10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for gopi17

Guys, need some guidance here... i have this php codes that copies all the value in a table to another table....some sort of table replication now, the problem is when i tried copying them, keep getting an error Database down **1054: Unknown column '124928F014007570' in 'where clause'...** the codes dataverification.php …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anand01

hi All, I have two tables table-1:customeramount table-2:customerpurchaseamount table1 have customers bonus amount and table 2 i have customers purchase amount now i need to calculate balance bonus amount i tried with following query but It shows unexpected result , could any one guide me.. SELECT CM.`custid`, SUM(CM.`amount`) - SUM(CP.`Amount`) …

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for gopi17

I'm having trouble deleting this file... keep getting this error : Warning: unlink(Gate_pass.csv) [function.unlink]: Permission denied in C:\wamp\www\SVS\copydata.php on line 31 i search trough some sites, they said replace the $myFile with the orginal name Gate_pass.csv, but still getting the same error...can someone guide me on this matter. thank you …

Member Avatar for gopi17
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

hi i trying to work on a lunch monthly order form.what i want to do is create a table just like a calendar with 30 cells label 1 to 30 days and in each cell the same food item with checkbox next to it generated from mysql. the user put …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

les a user come on index.php page. he sees login form. but he forgot his password. so he click forgot password. on forgotpassword.php page he fills a form. <form action = 'forgotpassword.php' method = 'post'> Username: <input type='username' name='username'><br/> E-Mail: <input type='email' name = 'email'><br/> <input type='submit' value='get password'> <a …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for speakon

Hello, I need to create a JDBC that connects to a mySQL database, retrieves the data from a table and displays it into a JTable. I have done this successfully, but have ran into a problem. The initial values I entered into the database (for testing) are permament. If I …

Member Avatar for speakon
Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

Hi guys, I’ve written an application and I’m trying to utilise a database behind it. I’ve created a mysql database, and table which all appears to work correctly. I appear to have connected to the db correctly too. And hit a bit of a brick wall. As a side-note, within …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for BoB3R

Hello, I want to edit record in mysql and ive got problem with UPDATE command its giving me syntex problem here is the code: <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("dbname", $con); $sql="UPDATE users SET (userid, firstname, lastname, email, username, password, role) …

Member Avatar for BoB3R
Member Avatar for BoB3R

Hello, I am new in all this and i was hoping you could help me with a little thing so here it is ive got 2 files one is for showing movies from database and there is "delete" button that is taking an a id and deleteing the raw display.php …

Member Avatar for BoB3R
Member Avatar for mancode1007

Guys, I having problem converting the sql server function to mysql function. It work perfect at sql server now it now working at mysql. Please help.Thanks DELIMITER $$ CREATE Function `pearldb`.`SortingAlphanumeric` ( ColValue NVARCHAR(255) ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(1000) BEGIN DECLARE p1 NVARCHAR(255); DECLARE p2 NVARCHAR(255); DECLARE p3 NVARCHAR(255); DECLARE p4 NVARCHAR(255); …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug

That is my query. I am trying to select the item details for the items the user has in their inventory, but I DO NOT want to select the ones that are in their collection. So I'm trying to say where item_id IS NOT in the user_collection with their user …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for rogerg

Hello, I try to call a header A if a user is logged in, and a header B if a user is not logged in on some pages I haven't managed to do so, I've tried to create a php function, but didn't manage to make it work. Then, I …

Member Avatar for rogerg
Member Avatar for mitmehta22

i am using MySQL database. i have one field PurchaseDate. i want following result e.g. : PurchaseDate between May-2010 and Aug-2011 pls help me to solve this problem. its urgent. thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for mitmehta22
Member Avatar for reco21

Hello, I'm trying to get results from a mysql database based on values in an array. My tables look like this 1. id | articles | thumbs | etc 2. tag_id | tag_name | article_id I'd like to get related articles based on the tags for that particular article. So …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for johndohmen1963

Who can help me with the following. a part of my code doesn't work and i do not know wy. <?php //from here it is working $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "bla", "bla"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("wordpress", $con); $sql1 ="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stamboom_landen …

Member Avatar for johndohmen1963
Member Avatar for sumanth.boss

When i Connect to Mysql using TURBO C++,im getting error unable to open include file mysql.h mysql_version.h mysql_con.h mysql_time.h i added the include files and set path . even then im getting error . help me :(

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for shahbaz13

Hi there, I am making a spell checker program with php with words stored in mysql. I use it to check unicode languages. But I do not get good suggestions with similar_text with percentage above 82. But if I decrease this percentage, I get many useless words. How can I …

Member Avatar for shahbaz13
Member Avatar for dwdata

I have a starting query that displays appointments and I am trying to expand to get different statistics: SELECT apt.user_id, apt.appt_id, apt.client_id, apt.time_start AS stime, FROM_UNIXTIME(apt.time_start,'%Y-%m-%d') AS ftime FROM tl_appt apt LEFT JOIN tl_rooms r on r.room_id = apt.room_id WHERE apt.appt_id IS NOT NULL AND apt.appt_status_id = '3' AND FROM_UNIXTIME(apt.time_start,'%Y-%m-%d') …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for hassanumair1

Hello! how can i sync or replicate my 2 db's on localhost xampp on windows. I want to replicate themselves as customer order something on my site and i am able to update his order and criteria as aearly as possible and also for security purpose. That if incase any …

Member Avatar for hassanumair1
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I pull data from a MYSQL database to populate a Drop down <td class="<?php print $Bank_ca_error;?>">Bank Name</td> <td> <select name="Bank" id="Bank" tabindex=24 style="color: <?php print $TextColour;?>"/> <option><?php print $_SESSION['Bank_ca'] ;?></option> <?php //Get Data to populate drop down $BankQuery = "SELECT BankName FROM tblbank ORDER BY BankName"; $BankResult = mysql_query …

Member Avatar for ehpratah

**Hi guys** I’m new to this site and i really need a professional help out here. I am trying to make a search form in my page and basically i can search my database already but i need to revised the code because the process of my **search form depends …

Member Avatar for neatric
Member Avatar for taylortay

I have scoured the web for the answer to this question. I am a nubie to PHP so the answer may be simple I just don’t see it. I’m trying to dynamically create two drop down menus from the results of one query. Sounds simple enough but I want to …

Member Avatar for taylortay
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

hi, just want to maek sure some thing. so i have a table called user. in user table i want to add a field called date of birth. but i dont know which type to choice. it has int, varchar, date, datetime etc. but no date of birth. do i …

Member Avatar for seslie
Member Avatar for robin99

hello all I try to store DateTime to mysql , but when i open the table in mysql command line I see that the hour is decrease 12 by it self , why this can happen ,? my insert command is insert = "Insert into Table1(DtIn)values('"+ hin.ToString("yyyy,MM,dd,HH,mm,ss")+"')";; hope someone help …

Member Avatar for robin99
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

[CODE] import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.lang.NullPointerException; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; /** * * @author Animesh Pandey */ public class anilet extends HttpServlet { protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); PrintWriter …

Member Avatar for ghul-mur
Member Avatar for venkateshyeluri

I am developing an java application for for login autentication form, I have pre saved username and password in my database. When admin enter his credetials, it validates to my DB and gives access to actual application Now, my application is used by admin and database is managed by DBA. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for my3h

Hi , I am trying to display images stored in database. Actually, i have stored image names with extenstion in the database, images are stored in my root directory images folder. Now i want to display all the images with other filelds in that table, in same page. I have …

Member Avatar for my3h
Member Avatar for soUPERMan

I have two tables namely student and subject joined by a table called student_subject. With the following structure student: +----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | student_ID | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | studentCode | …

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Member Avatar for nurnfs

Hi, every members, I am Nur, i want make a complete MLM site. i try to MLM Binary tree downline View on php code. it will be difficalt for me to make MySQL database or php coding. please help me any on. i add a link to example: 1) MLM …

Member Avatar for mohsinxn
Member Avatar for bcwoodz

actually i dont know where this post is suitable.anyway i need to know how can i set textarea lenth by annotation in the entity class to be stored in the MYSQL(actually 255 < characters).i used JPA.


The End.