1,488 Topics

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Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Hi Folks, I am having problem with my web design. I am making a query that involves two table but it doesnt do anything when i click submit. do i make mistake in the query ? my code is like this, <?php if ($_POST['action'] == 'show'){ $requestCompSql = "SELECT REQUEST_COMPONENT_CUTTING.PROJECT_NAME, …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for hannahaddad

Hello. I'm developping a project about the decision tree in Java. My project idea is about animals, but it's gonna be a big database and i don't have too much time to complete. So my question is: Can anyone help me to found a complete database about animals or about …

Member Avatar for hannahaddad
Member Avatar for changeworld4u

Hi Team, I am new to shell script, i have knowledge of basic unix command but that doesn't seem working for my current task. Please help me with following problem: I have a xml file for e.g. <ShippingInstructions> <name>Sarah Bell</name> <address>400 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores CA 94065 USA</address> <telephone>650 506 …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

I am using Oracle enterprise manager and very new to oracle in general. Is there a way to write custom sql queries write inside Enterprise manager. I know Tools like sqlplus and Sql Developer can but I desire to use EM since it is browser based. Thanks.

Member Avatar for MaxPayne26
Member Avatar for SagarSe7en

Hello Everyone, I am trying to achieve pagination using jsp javascript and servlets. Here is my code below: SearchUserViews.java `package TestPackage; /** * * @author Sagar */ private String _userid; private String _firstName; private String _lastName; private String _emailAddress; public userProfile(){ _userid = ""; _firstName = ""; _lastName = ""; …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sasikrishnasamy

Hi, I have two tables called header user, inbox. The table structures mentioned below, User: NUM_USER VCH_NAME VCH_PHONE_NO VCH_STATUS 1 XXXX 123 Y 2 YYYY 321 Y 3 ZZZZ 456 Y INBOX NUM_ID(P.K) NUM_CUST_ID NUM_SEND_CALL_ID NUM_REC_CAL_ID DTT_DATE 1 10 2 1 4/11/2014 2 10 3 2 4/11/2014 3 10 3 …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for munchlaxxx

We're learning pl sql in class, and I was just wondering if anyone noticed any glaringly obvious errors in my code? --Gets the phone number of a specific member set SERVEROUTPUT on DECLARE phone_number Member_T.Phone%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT Phone INTO phone_number FROM Member_T WHERE MemberCardNumber= 2436322287; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (phone_number); END; --Uses a …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for KamranArshad

hi, i am trying to connect oracle with php, i had install wamp, download all dll files needed for oracle. but still getting error. Any body helps to connecting oracle with php

Member Avatar for Alberto Bucur
Member Avatar for jigs baldaniya

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Ascending_and_Descending_ex_2 { class employee { public float exp; public string ename; public string designation; public float sal; public employee(float e,string n,string d,float s) { exp = e; ename = n; designation = d; sal = s; Console.Write("{0} {1} {2} {3} ", …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Hi Guys, I need help with inserting date from HTML <input type="date"/> into oracle DB It seems that i need to make some kind of adjustment with oracle date. please help me...

Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Hi folks, I have a question regarding auto-generate row oracle using sequence. So the deal is, I need to make a list of inventory based on its quantity. So I have a table with 3 columns, 1. Component ID 2. Quantity 3. Sub_component. So when user input a component id …

Member Avatar for chris.immanuel
Member Avatar for RainaAnja

how to order rows in pl/sql? i have a table of numbers, i want to order in ascending order if id of table is odd and descending if id is even

Member Avatar for Alberto Bucur
Member Avatar for laura301019

Hi I am creating a database that will help monitor attendance at uni. We were given the following spec. Each course is made up of a number of modules. Students enrol in 6 modules. Each module has a timetable which includes times of classes. Class can be a lecture, tutorial …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for student71
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Hi I have a question with my code. I implemented drop down list populated from my oracle DB. So my question is, I need to populate the rest of the data into my <input type="number" min="currCutting" max="currQty" /> tag that pulled from the database according to the Head_mark selected from …

Member Avatar for mherz

Hi! HOw do I able to export the table schema (w/ data) in oracle using CLI. Iam using oracle 9i, Is anyone could guide me or give me some instruction on how to do it. I am new with this and trying to explore.. I already tried to search the …

Member Avatar for nitin_4

i am trying to get data into oracle table from CSV file with SQL *LOADER but not getting the date which is in time zone format I.E. 2013-02-23T10:41:14.000Z in my csv file. i am using DATE as a type for Creation_Date. pls help me to resolve this problem asap.

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Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

I'm not expert in php and it my first time trying to connect php with oracle database I've made mistake before as I was trying to connect to MySQL while I should've connected to oracle instead Oracle instant client is installed in the uni server and with features static IP …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ganges

Hi Friends have a nice day, is there any certification exam for Hibernate and Spring like oracle certification. if so kindly guide me. thanks for your time

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ameer.mhmed

method non static public class LoGIne{ public String user (String a){ String rr = txt_user.getText(); String pass = txt_pass.getText(); //ConDb(user,pass); return rr; } --------------------------------------------------- method static public static Connection ConDb(){ //String USER ="mh"; String d ,l,h; d =("ameer"); String PASS=d; LoGIne a = new LoGIne(); String USER = a.user(h); // …

Member Avatar for ViolaPAllen86
Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Hi Folks, I need help with my Project. I need to pull a value from the populated dropdown list using an ORACLE DB. When I pulled that value, I need to fill the quantity with the corresponding quantity value and show it to the user. And I also need to …

Member Avatar for Zoii
Member Avatar for murthykk

/*I have a situation where in I have to convert the TSQL code to PLSQL procedure. For the purpose of better understanding, I have created temp tables in place of source tables. Can I get hep on this please. The code is as follows: */ ---create temp tables CREATE TABLE …

Member Avatar for C

Hi, If I could please get some help? I have missed the lectures on creating tables due to my daughter being sick. I am trying to follow the lecture notes but I am having issues. I get the following error Error at Command Line : 4 Column : 21 Error …

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Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi

Hi all, I installed wamp server as well as oracle in my computer where oracle 9i is opening but wamp server is not working . very urgent. Subrata

Member Avatar for rageesh.pk
Member Avatar for munchlaxxx

This is what I have: create table Employee_T (EmployeeID varchar2(10) NOT NULL, EmployeeFirstName varchar2(10) NOT NULL, EmployeeLastName varchar2(15) NOT NULL, EmployeeAddress varchar2(20), EmployeeCity varchar2(10), EmployeeState char(2), EmployeeZip number(5), EmployeeDateHired date default sysdate, EmployeeBirthDate date, EmployeeSupervisorID varchar2(10), Constraint employee_PK primary key (EmployeeID), Constraint employee_FK foreign key (EmployeeSupervisorID)REFERENCES Employee_T(EmployeeID) ); create table …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for RainaAnja

Hello,can you tell me how can i create a database and a listener using sql developer

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for RainaAnja
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Alsayedcom

I need advice to run oracle 10g forms on linux clients one of the problem is forms icons not appear

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for pspwxp fan

Hi, I am a student who is taking a Database course. I am running Windows 7 on a laptop with 4GB RAM. I would like your advice on what software to download on my laptop so as to be able to practice concepts taught in class. Since I am a …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Amudha.M

Blob b=rs.getBlob(12); bytes[] imagebytes=new bytes[(int)b.length()]; Image image; image=getToolkit().createImage(imagebytes); ImageIcon icon =new ImageIcon(image); jLabel22.setIcon(icon); This will not work. help me to display the image

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.