2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for Shubhra

On clicking on a link at(home.jsp), I ned to forward the request to another page(quickSearch.jsp). With this I have to pass two values to the page. What is the way out? I created a java script function for it as below function report_ref(refid) { <jsp:forward page="quickSearch.jsp"> <jsp:param name="refid" value='refid' /> …

Member Avatar for hippomg

Hi, Perhaps I'm typing in the wrong keyword phrases but I'm needing a script I can put onto my clients web site where they can upload a PDF file easily. These are inspectors and they need the ability to upload their reports so their clients can come to the site …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for andrewkl

Hi, I'm trying to retrieve data (CLOB, string, integer) from a stored function. My example code looks like: $dbh = DBI->connect(....) or die "can't connect"; $stmt = 'BEGIN :cursor := foo; END;'; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($stmt); $sth->bind_param_inout(":cursor", \$refCursor, 0, { ora_type => ORA_RSET } ); $sth->execute(); while ( my ($clob, …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for ranadheer

hi all, sorry for posting the same question,i have to this because my last post was really a mess. now i will try explain my problem in concise i have variable [CODE]my %HeaderHash=();[/CODE] and i have passed values to the HeaderHash successfully but while i try to print the HeaderHash …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for dogma

I have been trying to get a working setup for web development under leopard for the last 5 days. Apart from MySQL issues the big problem seems to be the DBI module is particularly unhappy. The error I'm recieving is: Can't load '/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/DBI/DBI.bundle' for module DBI: dlopen(/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/DBI/DBI.bundle, 1): no suitable …

Member Avatar for kahaj

I'm having some issues getting this coding ironed out. I know there's something I'm not doing right, but cannot figure out exactly what the something is. Here's the html code: [code] <!WMS Temp Conversion> <html> <head><title>Washington Middle School Temperature Conversion</title></head> <body> <h3>Use the form below to convert the temperature of …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for perl21

Hi, I have been trying to write a program to capture information from a barcode scanner. Because the data is the same as a keyboard, I have been trying to just read the keyboard for now since there seem to be a lot more people doing that out there. I …

Member Avatar for ranadheer

hi all i am a java devoloper need to understand a perl scrip based on a project requirement. as i dont know any thing about the Perl i am posting my script here. some body please look in to it and help me out explaing what the script does the …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for LH2007

hi everybody!I'm newbie.I have a exercise about perl like this: Creating 2 process P1(parent) P2 (child) P1 get characters from keyboard If press Ctrl-c P1 send a signal terminate P2 ...................................... My ideal is : [Code] ( perl ) $handle=IO::Socket::INET->(proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>$host, PeerPort=>$port) $handle->autoflush(1); die 'can't fork:$!' unless defined($pid=fork()); if($pid) { …

Member Avatar for abishka

hi all, not real experienced with computers, mostly just learning through trial and error, have done this a few times before with the computer i made out of bits and peices for my daughter. haven't seen this before though and would greatly appreciate any help! the problem is this : …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for sunil_kumar

#!/usr/local/bin/perl #check_oracle# use strict; use DBI; use Net::SMTP; $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = '/app/oracle/product/9.2'; my $errors; my $total = 0; check_oracle(); if($total > 0) { my $mailer = Net::SMTP->new(""); $mailer->mail('dpr-prod@repl1.newport.net'); $mailer->to('root'); $mailer->data(); $mailer->datasend("Subject: DPR database"); $mailer->datasend("\n"); $mailer->datasend($errors); $mailer->dataend(); } sub check_oracle { my $username = '######_@@@@'; my $password = '@@@@'; my $tnsalias = …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for Fuhrer

I am new to perl .I don;t know much about it,Do I need to install a webserver on my computer,and do i need a editor for writting codes in perl or can it be done in command prompt.

Member Avatar for linux
Member Avatar for pkraop

hi i want to write all the elements of an array to a file to generate a report i tried the following code. foreach(@main_time) { system([EMAIL=""]"echo \"@{$_}\[/EMAIL]" 1>> $file_name 2>&1"); } But the its not writing into the file. please suggest me how to do this

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for padmaja_3

Hi all, I'm stuck with how to pass the return value to asterisk. That is, a value has to be passed from perl script to asterisk. The variable returned in Perl has to be passed to asterisk, where if the return value is 1 from perl , i have to …

Member Avatar for trudge
Member Avatar for eddy518

Hey Fam, I’m working on this ..so far this is what I have..(after almost 2 1/2 frustrated hours) As a newbie, I figure out somehow the remainder and the prime concepts. I’m finally happy that I have 0 error but the program doesn’t do what I expected! Eventhough I tested …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for padmaja_3

Hi all, I'm beginner in Perl. I need to concatenate three values in the date format like, [code] $fullDate = $ARGV[3] . "/" . $ARGV[4] . "/" . $ARGV[5];[/code] But while concatenating, it is performing division on values. I have tried '.',':','-'. But its not working. Pls suggest me how …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for peterv6

I'm having problems writing records to an output file. When I do it in Textpad running on Windows, the output file looks fine. When, however, I copy the script to a Linux machine and use the exact same code, it appends a ^M character on each line written to the …

Member Avatar for trudge
Member Avatar for stupidenator

Hello, I am working on a project and I need to go to multiple news web sites and get articles pertaining to stock numbers. My ideas so far have been to download an RSS file from somewhere like Google Finance, and then extract the links out of there, follow them, …

Member Avatar for trudge
Member Avatar for padmaja_3

Hi all, I have written a query like this. [code] $dbh= DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=$database;host=$hostname", "$username", "$password"); $statement = "SELECT patient_intime from $table_name where patient_intime=$ARGV[0])"; [/code] I want all the "patient_intime" values to be retreived, where there are other columns(fields) also. Pls suggest me how to proceed. Thanks in advance. Padmaja T N.

Member Avatar for Reno0513
Member Avatar for brendaky

Hi, could any one help to debug this code plz thanks in advance #!/usr/local/bin/perl # load_bulkups.pl - create bulkup orders from a csv file # the input file should be in the comma seperated, in the # following format: # site,vendor,sku(Stock Keeping Unit),forecast,qoh(Quantity on Hand),qoo(Quantiy on Order),buying_multiple,outl,demand,order # if an …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for sickly_man

whats up everybody? havent been on daniweb in a while. self-motivation like whut....until now. anyways ive got this script that makes an html form with 19 or so fields. its supposed to put the form info into a file (mediaRequest_log.txt). it gets this information by way of [code=perl] # get …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for eXceed69

Hi, I'm having trouble to get the value of a certain tag which seems have a complicated data structure. Object: To pull data from a data and print it out to a report file. Problem: Getting the data from array of hash and pass it to a hash of hash …

Member Avatar for eXceed69
Member Avatar for trudge

I'm hoping this is the appropriate forum for my situation. I'm trying to populate a form on a .NET server with data from a form on a different server. Using SOAP::Lite we've managed to get this code working: [code] use strict; use warnings; use SOAP::Lite +trace => 'debug'; my $name='Trudge'; …

Member Avatar for trudge
Member Avatar for toptier

I have an html form containing the usual text boxes and a checkbox. When submitted to the server the user receives both an email acknowledgement as well as an html "thank you" page, both delivered by a perl cgi script. Depending on whether the checkbox is checked or not on …

Member Avatar for toptier
Member Avatar for kahaj

I think I'm missing something really minor here, but after reading over both the html & the perl several times, I'm not catching anything wrong. Why isn't this page giving the proper output? [code] <html> <head><title>Jackson Elementary School</title><basefont size=5></head> <body> Click here.<br /> <a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/chap02/c02ex2.cgi" /><img src="jackson.gif"></a><br /><br /> <a …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for kahaj

I've just started working with Perl. When I try and run a check or anything on a script at the MSDOS prompt, it tells me " 'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. The CGI files show the right icon beside them, …

Member Avatar for kahaj
Member Avatar for cygnusX

I want to hide the caret in the RichTextBox control and do that with the win api function HideCaret(),but it doesn't work.The cursor is still visible and blinking.Where i should call the function.I tried in the Enter event of the control but doesn't work again.As far as i know i …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for prashant.jnu

Dear all , I am the beginer of the perl . I have a problem and I need the solution urgently . Actaully I have text file below. EMARK 3 PARAMETER FILE 1 : PROTEIN_REP.PARAM REMARK 3 PARAMETER FILE 2 : LIG.PARAM REMARK 3 PARAMETER FILE 3 : NULL REMARK …

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Member Avatar for DaveHammer

I keep getting the following errors everytime I call my `get_prevday` subroutine which is at the bottom. I have initialized all the variables in the program that I can think of. Please help!!: "Use of uninitialized value in array element at Thickness_vs5.cgi line 542. <FILE> line 71. " "Use of …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for DaveHammer

Hi all, I have been struggling with time/date in perl for several hours now and for some reason i get a quirky error. I have an array called "date" 44 elements in length and "time" 44 elements in length. I created this code to convert UTC to localtime (Alaska). But …

Member Avatar for KevinADC

The End.