39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for bala2111

hey all, Am trying to display the div tag and its content by clicking it. the code below displays the whole source code when cliked on the div with id = softros. I want to make this script to display the div in view source format of the browser when …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for adcgv

We are trying to build a simple basic search engine at [snipped] and we need help with page rank. Now the results are being shown in the order of relevance. Can someone plz help us with some algorithm, link or code snippet. Also is it possible to call a c++ …

Member Avatar for gerbz

how could i open a new window using javascript inside php that holds a value of a js variable? please help. thx

Member Avatar for gerbz
Member Avatar for tsp003

Hi, I think I need a fresh pair of eyes on one of my scripts. I've adapted the following code for my own purposes and it almost works perfectly. When it gets to the last table (line 168: add record to jobs table) it adds the record twice and I …

Member Avatar for tsp003
Member Avatar for siina

Function, which picks up from specified page all images that are larger than 50kt. The function returns arrayn, which contains the image URL and the image size in kilobytes. How do i start to do this? Do i use wget and exec? Is there easier way to do it. So …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for musicmancanora4

[code] Hey guys im not sure how this isset code is working and what each if statement is testing. a clear explanation would help. cheers ****ViewProductDetails.php**** Code: <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <body> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if($_SESSION['item']==$_POST['h1']) { $_SESSION['qty'] = $_SESSION['qty'] + 1; } else { $_SESSION['item'] = $_POST['h1']; $_SESSION['price']= …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for IWDesigns

hi everyone, i have some code that resises an image if its bigger than a certain size... the problem is that although the image is resised, its still pushing the div to the images full size? heres the code [CODE] .dt2 img { max-width: 300px; width: expression(document.body.clientWidth > 300? "300px": …

Member Avatar for IWDesigns
Member Avatar for rakwel10

this is a noob question. I'm quite confused sometimes when to use 'return' everytime Im doing my php and javascript codes. Maybe a plain english answer can help me : ) thanks!

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for musicmancanora4

Hey guys i have the following code below for a shopping cart just wondering what this hidden input text would be used for and the echo at the end of it. I know it reads from a text file with : as delimeters and it as an ID for each …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for coolest_987

Hi All I am building a website for online recharge of mobile but please let me know how to get the tariff plans of Airtel for example if user select Maharashtra Circle how we can show the tariff list of Maharashtra Airtel Circle. Any help will be appreciated Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Buppy

Hi, A quick question - i have a string containing text like this: [CODE] \\u003cspan class=\\\"someClass\\\">Some text\\u003c\\\/span> [/CODE] How do i get that "Some text" value into an array? I tried [CODE] preg_match_all("/\\\\u003cspan class=\\\\\\\"someClass\\\\\\\">(.*?)\\\\u003c\\\\\\/span>/",$str,$res); [/CODE] Returns nothing. I think there's something wrong with the regex pattern. Maybe anyone can correct …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for edn_781

I am very new to PHP.. Please let me know which part will be saved in Client PC and Which part will be saved in Server? [CODE=PHP]$_SESSION['name'] = 'John';[/CODE]

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for ChaseTonyReid

I'm looking to create a battles, Explanation: I want to create a place on my website where users can vote on two users on a certain category, such as (example: best eyes, smartest person, etc) then other users have the option to vote, but only once, and who ever has …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for khushhappy

Problem:- I want to show only those Documents which are before the deadline of the page. when deadline equals or less than the currentdate then show else move to archive or send to archive file. How to write a code for this or a query ? as for understanding , …

Member Avatar for khushhappy
Member Avatar for akshayphp

I am building an email service like gmail. I want to know that" how to offer users an email account under my domain?" For example- my domain is "abcmail.com", how to allow users to create an email like [email]akshay@abcmail.com[/email] I mean how to offer this service?

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for ankit.pandey3

Hi friends... I have a variable $datetime= 140811 060632. Here 140811 represents date in ddmmyy format and 060632 represents time 06:06:32 and both are in string type. I have a column name "DtTime" in MSSQL of type "Datetime" stamp. Now when i try to insert my variable $datetime in above …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for nats01282

Hello, i have managed to get hold of social engine and trying to edit the profile script to create a friends list like facebook instead of it saying i have so many friends, This is my first time using smarty so im still learning this is my profile.php [CODE] $page_id …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for narekm

Hello there . Please could you tell me what IDEs are considered to be top IDEs for web development mainly for PHP ? Thanks in advance!!!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for azegurb

Hi all i am newbie in PHP I would like to learn how to create simple admin panel via PHP if possible pls help me i am very in need of this script with explanation Thans beforehands

Member Avatar for akshayphp
Member Avatar for gr8pathik

Dear can any body tell me how to configure cakephp with wamp?? i m new in cakePHP. I have already copied cakephp folders/files in wamp's www folder and DocumetRoot "C:\wamp\www\cakephp\app\webroot" Tell me what else have to do.? I am getting a page when clicking on localhost from Wamp but it …

Member Avatar for Krishna_Php

I want to be a web developer .how can i learn perfect jquery? Is here any way to learn complete jquery Online?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for violaceous

Hi everyone, I'm trying to tweak some PHP code on my own without the programmer's help... actually it's just an addition that I want. Basically, I'm trying to enter object_id... into a classes_entered table which has class_id & object_id. There is also a classes table with class_id and show_id. I'm …

Member Avatar for violaceous
Member Avatar for yaseer zeni

Dear Members, I have three drop downs 1. Expense Type (Maintenance & Running) 2. Maintenance Expense 3. Running Expense All are populated through there data bases. I want, if i select maintenance from first only maintenance will be available and if running expense only running expense values are available. your …

Member Avatar for sem123

How to convert excel file to pdf and upload in php I need a project to convert file in pdf file as excel and upload to webserver and see in pdf format how can i use linux server for pdf converter in linux and upload file

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for davy_yg

category_manager.php [CODE] <?php //LOAD USER $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM kategori_berita"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $data['kategori'];?></td> <td> <a href="./category_manager.php?id=<?php echo $data['id']; ?>&mode=delete">Hapus</a> | <a href="./category_manager.php?id=<?php echo $data['id']; ?>&mode=edit">Edit</a> </td> </tr> <?php [/CODE] Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\php_template2\category_manager.php on line …

Member Avatar for Matthew N.
Member Avatar for davy_yg

I have the following codes: [CODE] <?php class LongName { var $firstname = " "; var $middlename = " "; var $lastname = " "; function firstname() { echo "First Name : ". $this -> firstname; } function middlename() { if (middlename){ echo "Middle Name : ". $this -> middlename; …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for stupidfly

I want to display the URL of a page using PHP. Basically do this: <script language="javascript"> document.writeln(document.location); </script> with PHP

Member Avatar for ragstergurr2122
Member Avatar for atalkingfish

Hello, I have been learning php stuff for the last few days. Recently, I have learned how to allow user registration, and I have made this simple voting code that allows people to "like" or "upvote" something on my site. The way the site is set up is there is …

Member Avatar for atalkingfish
Member Avatar for atalkingfish

I have a page on my testing site where users can post news. The posting page has a title, link, and body. The link can be left optional. I wanted the page to turn out that if a link was provided, it would make an <a> tag around the title, …

Member Avatar for atalkingfish
Member Avatar for amear

i have a smile function i want a simple add on it i want to set the limit for replace codes with smiles function smiles($shout){ //This function searches the shout for the smilies and replaces it with the image code. $FileName="lists/smiles.php"; $list = file ($FileName); foreach ($list as $value) { …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.