10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for dwdata

I have a starting query that displays appointments and I am trying to expand to get different statistics: SELECT apt.user_id, apt.appt_id, apt.client_id, apt.time_start AS stime, FROM_UNIXTIME(apt.time_start,'%Y-%m-%d') AS ftime FROM tl_appt apt LEFT JOIN tl_rooms r on r.room_id = apt.room_id WHERE apt.appt_id IS NOT NULL AND apt.appt_status_id = '3' AND FROM_UNIXTIME(apt.time_start,'%Y-%m-%d') …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for hassanumair1

Hello! how can i sync or replicate my 2 db's on localhost xampp on windows. I want to replicate themselves as customer order something on my site and i am able to update his order and criteria as aearly as possible and also for security purpose. That if incase any …

Member Avatar for hassanumair1
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I pull data from a MYSQL database to populate a Drop down <td class="<?php print $Bank_ca_error;?>">Bank Name</td> <td> <select name="Bank" id="Bank" tabindex=24 style="color: <?php print $TextColour;?>"/> <option><?php print $_SESSION['Bank_ca'] ;?></option> <?php //Get Data to populate drop down $BankQuery = "SELECT BankName FROM tblbank ORDER BY BankName"; $BankResult = mysql_query …

Member Avatar for ehpratah

**Hi guys** I’m new to this site and i really need a professional help out here. I am trying to make a search form in my page and basically i can search my database already but i need to revised the code because the process of my **search form depends …

Member Avatar for neatric
Member Avatar for taylortay

I have scoured the web for the answer to this question. I am a nubie to PHP so the answer may be simple I just don’t see it. I’m trying to dynamically create two drop down menus from the results of one query. Sounds simple enough but I want to …

Member Avatar for taylortay
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

hi, just want to maek sure some thing. so i have a table called user. in user table i want to add a field called date of birth. but i dont know which type to choice. it has int, varchar, date, datetime etc. but no date of birth. do i …

Member Avatar for seslie
Member Avatar for robin99

hello all I try to store DateTime to mysql , but when i open the table in mysql command line I see that the hour is decrease 12 by it self , why this can happen ,? my insert command is insert = "Insert into Table1(DtIn)values('"+ hin.ToString("yyyy,MM,dd,HH,mm,ss")+"')";; hope someone help …

Member Avatar for robin99
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

[CODE] import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.lang.NullPointerException; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; /** * * @author Animesh Pandey */ public class anilet extends HttpServlet { protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); PrintWriter …

Member Avatar for ghul-mur
Member Avatar for venkateshyeluri

I am developing an java application for for login autentication form, I have pre saved username and password in my database. When admin enter his credetials, it validates to my DB and gives access to actual application Now, my application is used by admin and database is managed by DBA. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for my3h

Hi , I am trying to display images stored in database. Actually, i have stored image names with extenstion in the database, images are stored in my root directory images folder. Now i want to display all the images with other filelds in that table, in same page. I have …

Member Avatar for my3h
Member Avatar for soUPERMan

I have two tables namely student and subject joined by a table called student_subject. With the following structure student: +----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | student_ID | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | studentCode | …

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Member Avatar for nurnfs

Hi, every members, I am Nur, i want make a complete MLM site. i try to MLM Binary tree downline View on php code. it will be difficalt for me to make MySQL database or php coding. please help me any on. i add a link to example: 1) MLM …

Member Avatar for mohsinxn
Member Avatar for bcwoodz

actually i dont know where this post is suitable.anyway i need to know how can i set textarea lenth by annotation in the entity class to be stored in the MYSQL(actually 255 < characters).i used JPA.

Member Avatar for doodalf

Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help me with a problem I've been trying to solve for almost a week now which concerns shared ranking (i.e. whilst I am trying to rank things in order of one field, if two or more entries share the same value then they receive …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for leader2345

I'm trying to create a checkbox where the user will select their 'diseases affected: heartdisease, cancer, diabetes' and hit the submit button and will be saved into the database respective columns as as either '1' for yes or '0' for no. I've tried googling for the answer but I can't …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for zacharysr

How do i collapse data i pulled out of mysql? I have a messaging system that shows all messegse between you and another member. <table border='1' width='100%'> <?php $ID = $_COOKIE['idCookie']; $memberid = $_GET['id']; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `private_messages` WHERE to_id='$ID' AND To_Deleted='0' AND from_id='$memberid' OR to_id='$memberid' AND from_id='$ID' …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, I have a php file that contains the queries as strings. I have wrote the following query: SELECT message_no, sender, destination, time_received, type, reference_no, message FROM messages WHERE message LIKE '%:substring%'; :substring is then assigned a value from $substring. The query works when i run it directly in cmd …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi I have a single search field ' agent_name' in a form which is a dropdown field of data based on the concatonation of 2 fields: reg_fname and reg_lname When I do the SELECT Query though I'm getting a bit mixed up..... The data from reg_fname & reg_lname does not …

Member Avatar for ebanbury
Member Avatar for yanwick

Hi, I would like to know how to set a character set once and permanently, since when i alter the character_set% variables that are shown on 'show varables like 'character_set%', when i alter them the next day they are back with the old values? Thank you very much

Member Avatar for yanwick
Member Avatar for wjperdue

Trying to do Parameters for Report in Reporting Services from a database that's in mysql . My Where clause looks like this: Where HD_TICKET.HD_QUEUE_ID="6" WHERE HD_TICKET.CREATED BETWEEN [Start Date] AND [End Date] GROUP BY (HD_PRIORITY.NAME) I get this error: ERROR [42000] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.1.54-log]You have an error in your SQL …

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Member Avatar for steveissuperman

This is a dumb question, but I have honestly spent a long time today trying to figure it out, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has trouble with this. How do you import a CSV directly into a MYSQL DB? I've tried using [CODE]LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for ZER09

i created a dll file using vb.net then it has a shared function that will execute a stored procedure of mysql but my code is something long and when accessing it, it has a big risk that it can produce an error if there is an incorrect string input, i …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for moblyft

Hello, can some one help me with the below code? I am trying to create a multiple image upload form that displays the images. I want to save the image name into my msql database and save the actual image into a folder in my dirrectory. <?php define('UPLOAD_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . …

Member Avatar for moblyft
Member Avatar for Nsie

Hi, I'm passing through hard times in d hands of this. I have created my database and i'm having issues replacing the content of my database table with the values i.v posted from my form. Please someone shld help Moi.

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for yongj

So let me start by saying that I am a complete beginner when coding in C++ windows/forms program. I was able to get my SQL database connection up with my program. I've ran some simple tests and it looks like my program is able to do simple queries such as …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for chixm8_49

Good day! I would like to ask on how to transfer the contents of JTable to mySQL database. I have seen a lot of codes of putting contents to JTable from database but I need to know the other way around. ^^" I do not have any idea on how …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

Hi guys, I'm quite unsure of what i'm doing here and could use some guidance. I've searched but haven't found any links that were focused enough. My objective is to connect my application to a database for the first time. I've never done this before so it's essentially a learning …

Member Avatar for wen_cai
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hello, I've built a timekeeping aplication from a fingerprint machine with automatic import to db and I'm getting some reports. One report is that I'm getting the employees time if they are late from work. But my table is small with 20.000 entries, but with the following query, the results …

Member Avatar for maniat123
Member Avatar for reco21

Hey Everyone. Im using jquery's Validation plugin to check post values before I submit a form. Im trying to check a mysql table column to match user name to check for a duplicate name before submitting. This snippet of code below works as expected.. [CODE]<?php $request = trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['login'])); //sleep(2); usleep(150000); …

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Member Avatar for kairoland

I'm not very good with php or mysql so I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I get this error: Failed You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'tests,'20120508,'5.5,'20120508)' at line …

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The End.