1,024 Topics

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Member Avatar for mancode1007

I have the problem to convert the rtf document to PDF. I search around the internet but it still cannot solve my problem.I am using TextControl in visual basic to create the document .Please help thx :)

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for wenbnet

Hello, i m using vb.net with MS Access database & oledbconnection in my project. now i want to mail my crystal report in pdf format to respected email-id, how can i do this????? i spent lot of time for searching some helpful bt didn't get

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for suju_26pro

Hello , i had decided to make my academic project in digital signer ,so i surf net for it and got a sample. its main aims is ti sign only one pdf..so i decided to make the application to sign all pdf which r there in a folder,i had done …

Member Avatar for anuj6928
Member Avatar for spence89

Hi guys, I've just managed to get 99% of a script running for my website. I am creating a system where a user can create an invoice using our billing system, and then download it via PDF. I am using Persists PDF module and I have got it all working. …

Member Avatar for spence89
Member Avatar for __Art

Hello everybody!! I'm trying to print a *.pdf file from Java code, and the printer out gives the right document, but smaller than the original pdf (smaller text, images, margins, everything), the print result seems shrinked from the original... Here is the code I'm using: [CODE] File f = new …

Member Avatar for sbhavan
Member Avatar for aPPmaSTer

Hey everyone, I've made a web application that allows a user to construct an object, in my case a door, which is a collection of overlapping divs and imgs, and I'd like to take this final object and change it into a jpg image or pdf (like a screenshot) for …

Member Avatar for aPPmaSTer
Member Avatar for arshadshaikh

Hi every one. Can i convert dwg file to pdf using php? OR Is there any PHP API or web service that provides service to convert dwg file to pdf file?

Member Avatar for arshadshaikh
Member Avatar for doomfrawen

Hello friends. :(I have a problem but i don't know how to implement a solution. The problem is that the HDD's from two Windows Servers got corrupted [COLOR="red"](1.- Site Server, 2.- File Server)[/COLOR] and all the files PDF's and the main site(ASP) were unaccesible for a while, now i recovered …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for pratibhamohanty

Hi, can anyone out there help! I have a default form and a button. On click of that button I want to export a particular crystal report(without actually displaying it) to pdf format and store it in a folder named as temp. Is it possible? Thanks in advance,

Member Avatar for Ronln
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

I'm trying to print all .pdf files from a partition using Boost.Filesystem and Boost.Regex but when I run my program, Visual Studio 2010 gives me an Abort error. Here is my code: [code] path Path = "e:\\"; boost::regex reg("*.pdf"); for(recursive_directory_iterator it(Path); it != recursive_directory_iterator(); ++it) { if(boost::regex_search(it->string(), reg)) { cout …

Member Avatar for thijscream

hey, i'm trying to make a pdf, but i get the following error: 1temp/KW1.pdfError!! as you can see in the code i echo the $factuurnummer, that's the 1 in the error, then i echo the patth it should go to what is temp/wk1.pdf and then i echo the error. does …

Member Avatar for squinx22
Member Avatar for deceivingrakesh

Guys thanks in advance , Im actually stuck with this project I'm working on now , The thing is that its a asp.net project coded in vb users will upload texfiles which might include images, and what I'm trying to do is to convert those texfiles into pdf and storing …

Member Avatar for deceivingrakesh
Member Avatar for sumathibadri

Hi, I would like to know which is the best programming language that I can use for the following requirement: An application for reading excel file values and searching the excel file values in a PDF file. I was thinking of Java but had to confront problems with jxl package. …

Member Avatar for goldybedi
Member Avatar for margaretna

hi, i would like to ask some question regarding saving textbox output into PDF format... i used StreamWriter.. but i dun think so it can work with in PDF. therefore any suggestion for my problem =D thank you so much and have a nice day regards margaretna =D

Member Avatar for sandeepparekh9
Member Avatar for puvi

Hi ppl, I have been using fpdf for a quite sometime now and it works fine, but at times when i make some changes(changes does not include printing/echo/redirecting before genrating pdf, but yes i do use lot of empty space/indentation for readability n this did not create problem earlier.) in …

Member Avatar for puvi
Member Avatar for erza26

Hello...i'm new here...juz want to ask some help from anybody..i've done search coding..the problem is, how i want to print it in pdf form...or can i use this coding <input type="button" value="Print Vendor Detail" onClick="window.print()" /> to print the details...hope someone can help me...thanks...:$

Member Avatar for erza26
Member Avatar for ditty

Hi I am using the following code to convert html to pdf. But the resulting pdf page shows blank. Please help me...its very urgent.. [CODE]require('pdf/html2fpdf.php'); $str =stripslashes('<div style="width:580px;" align="left">'.$pdfmessage."</div>"); $html=str_replace("&nbsp;","",$str); $pdf=new HTML2FPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(25); $pdf->SetFontSize(12); $pdf->WriteHTML($html); $pdf->Output($invno.'.pdf','F');[/CODE]

Member Avatar for holy-food
Member Avatar for kacieh80

Could someone point me in the right direction of hopefully a library or code examples, any resources on how to take XML and create a PDF using XSL-FO in Python? If I should have to use an XML renderer, then which XML renderer is recommended?

Member Avatar for joeyxaza

hi all, please can anyone help me, i would like to upload microsoft word documents and adobe pdf to a web page. can anyone be of assistance. thank you

Member Avatar for Siberian

I'm looking for a [I]freeware\opensource[/I] converter that can convert [B]CHM files to PDF[/B] and allow me to pick out particular pages to compile to a new [B]PDF[/B] file [I]or[/I] the entire CHM document. I recently tried a demo of a commercial program and it was crap.

Member Avatar for jefF_willoW
Member Avatar for abhishek20
Member Avatar for abhishek20
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi... I have a problem to load a PDF file which is stored on another machine.I had loaded the PDF on the same machine using following PHP script.Here I had used a hyper link to load PDF. [CODE] <?php $file="first"; $pdfFile=$file.".pdf#page=1"; ?> <a href="<?php echo $pdfFile; ?>" target="_blank" > Click …

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for puvi

hi frens I am trying to pass array in $_SESSION from the abc.php to generatepdf.php. the pdf is not getting generated after i wrote this part of code. this is in generatepdf.php [CODE] foreach($_SESSION['refcode'] as $temp) { $refcode[]=$temp; } foreach($_SESSION['description'] as $temp) { $description[]=$temp; } foreach($_SESSION['unit'] as $temp) { $unit[]=$temp; …

Member Avatar for puvi
Member Avatar for pito_donje

Private Sub Command2_Click() CommonDialog1.ShowOpen Text5.Text = CommonDialog1.FileName Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(Text5.Text) Text5.Visible = True End Sub

Member Avatar for pito_donje
Member Avatar for sensamurai

Hi, 65 (1 of 6) 66 (2 of 6) 67 (3 of 6) 68 (4 of 6) 69 (5 of 6) 70 (6 of 6) This my pdf file pages. I have get the total pages and total blank pages. I can't get the logical page number. 65, 66, 67, …

Member Avatar for sj5536

hi i want to read barcode from pdf file. that pdf file has more than one barcode i have to read second barcode then what i do for that

Member Avatar for sj5536
Member Avatar for thekitoper

Hello, I am attempting to display a PDF in Gtk (C++) and don't know how. I have searched the web for a tutorial yet I cannot find one please, may someone tell me how? Thank you.

Member Avatar for mbarandao

Good day all: Is there a mechanism through which I can have a button on my html form which on click calls a script that converts the form (or the html page) into a pdf file and inserts the file into mysql table with a specified name originating from the …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for austiine04

Hi guys i want create a program that can write to a pdf file and here is the code i used. when i run the program, it compiles well, and runs but the pdf file that is created is not readable/corrupt. i am just wondering whether there is some library …

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1
Member Avatar for sj5536

The End.