10,940 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jiten@energos

> Here **My Application is used MySQL as a database. and on my server MySQL is running. server is highly configured on Win XP Os and other on Win 7. Mysql version - 4.0.18-nt My problem is , Mysql is stopped working everday after 5 to 6 hours. It is …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I'm a novice to PHP and MySQL, and would like to create a mailing list on my site, which can send HTML documents (basically styled to match the actual website). Can someone point me towards a good tutorial, or show me how to do so?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hlamster

I am trying to do something that should be trivial. I have a database table that I want to load into an array so that I can use the elements later on in my code. What I dont understand is how to put the elements into a simple 2 dimensional …

Member Avatar for Manda.Ravi
Member Avatar for yaseenamin

Hey guys I need help I am creating a invoice application where user can add invoice. The database of the invoice contains : invoiceid invoice_number customer_name product_name product_qty product_price invoice_remarks Now If a user adds more product what do i do? I mean how can I add 2 product info …

Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for joehms22

Question: Does anyone have any recommendations that are likely to keep a large database healthy/speedy? I'm designing a database that is going to retrieve around thirty million data points a year, up to around three hundred million to a billion in a few years time when all of the sensors …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for basketmen

Hi guys, i have standart WHM backup, that set daily now i need to get/restore a mysql table only, how to do that, or where is the path to get this mysql table in ssh, its ok if i need to download the entire mysql file, not a table only

Member Avatar for Habitual
Member Avatar for warlord902

I want to know, is it possible to use a mySQL database simultaneously from a PHP website and a Java Website both making continous read and write operations. Are there any tradeoffs? Does connection pooling affect this?

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for arcticM

in this code- CREATE TABLE `tablename` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `a` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `b` varchar(45) default NULL, `c` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `d` varchar(45) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `Index_a` (`a`), KEY `Index_bcd` (`b`,`c`,`d`), KEY `Index_cd` (`c`,`d`) ) ....; what do the lines that start with …

Member Avatar for firdousahmad
Member Avatar for maad_jhangir

Hi, Guys i need a simple help from you guys. There's a scenerio that i m sure is very common in mysql and i know most of you can answer that but i m new to mysql so need some basic polish. so my scenerio is that for example i …

Member Avatar for maad_jhangir
Member Avatar for asrsmunna

How to build a website like emp3world.com Please help me... > Munna Bharadwaj

Member Avatar for asrsmunna
Member Avatar for theflier13

Hi, I am in the process of trying to use VB 2005 to connect to a MySQL DB . I have the data connection working between the program (VB 2005) and my MySQL server but now I need to make my code connect to it. I have never done a …

Member Avatar for yihkiat
Member Avatar for adishardis

Hi, I'm sorry if this is answered already but I'm such a newbie at programming that I apperantly can't formulate my problem to find an answer! :-/ Here goes: I have a table filled with data. I want a user to be able to select via a dropdown list what …

Member Avatar for adishardis
Member Avatar for johnef_sh

Hay everybody, I have this Form I am trying to upload my image but every time I do "update" the page return normal and nothing uploded to my folder "ProfilesImages" where is my fault. if(isset($_POST['update'])){ $ProfileImage = $_FILES['ProfileImage']['name']; $Fname = clean_text($_POST['Fname']); $Lname = clean_text($_POST['Lname']); $Uemail = $_POST['Remail']; $Uwebsite = $_POST['website']; …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

table user->user_id, username, etc image->image_id, user_id, image, etc i am making a delete image page where user can del there image. i want to some how test image is the user who is loged in. 1st check user is loged in if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) 2nd check user hit sumbit button if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == …

Member Avatar for hwoarang69
Member Avatar for Crow77

I want to create a project where there's a Stock Exchange ticker (you know the thing with green arrow up and red arrow down sliding from right to left). I was wondering if there's an open-source script where it takes data from a MYSQL select statement or simple logic to …

Member Avatar for Crow77
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Hi, i need help on updating data in mysql using JDBC since im using java.i want to send data from arraylist and it seems and error when i run it.below is my code for update. [CODE] private void update(ArrayList<String> list, int uid) { try { Connection con=null; Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance (); …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for london-G

Hello, I would like to retrieve the data from one of my database table. I have read many stuff about it and found out that I need to create a table model which is quite confusing to me. Basically my table consists of customer information. What is the best way …

Member Avatar for nikolaos
Member Avatar for london-G

Hello, I have two tables one for the customer_records and one for the jobs. Both tables are linked together(both contains customerID and foreign key is set) I am trying to insert data into the job table by obtaining the customer ID that is given in the textbox. I have: INSERT …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for designalex

guy plz help me out with this. If i have a table, in the table is a column called veh_status, the row data will be varchar storing one or many comma seperated numbers so veh_status could be 1,2,3 each number represents an id to the relevant vehicle statuts name and …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Maj.Clac
Member Avatar for Maj.Clac
Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hey, I am having a really annoying problem when trying to set up a foreign key in my database... I have two tables - Sell and Category I want the 'c_id' from the Category table to be the foreign key for 'p_id' in the Sell table. Both tables are InnoDB …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for mattclifton

Hi all I'm struggling with a MSSQL database that, ultimately, I want to get into MySQL, but for now I just want to import to a local server. I know nothing about MSSQL, but I am pretty familiar with MySQL. I have a .bak file exported from my current hosting …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello: I'm trying to get a record from mysql based on the query of another the queries separately: set @row_num = 0; SELECT @row_num := @row_num + 1 as row_number,queue_num,clientID,customerid, todays_date, request, details,status FROM queue_sys ORDER BY todays_date; outputs row_number queue_num clientID customerid todays_date request details status 1 14 44DWS …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for TerryReno

Below is my code which worked up until this morning. conn.Open if giving error 10060. I downloaded the latest odbc driver from MySql and that didn't help. Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim gs_SQL As String Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset Set conn = New ADODB.Connection CheckADOConnection …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for bflack

Hello, can anybody help me here? I am using mysql database and xampp server. Now, I made the database using my laptop computer and I have to distribute the database with its records to another laptop computer. The problem is when I tried to transfer the database file to the …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, I have a problem in making a query.I have two tables patient and encounter. Patient has one to many relation with the encounter table. The encounter table has a field encounter_date. I want to make a search query in which I enter the date ranges and the query fetches …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M just trying to work my way through the book "Head First SQL" but I can't seem to get it installed. I just need the simple DOS like pompt MySQL program to learn on. Here's what I'M getting when I try and install it. mysql-server-5.5-winx64:6 - Looking for valid template …

Member Avatar for waltersenekal
Member Avatar for wju2004

Okay, my head is swimming as I've been trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I am certain it's something stupid and I've tried different ways of putting it all in, but still no luck. Basically, I am trying to make it so I can put in our …

Member Avatar for wju2004
Member Avatar for strongpot

Hello all, I'm hoping you can help me with my first search engine/join query. I have 3 tables with differing numbers of coulumns - clients, projects and tasks. Table "clients" with the columns "cid", "client" and "date" Table "projects" with the columns "pid", "cid", "projects" and "date" Table "tasks" with …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for harshm027

Hi, I want to know how to search the inputs provided by the user in the form of checkboxes in a mysql database. <form> <input type="checkbox" name="interests" value="Food"> <input type="checkbox" name="interests" value="Movie"> <input type="checkbox" name="interests" value="Music"> <input type="checkbox" name="interests" value="Sports"> <input type="checkbox" name="interests" value="Reading"> </form> I have other input elements …

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The End.