10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for Niels_1

I'm trying to convert my php code into OOP. I'm using Datatables with jquery en ajax + JSON to load projects into a table. But i want to convert this code into OOP, but i always get a invalid json response. Im new into writing OOP, so could anyone help …

Member Avatar for TexWiller
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I have searched Google and Youtube for Facebook log in toturials but couldn't find something useful. Do you know any good articles or website or even a Youtube toturial that covers the facebook log in system? How did you learn it?

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Stefce

Here is the error it gives me Warning: mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in C:\xampp\htdocs\bootstrap\tickets_info.php on line 27 db problem. Warning: main(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in C:\xampp\htdocs\bootstrap\tickets_info.php on line 31 Fatal error: Wrong SQL: SELECT `Uplata`, `Dobivka`, `Date`, `sharedTime`, `match1`, `match2`, `match3`, `match4`, `match5`, `match6`, `match7`, `match8`, `match9`, `match10`, `match11`, `match12`, …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for kriwut.keawmit

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.OleDb; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; //Add Mysql Library using System.Configuration; namespace MindLab { public partial class ImportFile : Form { MySqlConnection myConnect; MySqlCommand cmd; string strSQL = null; public ImportFile() { InitializeComponent(); //InitializeOpenFileDialog(); } private …

Member Avatar for Dawn2016
Member Avatar for sashiksu

In few months ago I was finding a way to backup mysql database. After those time again I found some intersting code part from web. I really thanks for first owner of this amazing code. I will put it below. But first, I must said one thing I'm just unsure …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for RudyM

Hi all, I'll be working on a project that basically takes a UID and displays basic user info like courses taken. Seems simple, but I'd like to read suggestions as to how to best tackle this. I would like to protect against possible XSS attacks and SQL injections. Any suggestions? …

Member Avatar for jacks009
Member Avatar for masimies

Hello, Another issue came up, when needed to run mass-functions. archiveinv.php is generating html-file with result of query function. This part is working fine. And launched from form-link "archiveinv.php?offerid=$offerid" does it's job. But, when i need to launch many of them in same time, with array result, it's harder to …

Member Avatar for masimies
Member Avatar for Niels_1

I'm learning the ways off writing code in OOP, but i have a file where i do not know how to change it in oop. I have written php code before, but dont know how to convert this file in OOP cant somebody help me with a example of my …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for hrushi9

How to create image of receipt using **file_put_contents** or **imagecreatefromstring** , **imagejpeg**? I have following code, which generates corrupted images, when I open images it shows **invalid image** And how to email generated image ? ( *optional* ) Thanks in advance. $html_code = ' <div class=confirmation-wrapper id=test> <div class=container> <div …

Member Avatar for hrushi9
Member Avatar for hallianonline

I am trying to delete selected record from my database which uses MySQL and Visual Basic 6 but its not working even no error I am getting in it. Here is my code for connection and also for button click Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset Public cn As New ADODB.Connection …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for sashiksu

I'm just trying to connect vb.net application to my cpanel web host space's mysql database. I got some idea from internet and tryied. But It doesn't work for me. If you know about this help me. I think it was great help for others too. my whole code is this …

Member Avatar for Marlon_3
Member Avatar for Praveen_15

Hi everyone i need help in getting value from 3 depenedable dropdown menu and after selecting option from 3 dropdown menu the data showed be shown in textbox eg. First value **package1** Second Value **car1** Third value **Type** and textbox value **Rate1** **Rate2** **Rate3** Please help me in this Thanks …

Member Avatar for Praveen_15
Member Avatar for nunu_psu

Greetings everyone, I'm still new to android programming and currently leanrning how to connect to DB. I'm following a online tutorial but I'm still facing problems. The tutorial is about creat a registration form and sending it to the database through volley. I'm using .hostinger.ae as host and Android studio. …

Member Avatar for sashiksu

I'm looking more and more about answer for my question. When I open mysql query browser first time, there is place that we can create new mysql connection. I want to create connection like this. In the 4 computers connected to a LAN network. I name these computers A,B,C,D for …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Abdelaziz_1

imports system.data.sqlclient mysqlconn = New SqlConnection mysqlconn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + txtServerName.Text + ";initial catalog=" + txtdatabasename.Text + ";initial catalog=" + txtshardacc.Text + ";user id=" + textusername.Text + ";password=" + txtpassword.Text Dim queryresult As Integer Try mysqlconn.Open() command = New SqlCommand("select COUNT (*) as numRows from _Char Where CharName16='" & …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for ribrahim

Dear All, I'm developing a php system which contains over 50000 images in a directory. Is there any tools which help me to do a search script to find a similar images in that directory. What I'm looking for is the user can upload the image and the script retreive …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Marco_4

Hello, simple information. I was creating the connection to the database files with various functions, such as: "Get One, getAll". I wondered if their syntax was safe against sql attacks, though in fact could be improved with the inclusion of the bind, but do not know how to make them …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for godfreysseki

Hello, Help with the php code to select things from the database, put them in ckeck boxes and use the checkbox to select what will return in another table in the database. Thank you.

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for shashigowda

Hi, how to pass variable value inside js. i want to add **Days** value to **From** date and dispaly it as **To** date here is my code,please go through it,i have explained in comments HTML days:<input type="text" id="capped_days">//manual i/p From:<input id="dt1" type="text">//date picker1 To:<input id="dt2" type="text">//datepicker2 javaScript $("#dt1").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd-M-yy", …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Amaina

I am at my wits end. I have written this query which is aimed at importing my csv data uinto mysql table 'refs' load data local infile '/home/amaina/Documents/march2016.csv' into table refs fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' escaped by '' lines terminated by '\n' ignore 1 rows; My pain …

Member Avatar for Amaina
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan
Member Avatar for modernfrt

Good day everyone, I'm trying to save an inputted data using JTextfield in JAVA GUI into MySQL database. But when i pressed the save button nothing happens. I want to show you all my work right now. Please try to help me, Thank you in advance! if(e.getSource().equals(save)) { //THE SAVE …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for theflashbr

The system basically work in this series: a new registration is made in the database, the system sends me an e-mail notifcando a new record.

Member Avatar for dean8710
Member Avatar for Marco_4

Hello, I ask your help in order to use this class. I need your explicit example is the code and form to use it properly. http://www.phpclasses.org/package/9683-PHP-Validate-and-add-watermark-to-uploaded-image-files.html#view_files $upload = new ImageOperations(); ext and the correct form. Thank you in advance for your help.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for babaji007

I was not aware of PDO or MYSQLi functions before developing the project in PHP (Version 5.5) and MYSQL. But now the project is almost completed but yet to launch the software. If I launch the project, what problems will I face? Please help me out. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for janicemurby

hi all im in the middle of following a tutorial online for a rating system and im encountering a problem when i click a number of 1/5 to rate a topic the rating is not going into the database can someone check the code to see what going off sql …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for shany0786

Hello everyone i have facing problem in creating a array of sub categories. below is my html code,where user can add category name crossponding this he can add any number of sub category its image and detail by adding on add-more sub category,(form is duplicated by clicking button) <input type="text" …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for shany0786

hello all i have following $_POST array array(5) { ["addcatagory"]=> string(8) "CATEGORY" ["reg_admin_id"]=> string(2) "25" ["subcatagory"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "SUB CAT 1" [1]=> string(9) "sub cat 2" } ["subCat_Detais"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "AAAAAAAAA" [1]=> string(8) "BBBBBBBB" } ["submit"]=> string(15) "Submit Catagory" } now what i want to achieve …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for iqlas

I have two tables tbl_lang and tbl_unicode as described below: tbl_lang lang_id lang_name lang_code 1 Français fr 2 العربية ar 3 Deutsche ge tbl_unicode ent_id ent_name fr ar ge 1 lbl_username Nom d'utilisateur اسم المستخدم Benutzername 2 lbl_password mot de passe كلمه السر Passwort While displaying in the Datagridview, i …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for sashiksu

I'm looking more and more about answer for my question. When I open mysql query browser first time, there is place that we can create new mysql connection. I want to create connection like this. In the 4 computers connected to a LAN network. I name these computers A,B,C,D for …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das

The End.