75 Topics

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Member Avatar for mrbarbarik

I want to make server page that can keep a parameter just like tracking ID. I want to pass that parameter from an asp page to another asp page when i clicked submit button. Can someone help me to solve this, i really need to finish this soon. So far …

Member Avatar for Nirvin M

Why does the following snippet produces different result than expected? #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i = 5; printf("%d %d %d", i++, i++, ++i); getchar(); } I compiled and run this code with Visual C++ 2010 and it produces the output 7 6 8 instead of 7 6 6 …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for easterbunny

Hi i got a problem with this code( attached below ) the fuction that receves the bidimensional array doesn't seem to work.I've tryed to cout in main() and it works.WHY???? The program doesn't show me any error whatsoever. #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> using namespace std; void afisare(int h[3][3],int nrEle){ for(int i …

Member Avatar for easterbunny
Member Avatar for CombatJ

I am trying to experiment with C++ to make the command prompt function like MatLab or Octave. This is a practice file I've been doing so I could pass functions as parameters to other functions. My problem is with this function call found in line 36 [CODE]compute(gset[function-1], input);[/CODE] This is …

Member Avatar for CombatJ
Member Avatar for fmjnax

Hi all, I'm sorry if the thread title doesn't make much sense; I'm quite new to AJAX (well, to web programming as a whole. I'm more of a SQL/client-server developer). Anyway, I'm having some trouble getting some code to work. What I'm doing is I am dynamically loading a list …

Member Avatar for fmjnax
Member Avatar for cartergarth

How do I set default value of function parameter as today's date? I tried: [CODE]function funcName($today=date('Y-m-d')) {do something}[/CODE] Throws me this error: [CODE]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ')'[/CODE] Thanks.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Ntropy

Hello there java gang. I've written a program which basically checks the dates that i have written for the program in question and then validates it against a set of rules, using arrays to ensure that what a user enters is valid. So for example, you can have 1,(day) 5,(month), …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mzimmers

Hi, all - I'm relatively new to iterators, and to template functions, so I suppose it was inevitable that the first time I tried to combine them, I'd run into a problem. Here's the function: [CODE]template <class T> int getVectort(ifstream & s, long nbrCells, typename vector<T>::iterator iter) { int rc …

Member Avatar for mzimmers
Member Avatar for cmaheshwari16

Hi All, I am using Struts framework, and finding that my url is showing parameters values. Actually after calling action I am redirecting to some other page on SUCCESS . (through Struts.xml config). Now in jsp I am redirecting with " method = post ". still when showing success page …

Member Avatar for joker22xx

heres my C code this was easy: -Chris g [CODE=c]#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> extern int numodd( int array[], int size ) ; int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int numarray[] = { 2, 3, 1025, 3024, 4057, -3, -1025, -3578 } ; int size = sizeof(numarray) / …

Member Avatar for joker22xx
Member Avatar for iefilec

hi. i'm doing a search option in my system where if your searching for a entry even if you didnt typed the whole word, all of the entry that contains the letters that you have typed will appear, well i really cant explain it but it goes like this if …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for yousafc#

Hello,This is my code.I have in big problem anyone have a solution. I want view crystal Report by using studentid. [CODE] { CrystalReport1 objRpt; objRpt = new CrystalReport1(); string con = ("Data source =DATA;Initial Catalog = Schooldata;Integrated security = True"); SqlConnection objCon = new SqlConnection(con); // Here I am writing …

Member Avatar for yousafc#
Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

this is in execute method() { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, env); } System.out.println(r.execute(" C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.6.0_21\\bin\\javac demo.java” , null)); System.out.println(r.execute(" C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.6.0_21\\bin\\java demo”, null)); i want to run demo.java from this code i used timer class also. i got the error "Illegal execution time" i dont know why when i run …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for sathya88
Member Avatar for alenD

Hi I am trying to write a stored procedure which will execute a query and if resultset is not empty results will be inserted into a table passed as the second parameter to the procedure. Below is what I wrote but I am having error with declaring the cursor, any …

Member Avatar for damons

I want to combine a console application with a GUI in netbeans.I tried to do it using a jButton.I want to get the output of the console application into a jTextArea.There is a function called private static void printBytes(byte[] data, String name)in the console application.when calling that function have to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Spillman

I'm a new at C++ and need some help with this code. I searched but maybe because I'm not familiar with the correct vocabulary for C++, I couldnt' find an answer for this. What I'm trying to do is pass a string into a function that is looking for an …

Member Avatar for Spillman
Member Avatar for sikelesS

Hi there, first post! First off, I apologise for asking such a basic question, but I am new to Java (done VB before..) and was wondering if you could please help me out with a little problem I'm having! I have a method that reads data from a text file, …

Member Avatar for Slimmy
Member Avatar for bklynman01

I'm using Visual Studio .net 2008 to build my Crystal Reports. I have a simple table that shows training records of people. Training takes 5 days to complete, and each day has a record in a SQL database. I can display all the data, but want only to show the …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hi! I have a problem with binding parameters dynamically in my mysqli_stmt objects. As I don't know how many parameters which will be put into this function I must bind the parameters dynamically. Though I cannot understand what's wrong with this method: [CODE] public function execute($unprp_stmt, $data){ //Prepare the stmt …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for markymark180

Hi apologies as I guess this has been covered on a number of occassions, but I am very much new to web devt and am struggling to patch code snippets on google results on similar sounding queries into my own. I have been coding a page, which has an iframe, …

Member Avatar for Akash Saikia
Member Avatar for TimBob12

Hi there, I am fairly new to C++ and wanted to have a go at coding my own function with parameters. However some of the parameters are arrays and I get strange errors occur. I will comment my code with a couple of other questions as well. I am writing …

Member Avatar for TimBob12
Member Avatar for rhian23

hi to all! Im having a problem with crystal report. I am doing a vb.net project. Actually its an Inventory System, I need to print a report by branch. I set the parameter field by branch id and name but it didn't work, all of the fields like product, price …

Member Avatar for stevetaylor15

Hi guys, I want to run the following in a c# loop but I just don't know how to pass a multi value for a parameter with a comma. The actual cmdlet would be below and does work in exchange powershell: Set-CalendarProcessing –ResourceDelegates [email]jonDoe@test.com,johnnydoe@test.com[/email] -identity [email]testroom@test.com[/email] –AutomateProcessing AutoUpdate I know …

Member Avatar for paperless
Member Avatar for purell

HI, I would like to load a aspx page based on a session parameter. I have a "login name" in the session parameter and i want to show this aspx page if the "login name" session parameter matches a particular "login name" How can i do this? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I'm in the process of converting a legacy app from D5 to D2009. I'm getting errors on AnsiToNative, NativeToAnsi (both DBTables) and DbiOpenSPParamList (BDE). Apparantly the parameters for these functions have changed. Does anyone here have a ready example on how I should use these in D2009 ? I was …

Member Avatar for jadelopez

Arrays are passed by reference (address) by default. Function takes an array and tries to return average, sum of elements, and the sum of the squares. Calculate and display sum, sumsq using for loop in the function definition display sum, avg, and sumsq to see the difference between the values …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, I have a windows form that adds new entries to a dataset via a datagrid using the updateAll method. Im passing in an id from another form and id like to specify this in the sata thats being written to the dataset. So by default the id would already …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for ptemedia

Hi, I have an objectdatasource as shown: [CODE] <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource2" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetProducts" TypeName="ProductsDALTableAdapters.ProductsDTTableAdapter" MaximumRowsParameterName=""> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="" Name="Param2" QueryStringField="ID" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="???" Name="Param1" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:ObjectDataSource> [/CODE] This returns products that include (in a particular field) what is placed instead of ??? with the exception of the …

Member Avatar for Garrett2011

Consider following function: [CODE]void func(const char & input){ //do something }[/CODE] Apparently it makes sense for the parameter to be constant value not reference to constant, Now may a compiler optimize that to constant value so that it'll be the same as following ? [CODE]void func(const char input){ //do something …

Member Avatar for Narue

The End.