1,024 Topics
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Hey guys. I am having a hard time getting this started. I need to have a page where a user can select or de-select (check boxes, radio doesnt matter) pdfs and then have the selected pdfs merged into a single pdf. I have used [PDF Merger](http://pdfmerger.codeplex.com/) in the past but … ![]() | |
please i need urgent help on how save a form as pdf in vb10, all the code and seeing are c# and i dont understand them. i meean, if i run a program i will press save on the form that i am an save it as pdf to my … | |
Hi I have below code to save pdf file in sql. but getting error **"Cannot Bulk Load. The File "D:\xyz.pdf" does not exist."** Private Sub ButBouncePdfAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButBouncePdfAdd.Click Try If TxtRefNo.Text <> "" Then OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "d:\" OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Select PDF File" OpenFileDialog1.Filter … | |
Hello, I'm using fpdf library to generate pdf invoice. I manage to view the pdf invoice for one item row only. below is the code: $qry = "SELECT invitems.itemId, invitems.invoiceId, invitems.itemNumber, invitems.ChargesID, invitems.itemDesc, invitems.itemAmountO, invitems.itemAmountP, invitems.discountAmount, charges.ChargesTitle, invitems.itemqty FROM invitems LEFT JOIN charges ON invitems.ChargesID = charges.ChargesID WHERE invoiceId = … | |
How to load pdf directly from url? I use C#. eg:http://beta.wms.egobzmail.com/files/deexp/2015_04/2015_04_16/DE14291484222756.pdf Thank you. | |
Good Morning All, I have a question that I touched on a couple years ago, but then determined that I didn't need, so never followed up on it. Now I need it... (of course) I've searched on the subject of creating PDFs in PHP, but haven't been able to locate … | |
HI, I am using tcpdf to generate to pdf files in my system. I am using iframe to display the pdf file to the users. I am able to copy paste the content of the pdf in all other browsers except Internet Explorer. Is there any way I can resolve … ![]() | |
please i need help on how to covert or save a form as pdf at run time.Convert a Windows Form to PDF in vb 10 | |
I am mostly working in Linux and it is very frustrating that there are few PDF tools on Linux have limited functionality. This is especially true when trying to manipulate a PDF file with forms. I found [okular](https://okular.kde.org/) to be the best for visualizing most PDF files, including annotation and … | |
I am not getting while clicking on image my code $pdf->Image('logo.png',10,20,33,0,' ','http://www.fpdf.org/'); working but I want to display the local file. Mean click on image it will go the the file path. Below code is not working $pdf->Image('a.jpg',20,65,20,0,'','searchstudentavailability.php'); | |
Hi, I need a code for downloading a file in doc, docx and image in pdf format in php My code is working in downloading but while opening the I can`t | |
<html> <head> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Namo WebEditor"> <title>Insert title here</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main_style.css"> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <center> <tr> <th style='width: 3%;'> S.NO </th> <th style='width: 6%;'> Company ID </th> <th style='width: 10%;' > Company Name </th> <th style='width: 6%;' > More Company Details </th> <th style='width: 6%;'> User Details … | |
I want to export multiple Image files to a single Pdf file. What is the best way for this? | |
Hi, I am trying to explore PoDoFo for parsing PDF files. So I tried to build it on Visual studio following the procedure in the ReadMe.html that came with the package. So i used the following cmake command: cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\ft245\freetype-2.4.5\include;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build\include;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\zlib\build\include" -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\ft245\freetype-2.4.5\objs\win32\vc2013;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build\lib;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\zlib\build\lib" -DPODOFO_BUILD_SHARED:BOOL=FALSE -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY_NAMES_DEBUG=freetype245MT_D -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY_NAMES_RELEASE=freetype245MT .. … | |
i have a query that retrieves let's say 10 records. the output should be 10 pdf files. so 1 pdf per records. it can be saved on user's computer. im using fpdf by the way. just wondering if i'm going to develop it through web using PHP will it be … | |
Hi I want to read a pdf file using php. but i want toread that file line by line and made changes in it is it possible thanks | |
Hi all, Does anybody know how can i convert from **Html to PDF in ASP.NET** ? I need a componnent which does it for *under 200$*. I've tested out a few dll's but they all seem to *cost 1000$+* !!! Thanks! | |
Hi, I need a php code for converting from any format to pdf by clicking a button called convert to pdf. How to do? | |
1)i have tennacy contract pdf.. its contain 3 pages 2)i want to append the data in the tennacy contract page 3) whether is is possibe in fpdf.. # here my code# <?php require_once('fpdf.php'); require_once('fpdi.php'); // Original file with multiple pages $fullPathToFile = "2.pdf"; class PDF extends FPDI { var $_tplIdx; … | |
Could anyone help me with code for a simple PDF file uploader in PHP I want to upload to a file on a server. Ive tried to write one several times and I simply can't get it to work! ![]() | |
I am trying to create a PHP PDF uploader that prints the filename type and size. However when I click the upload button it says "Upload failed with error". If anyone could help with this I would really appreciate it! <?php $allowedExts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "pdf"); $extension = … | |
PDF file uploader is spitting out an error, could anyone help? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/stylecraft/domains/stylecraft-yarns.co.uk/public_html/dev/_cms/upload_pdf2.php on line 37 <?php $allowedExts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "pdf"); $extension = end(explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"])); if ($_FILES['file']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { die("Upload failed with error " . $_FILES['file']['error']); } $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); … | |
hi . plz help me i want to convert html page to pdf file how can i do that can you tell me the code for it or send me the link which help me reply soon thnks | |
Hi Hope,everyone is doing good out there. I need some help regarding which strategy to use for one of my projects. Here are the project details I want to generate PDF forms, by gathering data from user.There are different questions to ask and based on each answer,we will ask next … | |
I am using the Html2pdf(dompdf) library for codeigniter,Its working fine but i cannot get images in pdf files. this is the url where i download the library. https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCgQFjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Faiwmedia%2FHTML2PDF-CI&ei=wijjVID8GIqWuATqnYBY&usg=AFQjCNFGnkCMd1t5K55fApAyeca4dCE-mQ&sig2=-ix5k0Vhj81f6BkzIY5pPQ&bvm=bv.85970519,d.c2E | |
Hi I have a php file with html forms and variables in php. I generate a policy document that is displayed in the web page and is then created in PDF and emailed to the client. I create the PSF via using EZPDF but This runs slow when creating the … | |
Hello, As using Yii's mpdf() extenstion for generating pdf file. code is as below: $mPDF1 = Yii::app()->ePdf->mpdf(); $stylesheet = file_get_contents(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.css') . '/screen.css'); $mPDF1->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1); $Arraylist= array('employee_gslab_id'=>$employee_gslab_id,'other_details'=>$employee_details); $mPDF1->WriteHTML($this->renderPartial('address_proof',$Arraylist,true)); $mPDF1->Output($name, EYiiPdf::OUTPUT_TO_DOWNLOAD); everything is working as expected except when this file is downloaded/saved then it is not showing extesion to file. how can … | |
Hello. The scenario is a div and in the div are multiple cloned images, its like a floor plan thing and I would like to save that into the database and i guess i would have to convert it into a pdf or something to do so. That pdf would … ![]() | |
I try to display a pdf document with code like this: <?php session_start(); if (empty($_SESSION['nip']) AND empty($_SESSION['password'])) { ?> <script type='text/javascript'> alert('You must login'); document.location='../../../login.php'; </script> <?php }else{ include_once '../../../config/core.php'; include_once '../../../config/functioncollection.php'; $kode_materi=antiInjections($_GET['id']); $querambildata=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM materi_tb WHERE kode_materi='$kode_materi'")); $file = "../../../filemateri/".$querambildata['url_materi']; $filename = $querambildata['url_materi']; header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' … | |
there is a report which am presenting to my web users in an HTML formatted table. i have been using ABCPDF component for exporting this report to pdf. BUT after an update that component work s irregulary. Please suggest any other simple solution for this, i tried referring all method … |
The End.