2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for DaveHammer

Hi all, I am in a situation where I don't know much PERL/CGI, but am frantically reading through the learn Perl/learnCGI in 24 hour books. I just got done programing in dbase for some climatology work and now have to switch gears quickly. My mission: to read in a (comma-delimited)web …

Member Avatar for DaveHammer
Member Avatar for john030150

I am trying to activate a submit button.I have the submit button on the page with a hidden field but am told that I need to attach a pearl or cgi script.Can anyone help me out please. john

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for EnderX

I am trying to program a work-related report system. The reports are generated in php, and I have been requested to have the results sent via email to the individual who needs to review them. (That is, one person generates the reports to look at via an external program, but …

Member Avatar for trudge
Member Avatar for haiahil

Could you please explain how this works. [code=PERL] while (m`(?=.)((?:"((?:""|[^"]+)*)")?([^,]*))(,?)`sg) { print "1=$1 2=$2 3=$3 4=$4 \n"; } [/code] INPUT LINE APPLE,MANGO,"BANNA" OUTPUT 1=APPLE 2= 3=APPLE 4=, 1=MANGO 2= 3=MANGO 4=, 1="BANNA" 2=BANNA 3= 4= Logic is not catching to my little brain, pls help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for iaindb
Member Avatar for susuoi

I'm learning perl now. By using whereis command, I found out where perl command is. $whereis perl /usr/bin/perl I make a program and tried to execute it. But I got error message like this one. $perl yahoo_search.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -bash: !/usr/bin/perl: event not found Can somebody tell me what I should …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for osirus0830

Hi all, this forum seems to have sparse traffic, so if you stumble upon this thread I want to request that you please give your opinion on the following question. I am currently a rails developer and I was looking to add another language to my CV, I just wanted …

Member Avatar for osirus0830
Member Avatar for apontutul

I want to make: when i click a button after I've given some input it checks & if successful it opens a new window/page i.e I want to create a link....till now I've done [CODE] import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class inputwindow { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for cancer10

Hello, I want to learn perl and I have installed Apache 2.0.53, Perl 5.8.8 and MySql 4.1 I have configured apache for perl and successfully running the "Hello World" program. I want to know, how to configure perl for mysql. Your help is appreciated. Thanx

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for EnderX

Does anyone have a good method for formatting a numeric value as an American currency value in Perl? I'm not finding anything in my searches. Thank you for your consideration.

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for zswong

Hi, I am new in Perl and need abit of help on the usage of file handler. I was trying to write a line into a file with file handler ID "oFile2_$macro", but it does NOT work with the following Error : String found where operator expected at /home/wongz/bin/pt/grab_clock_group.new.pl line …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for damanjit

[code=perl] if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) { die "Usage: tdbFormatBulkassets.pl date file_to_be_parsed loan mloan"; } $input_file1 = "$ARGV[0]"; $input_file2 = "$ARGV[1]"; $input_file3 = "$ARGV[2]"; $input_file4 = "$ARGV[3]"; $output_file1 = "$ARGV[4]"; $output_file2 = "$ARGV[5]"; $output_file3 = "$ARGV[6]"; $output_file4 = "$ARGV[7]"; $output_file5 = "$ARGV[8]"; $count = 0; $hedge_entity = 70; $hedge_request_id …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for PCHelpGuy

I have formatted a PC today, Its a windows XP Pro PC with Zone Alarm Antivirus and Firewall installed, also iNorton Goback system restore installed. When i shutdown PC, it says.. Saving setttings.. Logging off... Shutting down... and atlast it just hangs in the Final Blue screen instead of shutdown... …

Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for Syakoban

Hi, Someone put together a small perl script for me that uses day and time to determine which of two images to display (open.gif or closed.gif). I need to modify the script to also include a hyperlink to open.html or closed.html so that if the open image is displayed it …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for akash_msrit

hi this is manjunath new to cgi, i have some cgi code, now i want to implement the same in javascript or jsp, please help me to do this. or please explain me what this code is doing. here is the code: $c = 1; while(Allbase::FetchRow(\@d)) { $d[2] = substr($d[2],0,10); …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for chandrag

Hi all, i want to access elements of a text file columnwise just like accessing elements in a matrix. ex: a text file contains a matrix with the below strings. a apple + b book + c cat _ d dog _ ...........and so on. Now i want to access …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for jvisprime

How to open HTML page in a browser with specific options selected in drop-down boxes? Hi Everybody, The task that I have is from Perl script to open HTML page in a browser with specific options selected in drop-down boxes and edit fields using POST method. The good example of …

Member Avatar for chandrag
Member Avatar for nmm32

I already configured the Tomcat to run CGI, following some steps from several tutorials, but I do not know what is happening that I cannot run any Perl CGI. [B]The browser just tries to download the code file, it is not showing the compiled output.[/B] I have this simple page …

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Member Avatar for Mikecool509

Hello, I am trying to integrate a link in a Visio diagram to a specific remote desktop session. Basically, I want to be able to click a server in my drawing, and have remote desktop come up with a connection to that server. I know that the syntax of the …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Dhananjay_mujum

I am automating web based application. Through my script i I have opened IE and the web based application i want to test. how can i click on the links of that web applcation?

Member Avatar for richip

Is there any way to set the perl library search path to the path that holds the perl script at compile-time? In other words, I'd like it so that I can keep my perl scripts and perl modules (.pm) in the same (arbitrary) subdirectory and have it work by just …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for b.bea

Hi everyone, I have been searching the Internet trying to fix several problems I am having, I think I have managed to fix one but I am hoping you can help with the others. The problem I "think" I fixed, I was receiving an error message - application failed to …

Member Avatar for kxh29

Hello All: I am attempting to do a loadtest on a process which is "suspect"... Does the following code generate multiple instances....???? [code] for ($i=0; $i <= $iteration; $i++) { printf(" Executing Iteration:==> %d\n", $iteration); system ("master_menu &"); } [/code] As you can see, I run the execution in background. …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for jammalg

Where I work, we have mutiple products which create installation packages that are kept in the same directory that I will call the mainBuildDir. An installation package is a directory whose name is the product name followed by the date. Ex: ProdA_2007-06-22 The contents are multiple files and folders, perhaps …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for belhifet

Hi i'm using the Net::POP3 module for reading my email, but it doesn't feature a method that lets you get the body of the email directly. So I have to construct a regex in order to get it. The problem is that I can't get it right. I want to …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for stymiee

I recently installed a new Double Layer Lightscribe DVD burner and am having issues with copies of DVDs I am making (let's assume they are legal DVDs). Whenever I burn a copy they never quite work right. At various points, it varies on each burn, they stop working. I did …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for EnderX

Recently, I have been requested to build a system to transfer some information to another system via ftp. I was recommended to use a specific, working file and modify it, as it already contained the transmission data. I was given a new target url and a new user id and …

Member Avatar for EnderX
Member Avatar for ithelp

How do I retrieve content of a website in perl? That is given an url say google.com, I want a function get so that $text = get($url); $text should contain the content of google.com/index.htm

Member Avatar for devesh9392
Member Avatar for devesh9392

hi this is devesh, i have a perl cgi script that downloads files from other site. but i got this weired problem that the script stops responding after downloading exactly 100 files (any browser IE or Firefox). i am running this script from windows 2003 server with IIS 6.0 any …

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Member Avatar for byomokesh

Hi All, I am doing convert xml files using perl(filehandle). i have one problem in Cross Linking (all figure, tables, footnotes). I cant understand which function it ll be do or not. Does anybody help me. Its possible or not to match appropriate match link. [B]My xml file[/B] ------------ <book> …

Member Avatar for byomokesh
Member Avatar for 123cc

Hi, I am using a PHP form and I would like to have the ability to convert any emails and URLs that are in the post to automatically have a hyperlink. I don't want to enable any other html tag other than the hyperlink in my posts and I am …

Member Avatar for Dani

The End.