39,388 Topics
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Morning people, I'm trying to embid php in javascript function and pass the information php read to a separate javascript page using js function [CODE]<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function alerting() { //var getinformation = new Array(40); var information += <?php $sql = $conn->query("select valgroup_id,valgroup_desc from validating_group LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0) … | |
Can some one help me to create a form & send the results to my e mail address?? and cc as well to another one ? Field Names : Name , Telephone No (should get validated to c the user enters more than 10 numbers) , E Mail address (should … | |
hi friends, my code is as follow, [ICODE] ------sql query here------------ $result = mysql_query($sql): while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $row[tableLegends]; $link[]=$row; } [/ICODE] when i use foreach loop in template, it give the inavlid argument "Invalid argument supplied for foreach() error" [ICODE] foreach($link AS %links){ --------code here------- } [/ICODE] i … | |
any body have binary Tree programming coding in PHP na send me give blow id., id : [email removed] or if u know the concepts na explain me | |
Hello, I've read on how to insert properly into two linked tables using mysql_insert_id() function from: [url]http://www.webproworld.com/web-programming-discussion-forum/87197-php-insert-different-records-into-multiple-mysql-tables-same-unique-id.html[/url] now how about if i want it to be from 4 linked tables? can I still use the function? and I want some to be a dropdown lists. My tables are: Client(clientID, Name, … | |
i have gone throught many crm package lik sugur,tiger ext. but still i dint get clear idea.what is CRM. in many job portal they expect us to know CRM knowledge.any body help how it helps thanks | |
Hello, I have a PHP RSS Reader that is supposed to read a XML file and show it on my website. In the XML file are Hebrew characters. They show up fine in the XML file but show up as random symbols in my document. For example when it has … | |
hi guys, this is danny and i need a little help frm u guys i have a piece of code which i need to explode [code] EXP=482900\_1SKILL=4294967295;4294967295;4294967295\_1PK=0\_1RTM=0\_1SINFO=655391\_1WEAR=17408;2145;4294967295;19666;3105;4294967295;19656;4129;4294967295;19661;5153;4294967295;19676;6177;4294967295;19671;7201;4294967295\_1INVEN=\_1 explode("\_1",$charstring); explode("SKILL=",$temp[0]); [/code] i just want to edit 4294967295;4294967295;4294967295 after skill can u guys pls guide me how do i implode after editing … | |
This has puzzled me for more than a week now. I have been trying to develop a web site for managing a sports league. On of the pages I have is used for changing things like scores and dates and times for games. It is very simple stuff. I have … | |
I am a PHP noob. I want a to create PHP pagination which will paginate a table. So every 3 rows would be a new page. I don't want to use MySWL (database) or JavaScript. But here is an example of what i want done in JavaScript: [url]http://it.newinstance.it/2006/09/27/client-side-html-table-pagination-with-javascript/[/url] Does anybody … | |
I am trying to use a Dojo (ajax) table on my page that has detail rows in which I want to draw detail tables. The tables have a format event which calls formatDetail. In this event I would like to build a simple table using JSON data. My problem is … | |
here's the code, this one goes well with localhost and it's functioning, however, when i tried it using a web server, it says error uploading file, what do you think is the problem? please help... [code] $phName = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; $tmpName = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $phSize = $_FILES['userfile']['size']; $uploadDir =""; $filePath = $uploadDir … | |
Hello I am new in php working on online exam type webapplication my client requirement is this durring the test the user cant move backward or cant press the back button of browser how can i control it there are few javascripts i try but they not working if user … | |
Hi, I have a calculating order form, which is at [url]http://www.bcdcoatings.com/orderform.htm[/url] which I partially inherited. The problem is that the second drop down "select item" was added, and is not part of the calculation, in order to get needed information to an html template for emailing the order information. Right … | |
Hello All, I really need help, I have no experience with Curl and I want to use it to perform simple actions on a "software as a service" application, the goal is to automate testing, using tools like "selenium" is much more easier but not enough powerful to develop in … | |
Yeah im not sure this is the right forum for this question but, I need to get the POST parameters of a request, like the FireFox tamper data add-on (which isn't working for me right now) so im looking for an alternative. Whats an alternative way i can view data … | |
Alright here is what we would like to accomplish, We have folders on our server, what we want to do is deny access to the contents of he folders from everyone except for authorized websites. So we want to allow authorized websites to use our scripts, images and other items … | |
![]() | I've been searching the net for a strait answer on how to do this. My website is based on an affiliate platform. PHP image upload. Examples: My site: [url]www.mysite.com[/url] There Site: [url]www.mysite.com/userId.php[/url] My members have the exact web page I have except, they have there own Unique URL. All I … |
hi, i am going to create a pagination in php in basis of retrieving the data from the database. i tried to combine two different query result in same pagination but i don't get the desired result. here is my code:- [CODE] <?php include 'mysql-connect.php'; $qs=$_REQUEST["qs"]; $d=$qs; $a=$d; if (isset($_GET['a'])) … | |
hi friends , i am trying to do registration form for my website . pls suggest some idea . how can i use php/mysql. | |
[QUOTE]Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine. Details: To enable the details of this … | |
Hi.. i have 4 combolist (combobox). for action i want just one submit button. how to make it on action | |
I am using oscommerce for a gift shop. But i am having a problem. When i add product attributes for a product, those attributes are shown on product info page to user, but when the user adds the product to shopping cart the attributes are not saved. Only the original … | |
Hi, JQuery Not working in Drupal, Please help me fixing it. The below is my JQuery code. [code] $(document).ready(function(){ $('#slides').cycle({ fx: 'fade', speed: '300', timeout: 6000, delay: -2000, next: '#next', prev: '#prev' }); function onBefore() {$('#title').html(this.title);} }); [/code] Regards | |
For implementing Spell check concept i applied WYSIWYG editor to textare.I got the output in Mozilla but not in InternetExplorer.Can you say where the problem might be. ![]() | |
can anyone help me how i can grab date today when then user submit their form? | |
i have this date format `04:00` and I want to echo it to two drop down boxes, `04` for the first box and `00` for the second box by clicking the Edit button. The value `04:00` had been already display in the form page and I want it to be … ![]() | |
When I do an attachment, I could see additionally “ATT00407.txt” is getting attached along with this email which is empty. Please look into this issue. This is reflected only in the outlook my code is : [code] $headers = "From: $from_name < $from_email >"; $email_txt =''; $semi_rand = md5(time()); $mime_boundary … | |
How to set up a textarea that accepts tags like " (IMG) , (QUOTE) , (CODE) " using php | |
hi to every one i want to built a programe in php in which when two string is provided by user then these strings are compared and it shows the similarity between them in % form as i result.is there some one to help me?:( |
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