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Member Avatar for vivosmith

Hi, I tried to get this code to work, and the gist is I am trying to allow the user to edit their inputs by allowsing them to edit past submissions. But even after I put "<?php echo ?>" tags in there, it still does not work. It worked perfectly …

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Member Avatar for Linda_6

Hello everyobody, I'm trying to do a presentation of MD5 algorithm in my class. I would like to give an example of md5 hash in every programming language. I found a useful website like http://md5-sha.com/ a with examples in all other languages, but i still want to present Java too …

Member Avatar for Linda_6
Member Avatar for vivosmith

I inserted into user_name and user_password the values zach and sha1('zach'). I then tried to retrieve it with SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE user_name='zach' && user_password=SHA1('zach'); But it shows zero results. When I insert it it shows, but I can't retrieve it. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for vivosmith
Member Avatar for Acurapassion

"Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysqld.sock' (2)" Here's my code: <?php $dbhost=$_POST['dbhost']; // Host name $dbusername=$_POST['dbusername']; // Mysql username $dbpassword=$_POST['dbpassword']; // Mysql password $db_name=$_POST['database']; // Database name $tbl_name=$_POST['tablename']; // Table name $action=$_POST['action']; if($action == 'connect') { if(mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbusername", "$dbpassword") == true) { if(mysql_select_db("$db_name") == true) { echo('Connected …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for brianbabu

my controller function public function destroy($id){ /* Deleting a product */ Product::destroy($id); // 1 way return redirect()->route('product.index'); } I tried using both the methods for deleting but it isn't deleting the records in MySQL although it does return with "true" Is there any configuration am missing? This is the form …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for සශික

Recently I saved boolean value by radio command button . Now I want to retrive that value to search form. Please help me ????

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for lightningrod66

I have a form on our website that a user can fill out for custom product. I want the form data to be 1) stored into a mysql database AND after storing said data, 2) email the same data to our sales department. 1) The form data DOES get stored …

Member Avatar for Ryan Mark
Member Avatar for සශික

I making application using vb.net and mysql database(mysql query broweser). In my programm there is two date time pickers (dtpisf & dtpist). I want to run this application like this, when I select two dates from date time pickers and click button it will show total of column in text …

Member Avatar for සශික
Member Avatar for mexabet

I'm trying to automatically populate a navigation menu based on available categories in the database. As follows is my code: <?php $sidenav = query("SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM prod_cat ORDER By cat_name LIMIT 20"); if ($sidenav != false) { $sidenav->execute(); while($result = $sidenav->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH)) { echo "<div class='left_button'><a href='/customcms/products/index.php?page=list-product&category={$result['cat_id']}'>{$result['cat_name']}</a></div>"; } } ?> …

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Member Avatar for සශික

I used mysql query broweser to create database and tables. but when I run this code it doesn't show results. But there is no error SELECT * FROM expenses WHERE datee BETWEEN 01/01/2016 and 01/09/2016; can anyone help me ?

Member Avatar for සශික
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello the same issue has troubled me in the past. I have a autocomplete script that the user chooses people to send them something. I use to store multiple values in one row. That is the id of the selected people that the user chooses. Thats not the proper thing …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for Sophia_1

Hi everyone, am trying to import excel file to 2 tables using php but unable to do so. The 1st table is Kra (kraid,kra) and 2nd table Kpi (kpiid,kpi,kraid). The foreign key for Kpi is kraid. When i import the file the following message appears "Invalid File:Please upload CSV file.", …

Member Avatar for Sophia_1
Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy

Hi Guys, Do you have any ideas on how to create and read barcodes in PHP? Ive been researching it but still I did'nt get answers. Thank You!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi In my table , I have date of birth value like 1991/10/21, I want to display that date of birth like: 21/10/1991(Twentynineth October One thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine) date of birth in numbers and in Characters also. How to do that, it has to do dynamically?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for stephen_UK

In this pseudo example I have a table called **carsales** which contains 2 columns called **date** and **make** Every time a salesperson sells a car they enter the date in the **date** column and model of the car for example Ford, Honda, Audi in the **make** column. The required output …

Member Avatar for janicemurby

hi i have a script created for me and im attempting to add user_id so it it gets the userid from the users table so far i have done CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `checkbox` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(50) NOT NULL, `male` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dhooley

Ok so im looking to create a simple booking system as part of my Final Year Project. I have a locally hosted mySQL database created and linked to using php. I have created a databse called reservations with 3 tablels (Available, reserves and confirms). Basically what I am looking to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello i want to make notification when new message is received, i have a row `seen` with values `0` and `1` if is 0 then its unread else is seen i got this code but when it displays the output shows the number of rows but for example i have …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for ramsiva
Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for සශික

I'm new to vb.net :rolleyes: I have form and it contain two date time pickers(dtpfrom & dtpto) and lable (lbltotal) and button (btnview) I want to pick data between two dates from mysql table. mysql table name is 'daily_income' can anyone help me ?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ZER09

It could be a dumb question, and tried to search for it and found nothing. I been using mysql for years(not that to long) but i never had tried mysql transactions. Now my question is, what would happen if i issue an insert or delete statement from multiple clients using …

Member Avatar for ZER09
Member Avatar for Latrell_vie

My php file connnects to my sql database , following code works <?php $servername = "globalxxx.com.mysql"; $username = "globalxxx_com"; $password = "YS4xxx"; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } echo "Connected successfully" $sql = "SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM …

Member Avatar for _martinh
Member Avatar for Daudi_1

Hello, I keep having this error whenever I try to post a reply on my forum website. Here is my code: <?php session_start(); include ('dbconn.php'); $comment = nl2br(addslashes($_POST['comment'])); $cid = $_GET['cid']; $scid = $_GET['scid']; $tid = $_GET['tid']; $insert = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO replies (`category_id`, `subcategory_id`, `topic_id`, `author`, `comment`, `date_posted`) VALUES …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for SirMahlon

i have an echo statement. which am looping columns. and i want to use this onerror command <img src="http://subinsb.com/to-an-image" onerror="this.src='img/delogo.jpg';"/> but not working. how do i do this. thanks echo ' <div class="col-lg-5 col-md-5 col-xs-12"> <h4 class="font_head_check">' . $title . '<span class="box_type_unik">For Sale</span></h4> <p class="font_check">' . $town . '</p> <span …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi , I need a calculation method to calculate multiple marks for an Individual students. Based on standard id and section id I showed list of students, and subjects dynamically, so that, for each student n number of subjects will display. When entering marks, for each student and for all …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for mexabet

I have a custom function called "query" with PDO statement in the functions.php file: /** * Executes SQL statement, possibly with parameters, returning * an array of all rows in result set or false on (non-fatal) error. */ function query(/* $sql [, ... ] */) { // SQL statement $sql …

Member Avatar for NONONO123

Hi all, I'm facing this error while following a tutorial. Warning: mysqli_result::fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be integer, string given in C:\xampp\htdocs\client\login.php on line 12 [] Here is my php <?PHP include_once("connection.php"); if( isset($_GET['format']) && $_GET['format'] == "json" ) { $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_client " ; $result = …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for janicemurby

hi im attempting to get all selected checkboxes to show in a database column. But ive tried adding a sql string for database to the code below to add the selected to database but nothing is coming up. where is it best to add the string <?php $aDoor = $_POST['formDoor']; …

Member Avatar for Galbatorix
Member Avatar for geoamins2

Could you answer? I've a table in mysql database the structure is like: table name: img_tbl (id, image, size, format, etc..) image defined as blob datatype inside the table. i can retrieve single image from mysql database by using the following code. [CODE] $sql = "SELECT image,size,format FROM img_tbl"; // …

Member Avatar for Pallavi_1
Member Avatar for janicemurby

hi all i have duplicated a script i had created and adapted it to something else i want and now im getting a Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_interests_data_from_post() in /home/jktempla/public_html/checkboxes/check.php on line 8 can someone help with this heres the coding for that section <?php include("connection.php"); $interests = …

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The End.