104 Topics

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Member Avatar for ozzyx123

hi everyone i am currently building a program which logs into an email, extracts information like the date, sender, subject, number of copies, and takes any attachments and puts them into a directory, than takes the number of pages of the pdf. i have already built a program which does …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for xopenex

Hello Everyone! So ive done some searching and havent been able to find what i need. Partly because i'm not sure exactly what words i should be googling! I am wanting to download gmail emails, and then display them in a spreadsheet like format. I know that emails have unique …

Member Avatar for xopenex
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I need to make a system where I can accept input from the audience, and it'll show live on a PowerPoint Slide. I can create the user input system, but I don't know how to make a PowerPoint macro that when run will either: [LIST=1] [*]Retrieve text from a …

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou
Member Avatar for Blakeman321

Hi all, Ok so here's the deal, I work for a world wide recruiting company which has offices in multiple locations, for each office our sales team have a windows xp desktop connected to a flat screen(via VGA) displaying a power point presentation showing I.E. Most sales, annual income, blah …

Member Avatar for Blakeman321
Member Avatar for kungfujam

The below bit of code is running very very slowly. I cant see why this should be but there seems to be almost a second delay when I'm using f8 to run through the code bit by bit when I get to the end if...any clues? [code] Sub firstResponse() Dim …

Member Avatar for SpiritualMadMan
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hi ! I want to develop an application in vb.net which can save any open Text Document , Notepad ,Ms-Word ,Ms-Excel etc , The main theme is that my application simple send the SAVE command . i use SendKeys.send("^S") , SendKeys.send("^ + S"),SendKeys.send("{^+S}"),SendKeys.send("{^}+{S}"),SendKeys.send("{Ctrl}+ {S}") . but nothing happening.can Any one …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ecdmonkey

Background: I have a Drupal site with around 150 users. Each of those users has a spreadsheet that they send to me weekly. I've uploaded all of the spreadsheets to an Editgrid account and I've created a custom drupal block to display there Live spreadsheet and edit it so removing …

Member Avatar for ecdmonkey
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I've been following the tussle between Google and Microsoft this week with a mixture of amusement and amazement. If you haven't been following along at home, Microsoft took a dip into the cloud with the release Office 2010 Online this past week. Meanwhile, Google, feeling a wee bit threatened by …

Member Avatar for fast5
Member Avatar for barney789

I have a excel spreadsheet that contains the following information: part name, part number, calibration, rev. level and other information. I also have a form that I have to fill out every month using the information from the above mentioned spreadsheet. Is there a way to input the spreadsheet information …

Member Avatar for barney789
Member Avatar for kipslem

Hello, Could someone please help me with this problem? I have developed a small application that calls up several powerpoint slideshows that are saved as .pps. The user interface screen has a textbox, when the user enters the file name of the powerpoint it is called up, but it opens …

Member Avatar for kipslem
Member Avatar for NotThereAnymore

I am running Excel 2007 on Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit. I was sent a spreadsheet which uses the earlier Excel format (97 to 2003). I can open and edit it fine, but when I save I get a message saying that I am using features which are not compatible …

Member Avatar for jaydeee
Member Avatar for Neversleepin

Hello, i would to import the last modified txt file from a directory (c:\Folder) using a macro in Excel. I have a folder which is incremented everyday by a new txt file. The goal is to import the last txt file added in the direrctory. I've already created a an …

Member Avatar for Vertana

I've been racking my brain over this for a few days now. I'm attempting to write a program in Python 3.1 / PyQt 4.7.5 that will open a Powerpoint, go through every shape on every slide, determine if it is a picture and then save that picture to the specified …

Member Avatar for Vertana
Member Avatar for PhilHernandez

How do I add a Macro to an Excel Sheet using Late Binding? I had the code working using Excel(2010) PIA: [CODE] //create a new VBA control module oModule = oWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(VBIDE.vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_StdModule); //Add the VBA macro to the new code module oModule.CodeModule.AddFromString(sCode) //sCode is the VBA macro I created;[/CODE] I now …

Member Avatar for Sebastian_
Member Avatar for stevenfagan

I'm using ASP to dynamically generate an XML file (for an RSS feed) that pulls information from a SQL DB. Users input the data into the DB using a UI that is a straightforward html form. However, there is a textarea field in that form in which most users seem …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi All, I have a small problem that I am trying to solve...It regards storing string values in an array and outputting them to a .csv file. As you know the .csv file accepts inputs delimeted by commas ",", however the arrayed values are also delimeted by commas therefore $arr[$i]="1,2,3"; …

Member Avatar for fredfletcher
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, I have an application written in VB.net for batch print jobs. As part of the application, the user selects two printer trays to use to print the batch to (one plain paper the other coloured for coversheets and batch seperators) I had this working until we upgraded our …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for shamagantu

The problem: Java will not install on my laptop. My laptop was purchased a little over three and a half months ago. It is an eMachines 440-1394; Windows 7, two Gb RAM, 250 Gb HDD When I purchased the laptop, I was able to install openOffice (with Java? I am …

Member Avatar for apines
Member Avatar for n_e

I just updated Ubuntu to Lucid Lynx and also got an OpenOffice update: it's now 3.2. When I started it, the progressbar flashes to 100% in a second or two but to get from there to the actual program takes about two minutes. When I "top", I see that Java …

Member Avatar for alaukik
Member Avatar for harikumar86

[CODE]Dim tp As Integer Dim str, flt(), strflt, sflt As String Dim l, l1, l2, l3, i, j, t As Integer 'Title code Private Sub Title_Change() Dim commas As Integer Dim pos As Integer Dim str As String l = Len(Title.Text) If l >= 80 Then MsgBox "Title Exceeded the …

Member Avatar for harikumar86
Member Avatar for pssubash

I want to be able to open a PowerPoint file in PHP and copy read all the contents? How it is possible,have any idea?

Member Avatar for pssubash
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I read a blog post this morning on the Mini-Microsoft blog called [URL="http://minimsft.blogspot.com/2009/07/microsoft-has-turned-corner.html"]Microsoft Has Turned the Corner[/URL] and it got me wondering if they really have, or if it was merely wishful thinking on the part of the author. Then I saw that Microsoft had released [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/office/2010/"]Office 2010 videos[/URL] and …

Member Avatar for Tech_ww
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

The world’s leading productivity suite is coming to a Mac near you late October and it will surprisingly save you an arm or a leg. Three editions will be available upon its venture onto store shelves: Mac Home and Business, Mac Home and Student, and Mac Academic 2011. [ATTACH]16318[/ATTACH]Microsoft Office …

Member Avatar for icntoaun

I need to move a chart from one sheet to another in an Excel workbook, and I am having issues with different versions of Windows and Excel. Here is the code I am currently using: (excelApp is declared correctly) [code]excelApp.Workbooks("Book 1").Sheets("Sheet 1").ChartObjects(1).Chart.Location(2, "Chart 2")[/code] This works perfectly and consistently with …

Member Avatar for exonwarrior

Hey all, I'm working a spreadsheet in excel. Basically, it looks like this: In Column A there's a 4-digit number. Column B, there's 2 things one cell with an entry like this A0000000, for example, and right under that, a 4-digit number. Column C is a person's name. what I …

Member Avatar for Agapelove68

Greetings to everyone: For some reason I read the bad/nasties forced you to move, so new ones whom wanted to introduce themselves could not accomplish that. I was told to introduce myself here. I posted an earlier thread about an office. I already know about open office.org, here's the problem. …

Member Avatar for Clawsy

I done an application using Power Point Interop library and it works well but if I copy it from DEBUG folder to another place, when I start it it gives me an error like: "Application has encountered a problem and needs to be close. We are sorry for the inconvenience". …

Member Avatar for Clawsy
Member Avatar for Ponomous

What do you guys think would be the easiest way to convert a powerpoint to a flash movie? Thanks

Member Avatar for main()
Member Avatar for SuperTaejin

I want to make a program that control powerpoint slides for example, when I start power point in presentation mode as I click the button, then slide goes to next. And when I click one more, then go next slide. I don't know how to send message to powerpoint in …

Member Avatar for SuperTaejin
Member Avatar for slfisher

People who are unhappy with the progress of the military actions in Iran and Afghanistan finally have something to blame: PowerPoint. “PowerPoint makes us stupid,” Gen. James N. Mattis of the Marine Corps, the Joint Forces commander, said in an [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/27/world/27powerpoint.html?emc=eta1"]article [/URL]in the [I]New York Times[/I] this week. The article …

Member Avatar for williambell1985

The End.