1,488 Topics
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What's the simplest way to read an excel file, get cell 'A1' in table(1,2,3), B3 to table(1,2,3), B6 to Table... import specific cell to table. | |
hey all I just need someone who can explian to me what the ESCAPE keyword does here ?? nd what the deference if I remove it ?? SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id FROM employees WHERE job_id LIKE '%SA\_%' ESCAPE ''; note working on the sample database SQL developers | |
how to configure oracle datasource in jboss 5.0 ?? and then how can I use this datasource in hibernate.cfg.xml file to make connection to the database ? | |
hey all Im using SQL Developers version 1.1.3 and I want to totally remove it I sareched alot about an offical way to remove it but I found veryone remove its folder so I go though it but now when I want to install the software agian... I am getting … | |
hi all i want to execute sql loader in windows 7 but i get this error :\Users\Admin>sqlldr access_dept1/access_dept1 control=G:\data1.ctl; SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Fri Sep 27 19:11:51 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file (G:\data1.ctl;) SQL*Loader-553: file not … | |
I install orecal 9i but it require user id and password... i try scott/tiger system/manager sys/change_on_install but it not working plz solve this problem immedetly.... ![]() | |
hi all i want to insert 110 million record in oracle database but i am using java application to insert the data but it takes 4 days to complete i check the program to see if there is a problem but what i found that the insert to the database … | |
Hi, Please advise which database should choose for developer and dba profile | |
Guy...please help, I'm running Sql plus 9.... Can u guys help me with the host string? | |
What is the Diffrence between Db2 and Oracle databse please explain | |
just installed SQL Developer 4 and I'm using Oracle Database 11g. I want to execute multiple insert into statements in the worksheet at once. That works fine if I copy paste via command line of SQL but in Develop 4, only one row is being inserted at a time. Is … ![]() | |
Java vulnerabilities have hardly been out of the news during the last year. Here at DaniWeb we've covered a number of the stories as they surfaced: [Java in the cross-hairs: the security debate rolls on](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/news/445532/java-in-the-cross-hairs-the-security-debate-rolls-on), [Is Java 7 still insecure? Oracle Patch doesn't fix underlying vulnerability](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/432479/is-java-7-still-insecure-oracle-patch-doesnt-fix-underlying-vulnerability), [Update my insecure Java … | |
hi I had a question in an exam that asked for the code of a trigger that cancels a transaction if a query result doesn't meet a condition in oracle database. is it possible? I am googleing but I can't find an answer thanks | |
hi all i want to select data base of the value of the cursor but i donot know how to do it . thanks in advance | |
Ok, here is one that we are strugglling with to find a potential source of "slowness" (as defined by the users). We have 4 staff that have new, Windows 7 machines connected to a Cisco 3750 Access Switch (connection is 1 GB, and connected through a Cisco 7975 phone). Connections … | |
Is it possible to use Kohana ORM with MySQL AND Oracle DB? More wider questions is is it possible to use two different databases (RDBMS) with Kohana? | |
update mytable set mycolumn = trim(mycolumn) I am using above query where mycolumn is of type char. It trims the leading blank but not trailing. I tried update mytable set mycolumn = TO_CHAR (trim(mycolumn)) But it didn't help either. Can anyone help here? | |
Hi, I am using windows 7 sp1 32bit, try to install "Oracle 11g release 2" I am getting below errors and not properly installed help me to solve this errors thanking you file not found C:\app\I\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j_applications\applications\em.ear file not found C:\app\I\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j_applications\applications\em\em.war file not found C:\app\I\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\dr0ulib.sql.sbs file not found C:\app\I\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\dr0ulib.sql.sbs file not … | |
Hi, I am trying to generate a spool file through below anonymous block in order to find out views on a particualar table. declare cursor c1 is select view_name,text from users_view; rt c1%rowtype; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into rt; exit when c1%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(rt.view_name || '|' || rt.text); end … | |
A friend asked me to rewrite a program for him. Though the problem is it s using a rdb database, i am assuming this is a dec/oracle rdb database. Which i honestly never used and have no knowledge of. So i was wondering if there is any way to convert … | |
Dear All, I am in the mid of my career, I am Computer Graduate, I have equal experience in Networking, Oracle Developer and Oracle DBA as well, as my previous two experiences have a kind that I had to deal all of these very closely, now I am at the … | |
[This](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/deadlock.html) is the example i was looking at. The docs say that trying to access the bowBack() method is creating the deadlock , but im new to threads , and i really dont understand why this is happening. In need of some guidance here... | |
i want to ask you when i execute the following sql statement SELECT account_identifier,least(to_number(part_1)),least (to_number(part_2)) FROM TEST5 ; i get the following error ORA-01722: invalid number 01722. 00000 - "invalid number" you should know that when i execute the following sql statement SELECT account_identifier,to_number(part_1),to_number(part_2) FROM TEST5 ; it works fine | |
I have created four tables in apex oracle and I also need to create four statements which display information from all four tables or just a few of the tables, I have tried writing up advanced statements myself but they are not advanced enough, can someone please help? | |
weather oracle forms language is usefull in mnc's... how will be its job openings ![]() | |
How do you create lists in an APEX form which allow many checkbox selections? How do you store these in database? ![]() | |
Here i am trying to load data from TABLE1 to TABLE2. The requirement is to consider those records in the TABLE1"where TABLE1.COL1=TABLE1.COL1 (OR) TABLE1.COL2=TABLE1.COL2" As a single group and insert into TABLE2 with COL3 with a unique value for each group thus identified. TABLE1 ~~~~~~ COL1 | COL2 1 | … | |
[this](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/examples/components/TextComponentDemoProject/src/components/TextComponentDemo.java) is the code i was looking at.Its about how to use JTextPane and related swing text Components along with actions and keymaps. my question is that in this part textPane = new JTextPane(); textPane.setCaretPosition(0); textPane.setMargin(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); StyledDocument styledDoc = textPane.getStyledDocument(); if (styledDoc instanceof AbstractDocument) { doc … | |
I have desided to go in database line... many people suggested to go for oracle developer course(sql,pl/sql,oracle forms) and do DBA after getting placed in a company as a oracle developer.. weather oracle developer course will be usefull to get a job as a fresher... else what will a better … |
The End.