10,944 Topics
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i want to go inside the if statment if i have both things in one row. so if i have image_id = $image_id_g and user_id=$user_id_s on same row. i wan tto go inside the if statment. but this is not working. i thinkg this query is testing two things sepeartly. … | |
I recently decided to try out a simple PHP/MySQL pagination script I found online. After replacing all the required data and creating a connect.php file with my db information, I got a bunch of errors on the page with the script: here they are, in order: Warning: include(connect.php) [function.include]: failed … | |
Hi all, I have a registration page which allows the user to open up separate windows to include additional information. But for some reason it freezes the page and doesn’t allow data to be submitted into the MySQL database table. I’m mot sure whether this is a php or a … | |
Hi all, I have a registration page which allows the user to open up separate windows to include additional information. But for some reason it freezes the page and doesn’t allow data to be submitted into the MySQL database table. I’m mot sure whether this is a php or a … | |
I have a project in which I desire to upload and download blob files in php. I have written the codes to upload the files into mysql however, when I try to download the files, be it pdf, .doc or jpeg, the error message I get is "The selected file … | |
> Here **My Application is used MySQL as a database. and on my server MySQL is running. server is highly configured on Win XP Os and other on Win 7. Mysql version - 4.0.18-nt My problem is , Mysql is stopped working everday after 5 to 6 hours. It is … | |
I'm a novice to PHP and MySQL, and would like to create a mailing list on my site, which can send HTML documents (basically styled to match the actual website). Can someone point me towards a good tutorial, or show me how to do so? | |
I am trying to do something that should be trivial. I have a database table that I want to load into an array so that I can use the elements later on in my code. What I dont understand is how to put the elements into a simple 2 dimensional … | |
Hey guys I need help I am creating a invoice application where user can add invoice. The database of the invoice contains : invoiceid invoice_number customer_name product_name product_qty product_price invoice_remarks Now If a user adds more product what do i do? I mean how can I add 2 product info … | |
Question: Does anyone have any recommendations that are likely to keep a large database healthy/speedy? I'm designing a database that is going to retrieve around thirty million data points a year, up to around three hundred million to a billion in a few years time when all of the sensors … | |
Hi guys, i have standart WHM backup, that set daily now i need to get/restore a mysql table only, how to do that, or where is the path to get this mysql table in ssh, its ok if i need to download the entire mysql file, not a table only | |
![]() | in this code- CREATE TABLE `tablename` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `a` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `b` varchar(45) default NULL, `c` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `d` varchar(45) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `Index_a` (`a`), KEY `Index_bcd` (`b`,`c`,`d`), KEY `Index_cd` (`c`,`d`) ) ....; what do the lines that start with … |
Hi, Guys i need a simple help from you guys. There's a scenerio that i m sure is very common in mysql and i know most of you can answer that but i m new to mysql so need some basic polish. so my scenerio is that for example i … | |
How to build a website like emp3world.com Please help me... > Munna Bharadwaj | |
Hi, I am in the process of trying to use VB 2005 to connect to a MySQL DB . I have the data connection working between the program (VB 2005) and my MySQL server but now I need to make my code connect to it. I have never done a … | |
Hi, I'm sorry if this is answered already but I'm such a newbie at programming that I apperantly can't formulate my problem to find an answer! :-/ Here goes: I have a table filled with data. I want a user to be able to select via a dropdown list what … | |
Hay everybody, I have this Form I am trying to upload my image but every time I do "update" the page return normal and nothing uploded to my folder "ProfilesImages" where is my fault. if(isset($_POST['update'])){ $ProfileImage = $_FILES['ProfileImage']['name']; $Fname = clean_text($_POST['Fname']); $Lname = clean_text($_POST['Lname']); $Uemail = $_POST['Remail']; $Uwebsite = $_POST['website']; … | |
table user->user_id, username, etc image->image_id, user_id, image, etc i am making a delete image page where user can del there image. i want to some how test image is the user who is loged in. 1st check user is loged in if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) 2nd check user hit sumbit button if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == … | |
I want to create a project where there's a Stock Exchange ticker (you know the thing with green arrow up and red arrow down sliding from right to left). I was wondering if there's an open-source script where it takes data from a MYSQL select statement or simple logic to … | |
Hi, i need help on updating data in mysql using JDBC since im using java.i want to send data from arraylist and it seems and error when i run it.below is my code for update. [CODE] private void update(ArrayList<String> list, int uid) { try { Connection con=null; Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance (); … | |
Hello, I would like to retrieve the data from one of my database table. I have read many stuff about it and found out that I need to create a table model which is quite confusing to me. Basically my table consists of customer information. What is the best way … | |
Hello, I have two tables one for the customer_records and one for the jobs. Both tables are linked together(both contains customerID and foreign key is set) I am trying to insert data into the job table by obtaining the customer ID that is given in the textbox. I have: INSERT … | |
guy plz help me out with this. If i have a table, in the table is a column called veh_status, the row data will be varchar storing one or many comma seperated numbers so veh_status could be 1,2,3 each number represents an id to the relevant vehicle statuts name and … | |
Please help me create views and generat report using only MySQL manager thank you | |
Hey, I am having a really annoying problem when trying to set up a foreign key in my database... I have two tables - Sell and Category I want the 'c_id' from the Category table to be the foreign key for 'p_id' in the Sell table. Both tables are InnoDB … | |
Hi all I'm struggling with a MSSQL database that, ultimately, I want to get into MySQL, but for now I just want to import to a local server. I know nothing about MSSQL, but I am pretty familiar with MySQL. I have a .bak file exported from my current hosting … | |
Hello: I'm trying to get a record from mysql based on the query of another the queries separately: set @row_num = 0; SELECT @row_num := @row_num + 1 as row_number,queue_num,clientID,customerid, todays_date, request, details,status FROM queue_sys ORDER BY todays_date; outputs row_number queue_num clientID customerid todays_date request details status 1 14 44DWS … | |
Below is my code which worked up until this morning. conn.Open if giving error 10060. I downloaded the latest odbc driver from MySql and that didn't help. Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim gs_SQL As String Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset Set conn = New ADODB.Connection CheckADOConnection … | |
Hello, can anybody help me here? I am using mysql database and xampp server. Now, I made the database using my laptop computer and I have to distribute the database with its records to another laptop computer. The problem is when I tried to transfer the database file to the … |
The End.