2,452 Topics
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Hi, I have few sentences and here are those sentences. [code] Protein modeling studies reveal that the RG-rich region is part of a three to four strand antiparallel beta-sheet, which in other RNA binding protein functions as a platform for nucleic acid interactions. PUF proteins comprise a highly conserved family … | |
Hey everyone, I have a question about Perl CGI. I am creating a profile management system using Perl CGI for an assignment and am having a little trouble understanding to go about it. My code is written using subroutines and it interfaces with one another by calling a subroutine. A … | |
Hello all, I'm hoping someone here might be able to provide some assistance. Let me see if I can describe the general problem I have and perhaps someone can offer some ideas on the best way to approach solving it. I've got a text file that is basically a dump … | |
Can anyone help me translate this regex match in Perl to a VB.Net Regex match? Heres the perl regex: if ($line =~ /\\([\w\d\s\-]+?\.\w{3})\"\t\"/) { print "LINE: $1\n" } # regex match And heres what I have for the VB regex, but its currently not working: [code=VB] Dim fs As New … | |
I have two data sets Hdata.txt and Edata.txt that are tab delimited. Both data sets contain information about two groups of people. The first column in both data sets contains the last name of the individual. I wrote a perl program to make a comparison and print out the individuals … | |
Hi every body I have project is like book electronic . any words in this book I can translate it into more than one language . The idea behind this project is imagine page of any a book . assume this book wrote by English language , the page's consist … | |
I removed the CMOS battery trying to clear charge but now I get this message when I try to boot: CMOS Settings Wrong CMOS Checksum Bad CMOS Display Type Wrong Unlock Keyboard Press F1 to run Setup Press F2 to load default values and continue ================= This system was my … | |
I am trying to make a perl script that uses email. The forth line of my script is: [code]use Email::Valid; [/code] And I get this error:[code]Can't locate Email/Valid.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/darwin-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0 /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/darwin-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0 /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0/darwin-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0 /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at script.pl line 4. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at script.pl line … | |
I'm having difficulty passing variables to threads. I've recently compiled 5.8.7 with threads enabled and I am using the new ithreads. When running code as follows: use Thread qw(async); async { while(1) { print 1; } }; while (1) { print 2; } The code works as expected and prints … | |
When a page is generated and has a form in it, can the form's action be to access a subroutine elsewhere in the script? | |
While executing a perl script, it showed the following errors. Can anybody tell me what's wrong with the bottom script? Thanks a lot. The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. The script did not produce correct headers. It must at least print out a … | |
I'm trying to access a cgi script when a form is submitted. With that script, I want to display a page that basically says, "Is this info correct?" and show them what they entered. Then, if they hit "Yes", I want to send an email to myself with their info. … | |
Script to Remove duplicate lines from a text file. | |
For a challenge, we have to code a script that can pull information from a web page and then use it to automate an action on that site. What I've chosen to try and do is code an IPB Forum Advertiser. The process is easy, but I can't seem to … | |
Hello Friends, I am learning Perl now. I have a small query. I have a directory Z with file name Z.txt. I would like to copy this file Z.txt to 3 new dir with new filenames as follows dir 1 1.txt dir 2 2.txt dir 3 3.txt I would like … | |
Hi guys, I'm trying to make sense of some Perl code. I haven't actually programmed in Perl before but I do image the functions/methods are similar to other languages. Here's the code: [code=perl] function [dir, wspd] = conv_wind(uwind, vwind) usize = length(uwind); vsize = length(vwind); if(usize ~= vsize) dir = … | |
Good Day. My div will not position properly. Rather, it just sits in the top-left corner. I have tried z-index with no luck. The first Div represents the background for my page, and the div inside of that is supposed to be positioned inside the message box on the background. … | |
A few days ago my desktop links stopped working. First I thought it was a problem of a few programs like a pdf viewer and openoffice. Now most hyperlinks from my installed programs or utilities don't open. In Firefox the Java hyperlinks don't work either. For example, I received notice … | |
I'm trying to get an email generated when a form is processed. This is my first stab at such. It's not working for some reason. When I comment out the lines concerning the email generation, it works fine. The problem apparently lies somewhere in that section of the code, but … | |
Hi i'm trying to write a decryption code to process encrypted files. I have the error below whenever I try to initialise an cypher object of type Crypt::CBC and supplying 'Blowfish' as decryption algorithm, I get the following [QUOTE]C:\>decrypt.pl Couldn't load Crypt::Blowfish: Can't locate loadable object for module Crypt::Bl owfish … | |
Hi, I try to compare items in two different arrays. This loop works well in another program of mine. But not in the current program i'm working on. Weird.... The output of the program shows [ICODE] Nested quantifiers in regex; marked by <-- HERE........ [/ICODE] [CODE=PERL] for $3 (@obsolete_class_declare) { … | |
Hi I'm using the 2 pieces of code typed below to set the character set to utf8 (so that I can output russian characters on page, and then to output it on web pages. I have tried to set the character set to utf8 so that russian characters appear properly … | |
Hyperlink problem Posted: 07-09-2008 04:34 AM Hi, I'm working in a application C# and ASP.NET and in some moment we are creating few hyperlinks dinamically inside a panel: HyperLink hl; for (int i = 0; i <= XmlFile.ListLinks.Count - 1; i++) { hl = new HyperLink(); hl.Text = ListLinks[i][0]; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! … | |
I'm still kinda new at this, so please bear with me, but I have tried debugging the program (perl -d) and using Carp as well. I just can't seem to isolate the problem. I'm using regex to search through a series of sequences read in from BioPerl (this is not … | |
Hi. This is a piece of code that I wrote for a one of my modules in Joomla 1.5, and im afraid im not skilled enough yet to do this procedure in the correct way.. Please can someone help me structure this code in the right way - the actual … | |
Hi, I need some help reformatting some data. I have a file with 6 fixed-width columns. The columns alternate between variables (width=25) and their corresponding values (width=15). There is a total of 125 variables and associated values. I only need 6 of these variable/value sets for future plotting purposes. What … | |
Hi there, I can't get this foreach loop to work. It says "Global symbol "$name" requires explicit package name at d:\domains\jacamar.co.uk\wwwroot\cgi-bin\Process_login.pl line 25." which is presumably because I haven't declared it as "my $name" somewhere but what do I declare it as - if I do "my $name = ""; … | |
Hi, I'm having problem with the usage of File::Find Module. What i'm trying to do is to browse through two directories and put all the files into two arrays respectively (each array for each dir). I just cant use the "find" twice... An error message will be shown: [icode] Use … | |
Hi, I'm trying to run the R language from within Perl. Is there a way to send some code to R, and then obtain the result or output of this code (which will run in R) back in Perl? Thanks! L. | |
Hi there, I'm trying to write a script that when a user clicks the "save" button it takes the content of a text box, calls another script which writes this to a file. The bit I can't get it to do is recognise that the "save" button has been clicked … |
The End.