppose this structure, -Database ---Table ------Category-id, Name My query …

Member Avatar for crackme
Member Avatar for marietta_kan

hello everyone, so i am new in sql and i would like some help. i wanna create a table with foreign key but it gives me an error which i can't fix. i wrote : foreign key(id_w) references waiter(id_w) waiter is the table in which id_w is a primary key …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for davefitze

hi guys working on a little basic forum for collage but i keep getting this error kinda driving me crazy i know its something small but i cant spot it. any help would be great [B]Notice: Undefined index: topic_id in /users/2014/daf1/public_html/cs1109/lab18/showit.php on line 14 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not …

Member Avatar for Sibzsolutions
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I have 2 MYSQL servers One on a LAN and one on a dedicated server at an ISP. I cannot run normal replication as my ISP does not allow this. I have however written a script that will dump the data to a .sql file and ftp it to …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I have a MYSQL DB hosted on a Win 2003 server on my LAN and a Mysql DB on a dedicated (linux) server at our ISP. I would like to dump a few tables to a .sql file and ftp it to the server and then import the .sql …

Member Avatar for fabzster
Member Avatar for KeithMon

I'm getting an error when I run this. I'm sure it's simple. Any thoughts? Code: mysql_query("INSERT INTO leads `facility` = '{$facility}' , `leadAdded` = '{$today}' , `updatedBy` = '{$username}' , `manager` = '{$username}' , `name` = '{$_POST['name']}' , etc... ") or die(mysql_error()); Error: "You have an error in your SQL …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

hi, iam not sure if this is sql question or not. but i just download "sql developer". from oracle website. and i need help setting it up. i want to connection to my localhost (myphpadmin). how can i find these things. connection name: no idea username: using myphpadmin username which …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for gopi17

hey guy, i need some help in reading a file across my network... this is what i did... $myFile = fopen("\\\backup\Gatepass\Gate_Pass.csv",'r') or die("cannot connect"); $rows = file("$myFile")or die("cannot connect"); but each time i'm getting an error : failed to open stream: No such file or directory can someone help me

Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for antwan1986

Hi everyone and thanks for reading. This problems been driving me nuts for the last day and I'm completely stuck. I made a dummy table of users to test out SQL connections but everytime I echo out the information, it keeps dropping the first record, and jumps straight to record …

Member Avatar for jopianokid
Member Avatar for arifsuhail1

Hello, I know very little about programming, means what ever learn, i learnt it from the you tube, so in order to explain my problem i am writing every thing so when i get the reply i can understand it. first i try to download apache, mysql and phpmyadminn but …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for Djmann1013

What is wrong with this signup code? > process.php: <?php $host=""; // Host name $username=""; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name=""; // Database name $tbl_name=""; // Table name // Connect to server and select database. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("Cannot connect to server. Try again later."); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("Cannot connect …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ferit1223

I've just started php and mysql.trying this code to check if mysql account is correct or not. <?php $usr=$_POST['username']; $psw=$_POST['passwd']; echo ' body tag, other things and a message: Logging in! '; echo $usr; $connection = myqsl_connect('localhost',$usr,$psw); if (!$connection){ die('<p>Stopped : ' . mysql_error()); echo '<br /><a href="index.html">Retry</a></p>'; } else …

Member Avatar for ferit1223
Member Avatar for daravindm

Hi all, How to display search results from MYSQL database in JSP page?? is it possibile to create gridview in jsp page? please help

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I've recently found that 1and1, my host, doesn't allow for remote access to MySQL databases and tables, and access is only possible via a slow and cumbersome web UI. Is there any workaround? I don't want to have to spend ten minutes browsing PHPMyAdmin every time I need to timestamp …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ozbulldog

I have a problem with my site regularly exceeding Max User Connections. The limit from my hosting provider is 10 and I am regularly exceeding this amount for 1 database user. I'm unsure if this is due to a Coding Error / stuck or errored cfthread / malicious attack / …

Member Avatar for utdream
Member Avatar for chris_huh

I am trying to set up a survey system. The survey questions themselves come from a database. I have created the page that pulls the questions from the mysql table into an html form but can't work out how to insert the responses into the database. I think i will …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for uglykidjoe

I have 2 tables one storing sizes the other company names. I would like to alter my existing query to give out different results from the table depending on the product type so at the moment I have and assigning the aliases accordingly ` SELECT MAX(#__xyz_sizes.size) AS MAX, MIN(#__xyz_sizes.size) AS …

Member Avatar for Incognitus
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I have been working on a project that displays data in an XML file. (It's kind of like an API). I know how to parse XML with PHP, and how to make an XML file in PHP, but they don't work together. :) Basically, I have two files: `parse.php` …

Member Avatar for Incognitus
Member Avatar for nyt1972

Hi Experts, below is my data file and I want to create form the basis of data returned by the following code. **getdata.php** <?php include ("dbConnect.php"); $examID = $_POST['examID']; $sql= mysql_query("select * from examsub where examID='1'); if(mysql_num_rows($sql)>0) { while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql3)) { echo $row['examID'].$row['subject'].$row['thrymarks'].$row['pracmarks'].$row['subjectID']; } } ?> Below is the code from …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for sammry

I am using the followng code, to import csv into mysql. if($_POST['sform'] == "1") { $fname = $_FILES['upload']['name']; $chk_ext = explode(".",$fname); if(strtolower($chk_ext[1]) == "csv") { $filename = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']; $row = 1; if (($handle = fopen($filename, "r")) !== FALSE) { while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { $row++; $data_entries[] …

Member Avatar for sammry
Member Avatar for Acute

There are two tables - posts and comments: create table posts ( id integer not null primary key auto_increment, body text not null ); create table comments ( id integer not null primary key auto_increment, body text not null, post_id integer not null references posts(id) ); Now I want to …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for mbarandao

hello: I'm pulling mysql data and want to load into an array. I getting the data in like manner: $result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT item2 FROM products"); echo "var option_array = new Array(num_of_cats);\n"; $count=1; echo"option_array[0] = new Array(\"Please Select a Merchandise\");"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo"option_array[".$count."] = new Array(\"--select One--\",\"\",\"\");"; $count++; …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.