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Member Avatar for kieky

can anyone provide me a sample code who have used iTextsharp to convert pdf to text .... Please help.... this is very urgent...

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Rohith Reddy

Hello, I have problem in converting the following datalist to PDF. Can anyone help me in this regard. Thanks, Rohith [CODE] <asp:DataList ID="resultdatalist" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <table id="listdata" bordercolor="#000033" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" align="center" border="2" width="610px" style="position:absolute;top:130px" > <tr> <td style="width:260px; height:27px"> <asp:Label ID="propertyname" runat="server" Text="1.PROPERTY NAME" Font-Bold="true" Font-Size="Small"></asp:Label></td><td style="width:350px"><asp:Label ID="propertynametxt" runat="server" Text='<%# …

Member Avatar for Rohith Reddy
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I have a db that has the following Data for example: PolicyNumber, StoreId, ConsultantName,ClientName, ClientSurname I would like to have a report that will give me a list of policies done for that day seperated by store printed to PDF. So Basically Store - 12CEL 24Hr001 Bob Joe Soap …

Member Avatar for fabzster
Member Avatar for left19

I am trying to get a pdf file from the server using php. The file is pdf and it is not corrupt, but when I use this code adobe says its a corrupt file. I just want to show a file to users like a regular link <a href="123.pdf"> this …

Member Avatar for left19
Member Avatar for azgold472

This is what im trying to do. A pdf is uploaded to my uploads directory. Named abc activity.pdf or abc page2.pdf the pdf could be from different clients. so I want to pull the ABC or a certain amount of char out of the name to populate the destination `#Property#` …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for mcgeepj2

Greetings All, You helped be greatly last time I was here, hoping for a repeat. I have a page at [URL="http://www.vfw10216.com/download_file.php"]http://www.vfw10216.com/download_file.php[/URL] that displays contents of my database that stores PDF files. The contents field is type 'mediumblob' and attributes is 'binary'. The field does contain data in every record, as …

Member Avatar for mcgeepj2
Member Avatar for rahulb310
Member Avatar for thomas6188

Hi I was trying to extract the content of a pdf file and display its content in android. I tired the code in java and it worked.But when i am coding it in android, its not displaying anything.I placed the file in assets folder and then used asset manager(not sure …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, I want to display the data in the 2 column of PDF using iTextsharp. Like this way e.g. Q.1 aaaaaa Q.5 eeeeeeeeeee Q.2 bbbbbb Q.6 fffffffffff Q.3 cccccc Q.7 ggggggggggg Q.4 dddddd Q.8 hhhhhhhhhhh On next page Q.8 aaaaaa Q.12 eeeeeeeeeee Q.9 bbbbbb Q.13 fffffffffff Q.10 cccccc Q.14 ggggggggggg …

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde
Member Avatar for asifakhtar

Hi, How can I create an excel file or XML from pdf bookmarks? My bookmarks consist of 3 thing separated by “:” It is “DATE: AUTHOR: DESCRIPTION” I want my excel sheet or XML should look like the following: Date Author Description October 19, 2010 Dr. ABC (MD), Omega Medical …

Member Avatar for sedalnas

Hi, i could make my website downloading a pdf files but after downloading i get this error [B][I]" There was an error opening this document. the file is damaged and could not be repaired "[/I][/B] i think the problem is in the PDF version because this problem just occur when …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Munnazz

I am unable to print pdf file using iframe in javascript. I used [B]windows.forms['MyIframeId"].focus(); windows.forms['MyIframeId"].print();[/B] But i was unable to print the iframe I wanted to select! Instead it was printing the whole page except the iframe I selected. I am using IE as my browsing tool. Could any one …

Member Avatar for Griffin54

Seasons Greetings! On one of my web site pages I have links to .pdf files. When I click on the buttons to open these .pdf's I get the following message: "A drawing error has occured." Can anyone explain why this is happening? I never used to get this message until …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for pbunkers

I’m trying to automatically save an excel file to pdf file using visual basic. So, I will manually open the excel, upon opening the excel file, it will run code to calculate a daily totalizer (this I have functioning) as soon as this code finishes, I want the excel file …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for sedalnas

Hi, i have a problem in downloading pdf files that is when i click the download button it just download a text file contains unreadable and unrecognizable words and numbers , so can any one help me to solve this problem my code to download a pdf file is : …

Member Avatar for sedalnas
Member Avatar for arunss

Hi, I have a bulk of pdf documents. I want to read that using php script. I searched a lot, but everyone is about creating pdf files. Here I dont want to create pdf file but I want to read it. Is there any way to read it php? -Arun

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for new SE

hi.. anyone can help me to convert asp.net program to pdf? before this i'm using this code [CODE]private void ExportGridView() { string attachment = "attachment; filename=Contacts.xls"; Response.ClearContent(); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment); Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); GridView1.RenderControl(htw); Response.Write(sw.ToString()); Response.End(); }[/CODE] to convert to excel.. …

Member Avatar for 1seo
Member Avatar for saiju_menon

I am developing an application which downloads pdf files, then water marks and then print. Downloading part is completed using internet controls and water marking also done using itextsharp dll. With the following code I am able to set the printer also. [CODE]Public Function SetPrinter(ByVal prtName As String) As Boolean …

Member Avatar for saiju_menon
Member Avatar for mayanktalwar

i dont have any experince of software making...i know c ,c++ and web designing lanuguages....how should i start it..to do what i have asked...i have to decide a project

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for serolfaceh

Im trying to do employee database using vb6.0, problem is that, is it possible that after clicking a command button this will call a PDF file... the Scenario is this: [command button] """""""""""""""""""""" "VIEW JOB DESCRIPTION" """""""""""""""""""""" [after pressing this will call/fetch the specific job description of the employee and …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ShadoX

Hello all, I need to make a PdfPTable with some cells being split or merged into one. The problem is that I can't seem to find a way of doing that. Could someone please help me with this? I spent the last hour on Google and couldn't find anything.. :( …

Member Avatar for new SE

Hi all, i am working on converting the asp.net to pdf file.. now i'm using this code,but it give me an error "Type or namaspace name 'pdfConverter' could not be found".. is there any component i need to install..any help plz? [CODE]PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter(); pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4; pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for sayyad786i

hi, I want to create a pdf from excel sheet using visual basic 6.0. Can you people help me describing or sending me a ready codes regarding the same. Thanks with regards, Sayyad H.A. India.

Member Avatar for pbunkers
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi.. I have an issue on my project.I want to open a particular page of a PDF by clicking a hyper link.How should I do it?any idea ?

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi... Is it possible to search a string on a PDF file? I want to search and highlight a string on a PDF file . If any idea please help me..... Thanks for advance

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for ganeshhsk

The problem that im facing is, the below code is working correctly and retrieve the pdf format files correctly and displaying it in the iframe. but it is only working in eclipse internal browser but not in firefox or internet explorer. what will be the reason for this.... Source code: …

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi... I have an issue on project.I want to open a particular pdf page by specifying its page no using PHP script.Is it possible?please help me

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for sandasilu

can some body help me to generate a processable form in a pdf from a html source code using iText thanks

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi.. I want export data from database to a PDF using c#.In database I stored the data as 'nvarchar'.Any body have any idea About this? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for sachintha81

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