10,940 Topics

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Member Avatar for Raadha

i have a database 'phar' which need to subract its values 'stk' through the request made and gets updated to the db. i used arrays to do subraction.. but not able to store back the values to the db in its position.. my calculations work perfect, but not able to …

Member Avatar for Kyle Wiering
Member Avatar for nadiam

Im trying to delete from multiple tables using full outer join like this: $del_id = (int) $del_id DELETE contact, child, spouse FROM contact FULL OUTER JOIN child ON child_name = c_name FULL OUTER JOIN spouse ON s_name = name WHERE contact_id = $del_id I get warning/notice: unknown table contact in …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for Sinan_2

I am new to Qt and I'm trying to connect a remote database. QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QMYSQL" ); db.setHostName("IP ADRESS"); // local or IP db.setPort(3306); // Default port is 3306 db.setUserName("DB USER"); // example root db.setPassword("PASSWORD"); db.setDatabaseName("DB NAME"); if( !db.open() ) { qDebug() << db.lastError(); qFatal( "Failed to connect." …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for gogs85

How to select image from folder by name in mysql. This is mysql query for other rows $query = "SELECT `posts`.`id` AS `post_id`, `categories`.`id` AS `category_id`,`title`,`contents`,`date_posted` ,`categories`.`name` FROM `posts` INNER JOIN `categories` ON `categories`.`id`= `posts`.`cat_id`"; how to select row 'image' where is name of image and call that image from …

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Member Avatar for johndohmen1963

Who can help me with the folowing I have javascrip variable and a php datatable And i wand to read the datatable with the javascript variable here is the code i have if(!isset($_POST['bewerk_gegevens'])) { ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var newland = document.getElementById("geboorte_land").value; if ((newland != "" && newland != "Duitsland") …

Member Avatar for johndohmen1963
Member Avatar for sireiz

Is there any syntax error in this code or query because i am not getting the required report? I have created a JFrame with JDatechoosr. When i select the dates and click view report, it gives me empty report while i know there is data within the specified date range. …

Member Avatar for sireiz
Member Avatar for engrjd91

I am trying a query in mysql. I have 3 tables which are linked by the same foriegn key ... Table 1 = students (PKey - stdnt_rfid_tag) Table 2 = student_attendance ( FKey - s_id for stdnt_rfid_tag ) Table 3 = users ( Fkey - s_id for stdnt_rfid_tag) In the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

I cant log in to wamp server although i get in the phpmyadmin. When i try to open my project i get access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password yes)

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Cek this syntax: root@ubuntu:/opt/lampp# ./lampp startmysql XAMPP: Starting MySQL...ok. root@ubuntu:/opt/lampp# ./lampp status Version: XAMPP for Linux 1.8.3-3 Apache is running. MySQL is not running. ProFTPD is running. I already start mysql yet it's still unable to run. Why is it?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for developer707

Hello to everyone. I have this table: CREATE TABLE `documents_category` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `description` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `active` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=37 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; I am trying …

Member Avatar for developer707
Member Avatar for junaid_5

I have two problems with this code. 1. when i refresh the page it uploads the file again. 2. how to i validate the form if required fields are not filled ? i have added the code validation but its not working and there are no errors. <?php if (isset($_POST['upload'])) …

Member Avatar for junaid_5
Member Avatar for Phillip_1

I am trying to add a Mysql Report to Reporting Server. I can call the stored proc and all the info appart from the date will show. So i was wondering if there was a way to do convert the date in mysql

Member Avatar for Shreyas_1

I have two different format of code for insert query using jsp+servlet+mysql. Code-1 ====== Class.forName(JDBC_DRIVER); // Open a connection out.println("Connecting to a selected database..."); con = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL, USER, PASSWORD); out.println("Connected database successfully..."); // Execute a query st = con.createStatement(); sql = "insert into users (name,email,password) values ('" + name + …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Phillip_1

I am currently trying to link a mysql Stored Procedure to a Microsoft SQL Reporting Server. It is coming up with a Syntax error. I believe this is down to the Date_from and Date_to Parameters. The query is below any help would be appreciated DELIMITER $$ USE `mydb`$$ DROP PROCEDURE …

Member Avatar for showman13

I was wondering if there is any way to do a single mysql query to do a count of filled positions in a multi-level structure to an indefinite depth. That sounds a bit cryptic, but this is what I would like to do if it is at all possible. we …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for burt.munn

I need some help with this project. I've gone as far as I can go, with no results, The inquiry form works, but I need to populate it with my sql table. I could only screen shot my sql and I have no idea of how to put it on …

Member Avatar for burt.munn
Member Avatar for CarterLangley

Hi guys, Got a problem uploading an image to a directory and then including that directory location into the database so that I can display the image. Here is the code I have so far. <div id="main_right"> <?php if ($picture) { ?> <img src="<?php echo "../images/teacher_photo/" . $picture ?>" alt="<?php …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for riahc3

Im doing a query and Im getting this: Error Code: 3. Error writing file '/tmp/MYYQVeZr' (Errcode: 28) Its not a space issue or a permission issue either: ![55777bcf7c6e92ac68de57e1f4b594f0](/attachments/large/1/55777bcf7c6e92ac68de57e1f4b594f0.png "55777bcf7c6e92ac68de57e1f4b594f0") Whats wrong?

Member Avatar for riahc3

Simple timediff: SELECT time_format(timediff('2014-04-24 09:11:37','2014-04-24 09:09:37'),'%H:%m:%s') as dif Returns 00:00:00 . Im problably missing something stupid, my apoligies...

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for staffmbm

I'm trying to add some mysql table columns to JSF table. And I'm getting error: /index.xhtml: The class 'logon.User' does not have the property 'description'. Please help User.java package logon; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Table; @Entity @Table(name="users") public class User { private int …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for arafath077

I created a Virtual host using WAMP Server.Its working.But its DB connection not working. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@kiwitravel DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/kiwi ServerName kiwitravel.localhost ErrorLog "logs/kiwitravel-error.log" CustomLog "logs/kiwitravel-access.log" common </VirtualHost> DB Connection class Database { const DB_HOST = 'localhost'; const DB_USER = 'root'; const DB_PASSWORD = ''; const DB_NAME = 'admin_kiwi'; public …

Member Avatar for arafath077
Member Avatar for nadiam

Dear All, im testing out a way to get data from database depending on the drop down selection and displaying the data into a table by using php. now my first issue which is really really frustrating me because i've done this dozens of time is that i get `Notice: …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for riahc3

I have a bunch of insert querys running and some of them fail with a duplciate entry. I want to see a log where it says "Error: Duplicate key" and that tells me the EXACT INSERT query that fails so I can see what keys are duplicated. Thanks

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rouse

I was taking a tutorial on PDO with PHP and MySQL and noticed I could not generate an exception from this code. I wonder what setting I need to put in place to generate the exception. If I shut down MySQL I can generate an error but with MySQL running …

Member Avatar for rouse
Member Avatar for junaid_5

Hi i have this image upload script, its giving me errors. this script should get description of the image from user and upload image to database. please someone could take a look at my code. i really messed up the code. i am puzzled now. <?php if(isset($_POST['upload']) && $_FILES['userfile']['size'] > …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for sunita_3

here i want to generate a graph using highchrats library.my graph is spline with column chart (combo chart).but my graph not generate with my code.so please check my code where is i am wrong.i think i am wrong in jason code..but i have a little bit knowledge in json .so …

Member Avatar for extjac

I have a table that will have several fields, such as counties, age_groups, gender, sports, etc.. on countries I will be storing data with this format["US","CA","DK","FI","RU","SE"] on age groups I will be storing data with this format["2000","1999","1998"] on age groups I will be storing data with this format["M","F"] on age …

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Member Avatar for riahc3

I have in a MySQL database with the column type being DateTime the following time: Timestamp: 9:34:09 9:34:23 9:34:45 9:34:50 9:35:09 9:36:17 But a DataGridView in C# only shows me 9:34 9:34 9:34 9:34 9:35 9:36 Why?

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for andrew0136

Look, Im pretty new to php and sql and need some help. Im trying to make a database that can store contact details of potential customers that are interested in a specific category. My problem is inserting muliple checkbox data into the database. My PHP and form (all in AddContact.php) …

Member Avatar for riahc3

I insert something simple like insert into table(pri1,pri2,value) values (1,1,1); insert into table(pri1,pri2,value) values (1,2,1); And in MySQL 5.6 they show up as: pri1 pri2 value 1 1 1 1 2 1 BUT In MySQL 5.1 I do the same thing and they show up as: pri1 pri2 value 1 …

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The End.