104 Topics
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Hello, i am programming a spreadsheet as my assignment. I have done it but the last step is to make it so uncalculated cells linked to other uncalculated cells need to be calculated. meaning if A1 hold the formula A1 = a2+a3 and if A3 in turn holds another formula … | |
Here is what i want to do : I have a laptop, a LCD TV connected with a DVI cable. I want to set up a loop presentation to run all day. It runs very well, i setup up with dual display, and full screen, and powerpoint has a "play … | |
Hello Friends, I am trying to automate PowerPoint using VB6. I want to dynamically create an organizational chart in Powepoint, from a VB6 application. I have Office 2003. I am getting error on the following line, when i try to add a node in the Organizational Chart. ppSlide3.Shapes.AddOLEObject 100, 150, … | |
Hi, I have 13 OpenOffice Impress files (ODP) with a total of about 300 slides containing text and pictures. I need to convert these into 1 OpenOffice Writer file (ODT). I have been trying and searching for some time now, but I didn't found a good solution yet... besides manually … | |
Office 2010 awaits us later this year, and I've been wondering what it could possibly offer customers that would compel us to buy or upgrade to this software. Office software in general progressed about as far as most of us needed it to go somewhere in the 90s. Since then … | |
Ok I have been looking for this for a while it is the ultimate list of repositories for the Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake distro. It will give you so many program choices you wont know what to do. simply goto your terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (I chose gedit … | |
Hi, Im trying to transfer some text from the richTextBox into an existing MS word template at a specific location. I am able to transfer text to any location i like, but i want to retain the formatting of the text from the richTextBox. Im trying to copy the text … | |
I know just little enough about building macros in Excel with VB to be dangerous and currently have the following situation. I've created a macro for use with log files that generally contain the same information. The macro was recorded using the Ctrl+F action to find text string 1, go … | |
[URL="http://blogs.forrester.com/information_management/2009/05/microsoft-office-still-owns-the-desktop.html"]Sherri McLeish from Forrester[/URL] reports that 80 percent of enterprise customers still use Microsoft Office. While this is down significantly from the 95 percent reported in this [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_27/b3991412.htm"]2006 BusinessWeek article[/URL], it still makes me wonder why so many companies would continue to use Microsoft Office given the current economy and … | |
I downloaded and installed [URL="http://www.ubuntu.com"]Ubuntu[/URL] 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and am happy to say it's an overall success. Of course, I would say that because I love Ubuntu; it's my favorite Desktop Linux distribution and I've seen a lot of them. Being Debian-based, it is rock-solid, stable, easily updatable and a … | |
There are number of factors coming together that lead me to believe that open source's moment is right now, today, this year. Open source already runs so many things and just last week as Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States, he asked Scott McNealy of … | |
What a difference a year makes. Was it really only in August 2007 that Google added the Sun developed StarOffice suite to the Google Pack software collection? Yes, it was. Back then Google was happy to have a $70 value package available for free to Google Pack downloaders. Things, apparently, … | |
With no end in sight to the economic malaise and a good chance that this could be lasting a while, it's time to find ways to cut your IT budget. Just today OpenOffice.org announced that [URL="http://www.openoffice.org/"]the Release Version of OpenOffice 3.0[/URL] is available on its web site, and it's proving … | |
Microsoft is betting that people would rather fork over $US20 a year for the legal right to use its Office application suite than install an old or pirated copy or use one of a growing number of free alternatives. Having been faced with that exact decision myself this week, I … | |
Easier installation, 3D desktop effects, digital music and video management and an up-to-date OpenOffice are among the enhancements in openSUSE 11.0, which became generally available this week. Designed for the novice as well the advanced, installation options include a choice of Gnome 2.22 or KDE 4 desktop environments and the … | |
[URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL] has announced that it is joining the [URL="http://www.openoffice.org/"]OpenOffice.org[/URL] development community, with an initial involvement concerning code contributions it has been developing as part of its Lotus Notes product. The code includes accessibility enhancements, and IBM is expected to make ongoing contributions to the feature richness and code quality of … | |
[URL="http://www.linspire.com"]Linspire[/URL] and Microsoft in agreement over something? Although it sounds unlikely at first glance, that is exactly what is happening as the developer of the Linspire commercial and Freespire community desktop Linux operating systems announces it will join Microsoft in its efforts to improve the ability of OpenOffice.org users to … | |
Yesterday, [URL="http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=19660"]an email was sent[/URL] to the OpenOffice developers that proclaimed the development of a new version of OpenOffice -- one that's going to be available via the web. Using a technology that's been in development for 3 years already, Gravity Zoo Framework, a special programming library aimed at online … | |
Following Google's announcement just yesterday that they are going to develop a full office suite for the web, they've just recently added a new feature to Google Spreadsheets: charts. This isn't quite your regular spreadsheet program, as it's still quite basic and was not much more than a portable way … | |
For those who may not have heard, former network leader Novell (who owns SuSE Linux) made a deal with Microsoft exchanging some intellectual property rights. Those in the business-end of IT know that Microsoft is busy applying for thousands of patents concerning Intellectual Property -- have a look at Network … | |
What Caused Microsoft to Create DirectX10? It all started with the Windows Error Reporting Tool. Microsoft was collecting hundreds of Bugs per day only for its Operating System. Microsft Found out that 70% of all errors and bad user Experience in Windows XP comes from Graphic Display drivers. First, Microsft … | |
Intel officially announced the introduction of 10 Core 2 Duo and Core Extreme microprocessors for desktops, workstations and notebooks. Intel said it has over 550 customer system designs underway, with the CPUs built on 65 nanometre technology. Machines using the desktop chips will be available in early August, while notebooks … | |
After months of possible merger information it finally happens and I am surprised at the amount of money that AMD had to spend on this. This is a huge step for both companies. Currently Intel is the lead manufacturer of microprocessors, semiconductors, and graphics chips with AMD being the second … | |
The world of malware could be turned upon its head if the Blue Pill virtualization based rootkit due to be demonstrated at the [URL="http://syscan.org"]SyScan 06[/URL] Conference, Singapore, in a couple of weeks proves as undetectable as the security researcher who has created it claims. [URL="http://invisiblethings.org/"]Joanna Rutkowska[/URL] is a stealth malware … | |
I was recently working on a personal project to setup a PVR system for my living room. The first part of this project was relatively easy; I just bought another dell computer. The next step was a little bit complicated, see, personally I would typically like to use an OS … | |
At [URL="http://www.supercomp.de/"]ISC2006[/URL], the 21st International Supercomputer Conference, in Dresden, Germany today an interesting announcement was made by [URL="http://www.tyan.com"]Tyan Computer[/URL]: the launch of the Personal Supercomputer. Not quite a desktop machine, it is being marketed as a deskside unit, the [URL="http://www.tyan.com/products/html/clusterservers.html"]Typhoon PSC[/URL] certainly promises to pack quite a punch. The 8 … | |
According to just released research from Michigan based [URL="http://www.onlymyemail.com"]OnlyMyEmail [/URL]Inc it would appear that Sender ID is ineffective as an anti-spam solution. Despite the high profile, and frankly somewhat aggressive PR campaign by [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/safety/technologies/senderid/default.mspx"]Microsoft[/URL], the 60 day statistical analysis certainly suggests that it isn’t the Holy Grail of anti-spam that … | |
The reports that are popping up all over the web that [URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL], along with [URL="http://www.gatech.edu"]Georgia Tech[/URL], has [URL="http://www.gatech.edu/news-room/release.php?id=1019"]demonstrated [/URL]the world’s fastest ever chip are, sadly, not quite as exciting as you might at first think. Not least because this wasn’t a chip at all, but rather a transistor, and even … | |
The triple-gate transistor is not new, almost exactly three years ago on June 12th 2003 at the [URL="http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/releases/20030612tech.htm"]Symposia of VLSI Technology and Circuits in Kyoto[/URL], Japan, [URL="http://www.intel.com"]Intel [/URL]was heralding it as the future of chip design. However, the fact that at the same [URL="http://www.vlsisymposium.org/index.html"]Symposium this week in Hawaii[/URL], Intel reveals … | |
Multiple core processors are set to dominate the marketplace by the end of 2007, after [URL="http://www.amd.com"]AMD [/URL]follows [URL="http://www.intel.com"]Intel [/URL]down the ‘more performance for less power’ road. Having already beaten Intel to the dual-core processor punch, the announcement from AMD that it will ship four-core processors for high end desktops, servers … |
The End.