39,388 Topics
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anyone help me to create client server chatting using php? | |
anyone help me to create client server chatting using php? | |
hi guys. i require some assistance of yours again. what i want is this: there is a form (say on page xyz.php) in which i have , say, 5 text-fields. but i also hav a button. upon clicking whihc, i want another text-field to appear. i do now want to … | |
hey guys. i hav this page (a.php), where i ask te user for his username and password. I match these with static values, and upon succesful matching, i redirect the user to b.php. my prob- what if somebody, instead of going thru the normal procedure (from a.php to b.php after … | |
Hello about 4 weeks ago i had to transfer my website to other hosting, i transfer my website and upload all the data base but when i click on the links 404 error show on the site any 1 can help me to fix this problem??????? i can pay for … | |
Wasnt sure where to post this but it uses php... help mods? i can get the number of messages and connect to a telnet server so i say top 1 and responds something along the lines of -ERR protocol error 16 or something... not sure if thats exactly what i … | |
Hello, All: I have a php enabled site, and as of late it's been doing the strangest thing, when I make any changes to any of the pages residing under the main html site folder, they seem to take forever to upload (be it pages or images); but if I … | |
Hi, I've designed a site in Dreamweaver (HTML). I have a form and included a submit button. It's very simple, but I need to get it to e-mail to an address and thank someone for submitting their information. Please can someone help me. So far my form looks like this. … | |
hi, i have store in db the below output.where the user has entered using editor. <p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using</p> i want the other users to view the output as we see in html pge i.e i want to strip the tags | |
hi everyone, iam working on project in which there are many features like forums,chat,image gallery etc i did'nt get idea on how to develop video gallery. is it the same way as image gallery or different? any help is greately appreciated thank u in advance | |
Hi there I just need some clarification on how time is seen in PHP 1000 would equal 1 sec ? and therefore 60 000 would equal 1 minute right ? and 1 hour would be 3 600 000 ? I somehow think I'm wrong. | |
can any one help me in getting the categories like this means i want the categories side by side like in this image [ATTACH]6677[/ATTACH] by providing the code, Rakesh Nagekar | |
hi all, iam trying to retrieve video file from database bit its nat working here is my code[CODE]<? include_once('functions.php'); include_once('conn.php'); if(!empty($_GET['pid'])) { $pqry="SELECT * FROM vdo_cat where c_id='".$_GET['pid']."'"; $pres=mysql_query($pqry) or die(mysql_error()); $prow=mysql_fetch_array($pres); $len=strrpos($prow['videos'],'.'); $vtype=substr($prow['videos'],$len+1,5); $vname=($prow['videos']); if(isset($vtype)) { ?> <link href="site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { margin-left: 0px; … | |
hi i have a application where the user will post article in textarea.....i want to include some editor instead of text area.plese do tell me how to do tat thnks | |
hi all I Have created an application in php. and in that i want to delete a particular row when the client checks the checkbox the same thing i done in asp but php its not working plz anybody can help me... | |
i write the code for register but its not working can u please check the code please [ATTACH]6674[/ATTACH] please tell the solution for this the data is not inserting in database(Mysql) Thank you Rakesh Nagekar | |
I have a file, which is not hosted on my site, which I need to stream through an FLV player which I made on flash. But the problem is that the file I need to stream is not named 'file.flv' it is named 'file.rar'. However it is an flv file … | |
Hi just go throgh this code.....here i have created an table.....which is displaying from ,subject,date.....and i have given an hyperlink to the subject, if i click on that.....i want to display the contents....in second part of the code i am displaying the contents. but here it will display....every subject content … | |
When I am trying to run a while loop to determine if one of the (many) email addresses inside my "table_1" match any of the email addresses inside my "table_2". But it did not work .Hersr is my code : [CODE]while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($get_names2_res)) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($get_names_res)) { $friend_email = … | |
Hi Can anyone tell me in php how to convert decimal to roman number.Can anyone provide some example for this. thanks punthapary | |
Hi, I am creating one website in that website i used one string. [B] for example [/B] [B]Webdeveloper [/B] in that example i want to display only developer in my webpage using string conceps how to do this .Please give some suggestions or example code for this. Thanks Punithapary | |
Hello Friends, Can any one please provide me "search" code or searching in a particular category. please provide the code and explain in detail please. Thank u Rakesh Nagekar | |
actually, i want to display back all checked value in checkbox..In my form, there is some checkbox element where the user should check necessary value b4 submit the form....My problem is, once the user has submit the from, i can't retrieved only checked value.....it display all value including unchecked value … | |
Hello, I have an interesting question. Is it possible to call a dll on the client machine from the server? I haven't found anything in my searches. I have been also wondering if I would have to write a custom extension for php to do this? My main goal is … | |
Hi, I am trying to replicate the ebay filtering system: antiques.shop.ebay.com/items/Antiques__W0QQ_sacatZ20081 as you can see the items on that page are being pulled in from the sub (sub/sub) categories of the main category (Antiques) how can i pull off the above so that a category can display items from its … | |
Hi, I need help I am developing a website where users can access their profiles from url with name of user example [url]http://www.example.com/john[/url] can any body help me? how to do this in php plz send email to <EMAIL SNIPPED> | |
Hi i have created an static table having from,subject,date etc and i am just able to display i have created inbox in the front end how to link.....these table to inbox...i have this code but what is this fuction getdata.....how to proceed just help me pls...... [code=php] <? function getdata($tble,$field,$whr) … | |
I am selling my game I created, with all Copyrights and everything. I have it up and running at e-mafia.uni.cc I currently have register down, because I am selling it. Login with details:Username: Xavier Password : deeman Then email me if you want them or not, I have been working … | |
I have a problem when linking with Apache i get this error how can i solve it "Parse error: parse error, unexpected $end in C:\Program Files\apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\web\contactus.php on line 217" How can overcome this problem? Thanks in advance | |
Hi, pls find the attachement and tell what should i do....i have got stuck up.......i am not able to proceed.........pls help.............if u have the code of how to create an inbox.....give me the entire code.......... |
The End.