10,940 Topics

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Member Avatar for James_43

Hi all, I am running a mySQL database on a webserver hosting multiple Wordpress installations. It seems that database is getting swamped with memory and going into a continual loop of shutting down and restarting. A reboot fixes the issue temporarily, but I have no idea what I can do …

Member Avatar for James_43
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, While printing , the color what I gave in the box , is not coming while printing. How to fix the color

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for AkshatGupta

I am trying To display the content of the table selected(Imported from MySql) in a JTable whose Structure is unknown to me . I Have Successfully added columns in Jtable but not Able to add rows which the ResultSet Object Returns. Please Help me Insert The Row DATA . I …

Member Avatar for AkshatGupta
Member Avatar for James_43

A theoretical question about connecting to hidden services through PHP. Say I am writing an application on the clearnet that relies on data stored within a mySQL database that is hosted on a hidden Tor service. How would I initiate this connection? Some brief research has pointed me towards the …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Carsten_1

I'm currently working on a website; crafterguide.azurewebsites.net; and I was woundering how to get the best possible login/register/logout page, how get it where when someone creates/log's in to a(n) account that it redirects them to a profile page, and just some feed back and critisizum.

Member Avatar for James_43
Member Avatar for Maryam_7

I have the code . It is not properly showing output <?php session_start(); $servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = ""; $dbname = "forextrading"; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname ); $link = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { //echo "Failed …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for sashiksu

hey ! gd evening :) I'm just facing error while coding on vb.net. I have new customer form. Normaly it has many text boxes , one date time picker and five picture boxes. this is code snip : Dim mstream As New System.IO.MemoryStream() customerpic.Image.Save(mstream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg) Dim arrImage() As Byte = …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Abdelaziz_1

Hey Guys i need to copy value from table as integer to onther table in same data base like.. My program is to Add Silk Or Money into database by the user write the username into textbox1 and the amount of silk or money into textbox2 and the record need …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for savedlema

Greetings Daniweb! Just recently, I was able to integrate a Fingerprint device to my application. Can now scan fingerprints and save them to database using the INSERT TO syntax. But I can't get my application to match scanned fingerprint to one already stored in the database, so that I could …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

How I can group concat of ids with limit 2 and order by id desc? Means, need all the ids except first two ids in desc order. select group_concat(id) as ids from private_tuition_teacher_pdf where client_id = 14 and teacher_id = 15 limit 2 order by id desc

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for sashiksu

I'm wondering how to save image to MYSQL-DB via vb.net application. At the last I find some way to save image. But 'some type of images' doesn't save in that way. By 'some type of images' I mean diffrent widths,heights and resolutions. For example I use this code to save …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Hi, CREATE PROCEDURE `FindDuplicateExpenses`(IN `strExpenseDate` DATE, IN `strProfile` VARCHAR(50)) NO SQL SQL SECURITY INVOKER SELECT PD.Code, PD.ExpenseAuthorizedRefAmount, PD.FullName, PD.ExpenseDate, PD.ExpenseNatureID, PD.Ignore_Expense, PD.Profile FROM tblExpenses AS PD, (SELECT Profile, ExpenseAuthorizedRefAmount, FullName, ExpenseDate, ExpenseNatureID FROM tblExpenses GROUP BY Profile, ExpenseAuthorizedRefAmount, FullName, ExpenseDate, ExpenseNatureID HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) AS SUB1 WHERE PD.ExpenseAuthorizedRefAmount = …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for Natsu123

Hi, I am programming an app and facing a problem now. I want to Update my Database over the GUI from my App via PHP. My Problem is that the app always sends the value of the checkbox even if it is unchecked. I will post my Script below. update.php …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Ts91

Im making a website that works around a very basic MVC structure. I have three folders, the Model, View and Controller. I want to display the content of the database in the dropdown once the page has loaded. My view has: <div id="appCalc"> <form id="applianceCalc" method="POST" > <?php if(isset($error)) { …

Member Avatar for TexWiller
Member Avatar for Ts91

Hi guys! i have a dropdown list that is filled with data that is pulled from my database. Im stuck with populating the textbox based on the value thats selected from the dropdown box. My model currently looks like this: <?php require_once('../Config/config.php'); class AppCalc { public $dbconn; public function __construct() …

Member Avatar for TexWiller
Member Avatar for Hamis_2

Hi guys,, I developed a Sales Management System its is a stand alone system, i installed in the Pc at first when it had few data it was working finely. Then when data increased it started to be slow in its excution taking some seconds to complete the excution, eventually …

Member Avatar for Hamis_2
Member Avatar for Natsu123

Hi guys, I am programming an Android App and I am trying to do a multiple SQL insert but it doesn't work. Can someone help me? And I also want to have the ID from the new created student. How do I get that ? <?PHP if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){ $Name = $_POST['Name']; …

Member Avatar for Za3mi
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to reset mysql myphpmyadmin password: Cannot log in to the MySQL server Username: root Password: 12345 And have not been successful yet reseting it. This is my config.inc.php <?php /* * This is needed for cookie based authentication to encrypt password in * cookie */ $cfg['blowfish_secret'] …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for gann1

Sending SMS through gateway was one of the features in our project. In our first tries, the complete message was succeefully sent.. We used this Code <?php header("location:http://api.clickatell.com/http/sendmsg?user=thisistheusername&password=thisisthepassword&api_id=thisistheapiid&to=". $_POST['mnumber'] ."&text='". $_POST['message'] ."'"); ?> But our panelists required us to put an alert that the message was sent.. and when we …

Member Avatar for martack

I'm developing a new website using a MySQL database and VS2015. I'm trying to get default values displayed when the user hits "new" on a detailsview. I'm am trying code that fires on Databinding but when the user hits "new" I get a Nullreferenceexception. Users on other forums claimed that …

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Member Avatar for Teja_1

i am using php with xampp server and i am getting the following error while i am running the program. Unknown column 'firstname' in 'field list' (heres the program) CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `customerdb` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci; USE `customerdb`; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for …

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Member Avatar for James_43

I'm having some real trouble running some basic queries that I should be able to run easily. I have a table called settings. When I query `SELECT * FROM settings` I get the output: +----+-----------------+--------------------------------+ | ID | key | value | +----+-----------------+--------------------------------+ | 1 | view | default | …

Member Avatar for James_43
Member Avatar for Shattered

So I am working on a messanger, and I am having problems automatically fetching new messages from the database. If anyone can fix me up with a peice of code which can fetch new information from the database after every 2 seconds or so. I am very new to working …

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Member Avatar for ismael ahm@d

Dear Team - Hello to Everyone!!! pleae note that i m trying jump to test.php page from index.php/html using ajax and mysql, simple if text-input **not found** in table so it should go to test.php else stay on index.php/html page with ajax alerts, but from index page everytime receiving NOT …

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Member Avatar for vishalonne

I am trying to upload file from postantivirus1.jsp after selecting the file from postantivirus.jsp Here is the code Postantivirus.jsp Anti Virus Software : </td><td><input type=file name="fname"><br/> <input type=submit value="submit"></td><td><input type=submit value="clear"> Postantivirus1.jsp String s=request.getParameter("fname"); System.out.println(s+" s"); FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(s); System.out.println(fis+" fis"); String s1=application.getRealPath("/"); String destFolder = s1 + "images/"; s1= …

Member Avatar for සශික

I'm making money lending system. On that I use mysql database. I want to find customer's who skipped their daily instalment. I try this code. But It has error. ***Prveious code:*** SELECT l.loan_id, l.custormer_id,custormer_name FROM loan l JOIN income i ON l.loan_id = l.loan_id WHERE l.loan_id NOT IN (SELECT loan_id …

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Member Avatar for mishu007

Suppose this is a Table Create Table Person( PersonID varchar(8), PersonLN varchar(16), PersonFN varchar(16), PersonADD varchar(64), PersonPH varchar(16)); so there are many enrty in that table.. So how to select the lastest row entry from that table? what will be the Mysql statement? take PersonID as a Primary key..........

Member Avatar for Anvesh_1
Member Avatar for scubbastevie

Hi Guys, I am a novice at coding, firstly I knowthe functions in my code are deprecated in future versions of PHP, I'm running 5.5. I have a few days to get my current code working with this desired functionality which is a throw away prototype, so for now I'm …

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Member Avatar for RudyM

Hi all, I'm having an issue with a local copy of a live WordPress site. The local site itself "http://localhost/mywordpress/" works, but when I try to access the wp-login.php page, it redirects me to the production site. I do the following under a local XAMPP setup: copy the production WP …

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Member Avatar for pranay1995

Hi all I have a system that im working on the the code works fine it, but theres a part thats giving me issues below is the code that loops through the number of records in the table and generates the same number of update queries with the random numbers …

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The End.